Students’ problems in developing speaking skill at the eleventh grade SMA Darul Hijrah Putra Martapura (original) (raw)

An Analysis of Teachers’ Perspective on Students’ Speaking Skill Problems at Tenth Grade Students of SMK Dwijendra Denpasar in the Academic Year 2019/2020

Widya Accarya

This research aimed to know the students' problems in speaking skills at the tenth-grade students of SMK Dwijendra Denpasar Based on Teachers’ perspective, this research was a qualitative case study. The subjects of this research were two English Language teachers of SMK Dwijendra Denpasar. They were data collected through some instrument namely observation, an interview guide, recording, analysis documents, and interviewing. The findings showed that they were three difficulties faced by students when learning English was the level of mastery of vocabulary students have very less and Grammatical Errors in speaking, students experience difficulties and errors, especially in arranging sentences correctly. The strategies used by teachers to overcome students' problems in their ability to speak English were through strategies 1) small group discussions 2) Reading, 3) Practicing Dialogue and Retelling, 4) Translation According to the subject, 5) staring at the dictionary, 6) taki...

An Analysis of Students’ Speaking Problems at Senior High School 15 Pekanbaru


The purpose of this research is to find out the problems of students’ in speaking. There was one variable used in this research (students’ speaking problems). The subject of this research was the tenth grade students of Senior High School 15 Pekanbaru, while the objective of this research was to find out what are the students’ speaking problems at the tenth grade students of Senior High School 15 Pekanbaru. This research was a descriptive quantitative study. There were 41 students as samples chosen by using purposive sampling technique. In collecting the data, the researcher distributed the questionnaire which consisted of 20 item statements that was constructed based on the indicators. The researcher used descriptive statistics to analyze the data. The result of this research showed that 16,71% students were inhibition, 33,04% students were nothing to say, 23,93% students were lack of participation, and 26,30% students were frequently used first language. In conclusion the students...


Research Proposal, 2022

The problem in this research is what are the students’ problems in speaking English in the Speaking for beginner class by the second semester ? This research aims to to find out the students’ problems in speaking English in the Speaking for beginner class by the second semester.. This research will be used a qualitative method in the type of descriptive. The subject in this research is the second semester students of English Education Department. The total subject is 10 students which have low score in speaking subject. The purposive sampling technique will be applied in this research. In collecting data will be used interview and field notes. Keywords: Speaking, Speaking problems.

Study on Difficulties in Learning Speaking Faced by Eleven Gradestudents of Sman 1 Kedungwaru Tulungagung


One of the important skill in learning English that should be mastered by students is speaking. However, learning English speaking in Indonesia has many difficulties. Students worried of making mistake because their vocabulary mastery, they feel shy because of their mother tounge used, their clasroom situation also contributing learning speaking difficuties. In other hand, many teachers in Indonesia still implemented the conventional techniques in teaching learning process. The objectives of this study is to define the difficulties in learning faced by eleven grade of SMAN 1 Kedungwaru Tulungagung. This research design belongs to qualitative research design, which taken from existing class. There were 36 students participated in this study. They were divided in 4 groups which consists of 9 students in each group. The separation of the students were based their students number in their attendence list. Each group were asked about their difficulties in learning speaking. In this research, the researcher involves some instruments in order to gain in depth data related to the statement of problem exist. The finding of this research reveal that there were a lot of difficulties in learning speaking that faced by eleven grade of SMAN 1 Kedungwaru Tulungagung. They were came from both of teacher and students. The difficulties faced by student were lack of vocabulary, lack of motivation in learning English especially in speaking, fear of making mistake in learning process and etc. Meanwhile, the difficulties that faced by the teacher were lack of knowledge in developing technique, so that the teacher implements the improper technique in teaching learning process.

High School Students' Problems in Speaking

ICONSS Proceeding Series, 2019

The aims of this research were to describing the students' problem in speaking and finding out the factors that influence students' eleventh grade in speaking. This researcher used qualitative method. The population of this research was the eleventh grade of SMAN 1 Palopo in academic year 2018/2019.The sample of this research consist of students MIA 1, MIA 2, MIA 3. The researcher took five samples from each class. The researcher used the students score from spoken test to categorize as samples of this research. The instruments of this research were questionnaire, oral speaking test and interview. The results showed that the students problem in speaking such as accuracy, pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, and fluency. Meanwhile from the result of interview there were several factors that influenced students' speaking performance namely performance condition, affective factors, listening ability and topical knowledge.

The Analysis of Students’ Difficulties in Speaking English of Eight Grade Studentsat SMPN 1 Majasari

PROCEEDING AISELT (Annual International Seminar on English Language Teaching), 2021

This research aims to describe and analyse the factors of students' difficulties in speaking English language faced by eighth grade students of SMPN 1 Majasari. This research uses a qualitative approach and descriptive analysis technique. The population in this study were 82 students in the eighth grade; which were divided into three classes (VIII A consisted of 29 students, VIII B consisted of 30 students, and VIII C consisted of 23 students). Therefore, the sample of the population in this research were taken by a simple random sampling technique; six students (two students each class) to answer the interviews, and 33 students (11 students each class) to answer the questionnaires. In collecting data, the instruments used in this study were tests in the form of multiple choice questions and recorded interviews. While to analyze the data, qualitative data analysis procedures were administered through data display, data reduction, and conclusion drawing. The results showed that the factors of students' difficulty to speak English in class VIII SMPN 1 Majasari were; affective factors (low motivation & anxiety), listening ability, inhibition, focus on grammar, social environment and mother-tongue use. It is recommended for the English teachers to use some strategies to help the students overcome their difficulties in speaking.

Investigating Problems and Difficulties of Speaking That Encounter English Language Speaking Students of Junior High School


This study is aimed at investigating the students’ ability, the problems of why they faced problems on English speaking. The triangulation of mixed methods was used in this study to show and measure the speaking difficulties encountered by students of 7 th grade Junior High School at MTS N 2 Kudus. The quantitative data gathered from the speaking test result in by involving 31 students of MTSN 2 Kudus and the qualitative data gathered from the questionnaire and interview results from the selected students who meet criteria. The findings showed that the students’ ability was categorized difficulties in speaking English (26.009); the students have problems on vocabulary (100%), pronunciation (100%), grammar (83.9%), and fluency (96.7%). The causes of problems faced by students on English speaking that English were not only having limited knowledge on the components of speaking skills including vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar, and fluency but also they have their own personal reaso...

Learning Strategies in Speaking Skill Applied by A Student in Second Grade of SMK Pelita Nusantara Kediri

English Education Journal, 2016

Most of the students get difficulties when they want to communicate to others. It is caused many factors including the limited students’ vocabularies, pronunciation, the idea that they are delivered, and knowledge of grammar. To increase the students’ speaking ability, they usually apply certain strategies in learning. This research aims to investigate what strategies and how they are applied to solve the difficulties in speaking and increasing the ability of speaking. The subject of research is a student in second grade of SMK Pelita Nusantara Kediri. She is the best student of second grade and she always gets the best ranking. The writer did some observations and interview to get the data. There are two kinds of learning strategies that applied; they are direct strategies and indirect strategies. Direct strategies are language learning strategies that directly involve the target language, and indirect strategies are language learning strategies that support and manage language lea...

The Problems in Speaking for English Department Student in STKIP BUDIDAYA – BINJAI

Jurnal Serunai Bahasa Inggris

This paper is purposed to find out the problems in speaking skills for English department student in STKIP Budidaya – Binjai. The speaking skill is the last position to cover up the four skills in English because speaking is the improving your ability to use four skills in English. Speaking needs some stimulation to attract the students speaks their ideas, opinion, or comments about something. The sample of the study is the third students in English department student, it is around 28 students. The data are collected through document by sound recording. The data analyzed by using the technique of analyze data. The result of the study is that it concludes that first question “What is the problem of speaking?” 10 students (35,71%) respond less of confident and 10 students (35,71%) respond less of vocabulary. The second question “How the ways do you practice your speaking skill?” 10 students (35,71%) respond watching movie. The third question “Do you agree that speaking is the most dif...

The Teacher’s Strategies in Overcoming Students’ Speaking Problems at SMAN 1 Selayar


The aim of this study was to find out the teacher’s strategy and students’ speaking problems at SMAN 1 Selayar. This study used mix method namely quantitative and qualitative. There were 215 students in the population. Then, there were 20 students and 1 teacher of of SMAN 1 Selayar as sample of study. Taking of sample was carried out by cluster random sampling. The instruments used observation, questionnaires and interview quides. The results of this study showed that some strategies used by teacher in overcoming students’ speaking problems at SMA Negeri 1 Selayar namely Role Play, Number Head Together, Discussion and Grouping. While, there were 13 (65%) students who said nothing in English as one of students’ speaking problem. Then, students thought to speak English as 9 (45%) students. The worry statement in making mistake to speak English was 8 (40%) students. Students felt nervous in speaking English as 11(55%) students. Students who were not confident were 7 (35%) students. It...