Entrepreneurship Education in a School (original) (raw)
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Cholichul Hadia, Ismail Suardi Wekkeb*, Andi Cahayac aUniversity of Airlangga, Jl. Darmawangsa Dalam Selatan, Surabaya 60286, Indonesia bIslamic College (STAIN) of Sorong, Jl. Klamono-Sorong, KM. 17 Klablim, Sorong 98417, Indonesia cCollege of Adminsitration Studies (STIA) of Puangrimaggalatung, Jl. Jend. Urip Sumoharjo, KM. 1,5, Watampone 92713, Indonesia Abstract For long time in educational system of Indonesia, it tends to create education is only to transfer of knowledge. Students only have dynamics in teaching and learning. In addition, they didn’t take any opportunity to construct business orientation. Therefore, this paper will explore activities were created to raise students’ awareness in business. The research was conducted in Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia. There are 9 chapters as a handbook for students that discussed on the training. Those papers stimulate discussion and understanding in high school to accelerate their potentials in commerce behaviour. This study was implemented during 2011 to 2013 academic year. In depth interview and participant observation were employed in collecting data. Grounded theory method was applied during investigation. Moreover, qualitative approach was carried in completing this study. This research findings show that programs elaborate students’ need in participating in business and commerce. It can create opportunities to enhance students’ interest. During the program, students tried to collect data and read information as much as possible in extending the conversation. They have chance to perform their abilities and show it on the course after completing assignment. After series meetings students show their attention in entrepreneurship not only in the classroom but also in internship actions. Finally, students need educational program include syllabus and curriculum that integrate entrepreneurships on those classes. © 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Peer-review under responsibility of the Scientific Committee of GLOBE-EDU 2014. Keywords: Entrepreneurship, high school, education, business awareness.
For long time in educational system of Indonesia, it tends to create education is only to transfer of knowledge. Students only have dynamics in teaching and learning. In addition, they didn’t take any opportunity to construct business orientation. Therefore, this paper will explore activities were created to raise students’ awareness in business. The research was conducted in Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia. There are 9 chapters as a handbook for students that discussed on the training. Those papers stimulate discussion and understanding in high school to accelerate their potentials in commerce behaviour. This study was implemented during 2011 to 2013 academic year. In depth interview and participant observation were employed in collecting data. Grounded theory method was applied during investigation. Moreover, qualitative approach was carried in completing this study. This research findings show that programs elaborate students’ need in participating in business and commerce. It can create opportunities to enhance students’ interest. During the program, students tried to collect data and read information as much as possible in extending the conversation. They have chance to perform their abilities and show it on the course after completing assignment. After series meetings students show their attention in entrepreneurship not only in the classroom but also in internship actions. Finally, students need educational program include syllabus and curriculum that integrate entrepreneurship on those classes.
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Evaluating Entrepreneurship Education Model in
To boost the entrepreneurial culture in Indonesia, higher education institutions are encouraged to facilitate entrepreneurship in the curricula. In the last two decades, more and more universities in Indonesia adopt entrepreneurship education in their curriculum. The problem now is whether the entrepreneurship subjects at each university have been able to equip students with the ability to build and manage their own business, as well as to trigger students to create a business and not looking for a job after graduation. This study elaborates and evaluates entrepreneurial learning models that are applied at the University in Indonesia (case: Universitas Ma Chung). The evaluation result reveals that the entrepreneurship learning model which consist of six modules (1)"Developing Entrepreneurship Mindset", (2)"Idea Generation", (3)"Business Function", (4)"Legal Plan", (5)"Business Plan Preparation", and (6)"Business Growth" is deemed to be effective in inspiring and preparing students at Universitas Ma Chung to be entrepreneurs.
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„Tomorrow's illiterate will not be the one who can not read, but will be the one who has learned how to learn."( Alvin Toffler) Entrepreneurship is a key determinant of development, research and innovation that can be stimulated by specific teaching methods. When students are engaged in solving problems and experiences, they understand concepts more easily and are able to explain what they have learnet and apply this outside the classroom. Students must be actively engaged in learning. By solving problems, they are able to retain concepts a lot better. Teacher’s role is to continuously adapt teaching methods to environmental changes, direct consumer needs, ie students’ and community needs. Therefore, we have analyzed the means and teaching methods used by teachers that keep account of learning the preferences and students’ proposals. The analysis of means and methods of teaching and learning entrepreneurship, from the analysis of questionnaires used on students and teachers incolved in entrepreneurship education at higt school education, are the pillars of entrepreneurship development. This was started as an approach to propose new methods and tools to cover the gaps identified.
Leading Entrepreneurship Education-Based Primary Schools
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Journal of Innovation and Community Engagement
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Evaluating Entrepreneurship Education Model in Indonesian University
To boost the entrepreneurial culture in Indonesia, higher education institutions are encouraged to facilitate entrepreneurship in the curricula. In the last two decades, more and more universities in Indonesia adopt entrepreneurship education in their curriculum. The problem now is whether the entrepreneurship subjects at each university have been able to equip students with the ability to build and manage their own business, as well as to trigger students to create a business and not looking for a job after graduation. This study elaborates and evaluates entrepreneurial learning models that are applied at the University in Indonesia (case: Universitas Ma Chung). The evaluation result reveals that the entrepreneurship learning model which consist of six modules (1)"Developing Entrepreneurship Mindset", (2)"Idea Generation", (3)"Business Function", (4)"Legal Plan", (5)"Business Plan Preparation", and (6)"Business Growth" is ...
What is Missing in Entrepreneurship Education: A Case Study
International Journal of Management, Entrepreneurship, Social Science and Humanities (IJMESH), 2022
Entrepreneurship education is designed to create entrepreneurs. However, the percentage of selfemployed Master of Business and Administration of Entrepreneurship (MBAE) graduates at a toptier business school in Jakarta (TBS) is below ten percent. In the current curriculum, TBS requires their MBAE students to start and develop their own business under Business Initiation and Business Growth subjects. Nevertheless, that project-based learning program seems not effective to shape their students to be entrepreneurs. What is missing in entrepreneurship education? The low percentage of MBAE graduates to be entrepreneurs indicates a gap in entrepreneurship education between what is really needed by students as future entrepreneurs and what business school offers as an education provider. This study aims to: (1) investigate the factors that discourage MBAE students not to be self-employed after graduation, (2) have a holistic understanding of ideal entrepreneurship education from MBAE students' point of view, (3) identify the gap between MBAE students' and educator's perspectives about entrepreneurship programs. This study uses qualitative methods, conducting In-Depth Interviews (IDI) and Focus Group Discussions (FGD) among the current MBAE students, graduates, and educators. This study found that economic factors, financial risk, and personal development deter students from choosing entrepreneurship as a career. MBAE students expect an entrepreneurship education should accommodate a high intensity of knowledge relevance and application, real business experience, practitioner involvement, individual-level coaching, and business development support. This study also found that the business school failed to equip the students with relevant knowledge and its application to their own businesses. In order to fill the missing part in entrepreneurship education provided, TBS is suggested to implement (1) an entrepreneurship-focus internship program that concentrates on gaining firsthand experiences and knowledge acquired from entrepreneurs in a complex business environment and (2) a formal entrepreneurship training for facilitators to adapt with entrepreneurship dynamism.