Implementation on financial assistance policy of political parties in 2015-2018 (original) (raw)

Reformulation of the Monitoring on Political Party Fund System; A Case of Indonesian Political Party System


Political party is an entry point to affirm the Democratical State. In order to realize the function, political party needs operational fund so that the state issued Government Regulation Number 1 of 2018 concerning Financial Aid to Political Party which raised financial assistance to political party from 108 rupiahs per valid vote to 1,000 rupiahs per valid vote. However, it became polemic because of increasing political party aid fund without supervision of the management and reporting of aid fund. As a result of the absence of supervision, there is corruption in political party because the supervision of management, reporting of political party fund and sanction have not been done optimally so that political party is not able to accommodate and realize the principles of Good and Clean Governance as mentioned in Law Number 2 Year 2011 concerning Political Party. The purpose of this research is to answer the polemic of increasing political party budget related to the system of moni...

Analisis Atas Temuan Berulang Bantuan Keuangan Partai Politik DI Kabupaten Temanggung

Kajian Bisnis Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Widya Wiwaha, 2021

This research aims to provide an overview of the accountability process for thefinancial assistance from political party (banparpol) in Temanggung, analyzing thecause of repeated findings in the report of Banparpol in the respective district,also identifying the efforts made by the recipients in respond to the repeated findings.This research employs qualitative approach and case study as the research design,with two political parties, A and B, as the object of the research. The data wascollected by documentation and interview. It involved the chairperson of the party,the treasurer, and parts of the party’s organization as participants.The result shows that the reporting process of financial assistance in both parties,A and B, was conducted by forming a committee for every activity related to thefunding of Banparpol. Each committee reported all of the activities fromimplementation of the event, collecting evidence and documentation of the event,and made event summary. After this repo...

Recruitment, Certification And Financial Management Of Political Party In The Province Of North Sumatera, Indonesia

Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Social and Political Development (ICOSOP 2017), 2018

The management of political parties in relatively new countries implement procedural democracy is done transactionally. Not following documented recruitment and regeneration models and weak transparency of financial management of political parties. As a result government management becomes inefficient, tend to corrupt, and poor public services. The purpose of this study is to explain the relation between the management of undemocratic political parties and good governance. Taking the case in North Sumatra, one of the provinces in Indonesia, which has a high level of corruption.The research method chosen is qualitative through FocusGroupDiscussion (FGD) and indepth interview with political party elite, academic, government element and representative of observer society of political party in North Sumatera. The results showed that recruitment by political parties to become political officials was done transactionally. The majority of political parties do not have structured and systematic regulatory documents, as well as financial management that are largely not from party contributions, but non-binding contributions from cadres who have become political officials. Funding for the activities of political parties is highly dependent on political party contributions derived from government budgets outside the rules. This has resulted in weak governance in North Sumatra, as evidenced by high levels of corruption and relatively slow pace of development.

Consistency between Political Party’s Program and Policy Product in Bandung Regency

MIMBAR, Jurnal Sosial dan Pembangunan, 2017

After political parties win election, several political issues will be formulated into a series of alternative policy. Based on this system, political parties have a role to collect the will of society and then use it as consideration to make various public policies. Vision and mission of Golkar as the winner of 2010 elections, has become vision and mission of all SKPD even the village chief. The realization of the programs when Golkar's candidate used rural development policy product as source of campaign in 2010-2015 local elections for Bandung Regent, have been consistent. In the other side, the obstacles are human resources in rural areas which frequently changed when trained by BPMPD, late disbursement in rural development and grants for Uninhabitable Houses (Rumah Tidak Layak Huni) are insufficient and not equally distributed. Moreover, the policy has been already consistent between Golkar's programs with the product of public policy, particularly in the field of rural development. If the government is able to cover up weaknesses in the implementation of rural development programs, it should fulfill the needs of rural communities for employments on dry season as priority program for the followings years. Based on this research,it can be concluded that, in the micro policy level, the policies face a distortion because of the mismatch between the tasks and functions BPMPD in reality.

Political Money in the Implementation of Election in Indonesia

NOMOI Law Review, 2021

Political money are a forms of abuse, p olitik money can be done by granting the form of money or goods such as food to the people in order for them to vote for the party concerned a tau may also mean vote-buying in the political process and power and the act of handing out money either privately or by a party to influence the voter's vote. The method used in this paper is normative juridical legal research. In Law No. 7 of 2017 concerning Elections Article 1 point 1 that Elections are a means of people's sovereignty to elect members of the DPR, DPD members, the President and vicepresident and to elect members of the DPRD which are carried out directly, publicly, freely, confidentially, honestly and fairly. in the unitary state of the Republic of Indonesia based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution. Thus, elections are an important means for the people in the life of the state, namely by electing their representatives who in turn will control the wheels of government. However, in reality, few people are aware of the importance of the community's role in elections. As a result, it is difficult to prove the practice of money politics , thus making the candidates who will be elected freely practice money politics with the aim of getting the most votes in the implementation of the election .

Conceptualizing Party Financing Legislation in Malaysia: Between Normative and Reality

The Asia-Pacific Journal of Elections and Democracy, 2021

How political parties finance their operations is not well regulated in Malaysia. There is no specific law that oversees the myriad ways political parties raise funds and to what purpose they are used. This stands in contrast to neighboring Indonesia and the Philippines, where there are laws that regulate party financing. As a result, corruption in the name of political donations is rampant in Malaysia, the infamous one being the 1MDB scandal that presently ensnares the former Prime Minister, Najib Razak. However, absence of a law that regulates party financing and the inability of the current government to enact one does not mean that Malaysia should sideline the importance of keeping political parties in line with democratic norms. In this article we argue for a normative party financing model based on five criteria if Malaysia is to promulgate a legislation to regulate political parties’ finances. We suggest the proposed legislation should incorporate reporting mechanism that enforces transparency and accountability; level playing field that allows common people and smaller parties to have a stronger voice in politics; reducing patronage politics; easing ethnoreligious tensions; and establishing clear separation between business and politics. We interviewed numerous party representatives, academics, and Election Commission official to solicit their inputs on the substance and viability of this proposed party funding legislation based on the abovementioned five criteria. The article ends with a set of recommendations on the ways to move forward with this proposed legislation or its iterations, both at the federal and state levels.

Development of Political Parties and Party Funding: Models and Characteristics

The first modern political parties were formed at the end of the 18 th century and have, from those times up to now, undergone 4 developing phases; each of the phases is bound to ideal-type political party model: cadre parties, mass parties, catch-all parties and cartel parties. Each of these party models differentiates in various characteristics: party foundation, number of members, and way of leading the election campaigns, but also in ways of financing. This paper describes the above mentioned 4 phases of political parties' development and 4 phases of parties' finances development; it will be analysed in detail positive and negative sides of each of the models of party financing.

The Future of Indonesian Patronage Democracy: Political Campaign Financing Reform


This study aims to see the relationship between patterns of patronage, clientelism, money politics, and campaign financing within the framework of patronage democracy that occurs in Indonesia. This paper uses the literature review method, the use of this method is related to the practice of patronage democracy and campaign financing which limits researchers in data collection. Data collection is done by collecting various books, scientific articles or journals related to the problem and research objectives. The results of this paper describe the pattern of patronage causing the large campaign costs incurred by each party and the candidate it nominates. The amount of money spent on campaigns can lead to acts of corruption. The solution offered in this paper has two points. First, campaign funding is financed 100% by the state, meaning that no other source of funds is allowed to enter the party. Thus, parties and candidates do not need to look for other sources of funds, so as to avoi...