Kizzuwatna. History of Cilicia in the Middle and Late Bronze Age (ca. 2000-1200 BC) (original) (raw)

Index of the volume. Abstract: In Kizzuwatna, Andrea Trameri presents a history of the kingdom of Kizzuwatna, located in Cilicia (southern Anatolia), from its origins to the fall of the Hittite Empire. Encompassing both philological and archaeological evidence in the discussion, this book is the first comprehensive historical study of interdisciplinary scope dedicated to Kizzuwatna and the region of Cilicia in the second millennium BC. The book presents and re-analyses a diverse array of sources and data, providing an updated overview of various topics of interest beyond political history – including historical geography, culture and religion, population and language. Some new findings and proposals further contribute to an improved understanding of the history of the Hittite kingdom and other neighboring regions in the Middle and Late Bronze Age (ca. 2000-1200 BC).

97. 3000-2000, Anatolia, Kubaba, and the Hittites.pdf

Joan, Eahr Amelia. Re-Genesis Encyclopedia: Synthesis of the Spiritual Dark– Motherline, Integral Research, Labyrinth Learning, and Eco–Thealogy. Part I. Revised Edition II, 2018. CIIS Library Database. (RGS.)

Leading cities and sites during the 3000-2000 BCE Hattian/Hittite period were Pessinus, Priene, Alaca Hüyük, Yazilikaya, and Bogazkoy plus Karatepe, also known as Cilicia (Kilikia), ancient trade city second only to Bogazkoy. This was Anatolia’s zenith period known for well – traveled trade routes – and – significant artistic use of gold, copper, and bronze. An excellent metalwork example is the Hittite solar disk with a bird goddess at center top. Additional finds from Bogazkoy and Alaca Hüyük include stamps, seals, and thousands of cuneiform writing tablets. These cuneiform writing tablets contain extensive documentation regarding the Hattian/Hittite religious rituals of significant polytheistic practices and deities such as Kultepe’s sun goddess * Arinna and her regal polos. * Further sun goddesses research includes: Anahita (WM: 49); Kultepe (Arinitti); Hittite Wurusemu; Egyptian Sekhmet; Germanic Sunna (Sunnu); Brythonic Aquae Sol (Sulis); Roman Sul–Minerva; Celtic Bridget; Baltic Saule; Finnish Paivatar; Siberian Kajae; Arabian Al–Ilat; and Shinto Amaterasu Omikami.


Karma §ik tarihi olaylarm yeniden kurulmasinda önyargili ve bazi tarafli tutumlar, beige yetersizligi yaninda gerfek tarih yazicihginm önündeki en ciddi engeller arasinda sayihr. ifimizden her biri kendi ugra §i sahasindan sayisiz ömekler verebilir, dolayisiyla ben de a^agida bazi umumi yorumlar sunmak ve konuya kendi dar ara^tirma saham Eski Anadolu Tarihi agisindan yakla^mak ve kendi algilama §eklimi sunmak istiyorum. Eski Anadolu tarihinde bazi hassas konulara degindikten sonra, bu fah^mamn asil konusu Kilikya-Kizzuwatna ile ilgili özel duruma gelecegim. Onun tarihine olumsuz etki yapan Ü9 temel yanli §lik vardir, birisi Adaniya'nm sorgusuz sualsiz Adana kenti veya Kizzuwatna ülkesi ile e §itlenmesi, digeri de Hiyawa'nm Ahhiyawa, Miken ve Aka ile e §itlenmesi suretiyle burada en eski Hitit hakimiyetiyle ilgili anahtar bir sözciigün kasitli olarak yanli § tercüme edilmesinin dogurdugu sonuflardir. Hakikaten Telepinu Fermanmda ge9en Hititge kururiya-fiilinin semantik agidan kesin temellere oturan "sava §mak, sava.$ durumunda, dü$manca tavir ifinde olmak" esas anlami yerine, göz göre göre ve kasitli olarak "isyan etmek" olarak algilanmasi, görünü §e göre Kilikya'da 90k daha erken bir Hitit hakimiyeti (MÖ 1600) telkin etmek amaciyla yapilmi § olup, ara §tirmacilan bölgenin tarihiyle ilgili a §inya ka9an temelsiz tahminlere ve görü §lere sürüklemi § ve orada Hitit Imparatorluk Qagi, yani MÖ 1380'ler yerine, daha Eski Hitit Dönemi'nde sanal bir Hitit üstünliigü aramaya itmi §tir.


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