AQUILUÉ, Xavier; ROJAS RABANEDA, Antonio. (2024). Àmfores gregues al territori de les comarques de Girona: Rode i els assentaments indigets de l’entorn d’Emporion, 119-139 (original) (raw)

Àmfores gregues als assentaments ibèrics de les comarques de Lleida

Les àmfores gregues a Ibèria. Novetats arqueològiques i estat actual de la recerca, 2024

Western Greek amphorae produced in colonial western Sicily: overview of an interdisciplinary research on the series of Himera, Selinunte, and Agrigento (mid 6th-early 4th centuries BCE) Estudis i anàlisis territorials

GARCÍA HUERTA, Mª del R., MORALES HERVÁS, F. J., RODRÍGUEZ GONZÁLEZ, D. y MIGUEL -NARANJO, P. (2021): "La huella helena en el Alto Guadiana a través de la presencia de cerámicas griegas". ABANTOS. Homenaje a Paloma Cabrera Bonet. Madrid: 133-142. NIPO: 822-21-092-6.

ABANTOS. homenaje a Paloma Cabrera Bonet, 2021

El objetivo de este trabajo es actualizar los datos de los últimos años sobre la presencia de cerámica griega en el Alto Guadiana y presentar, en un análisis de conjunto, las más de setecientas cerámicas halladas en la provincia de Ciudad Real. Estos registros proceden, en gran parte, de los oppida excavados en la citada provincia como son Alarcos (Ciudad Real), el Cerro de las Cabezas (Valdepeñas), La Bienvenida (Almodóvar del Campo) y Calatrava la Vieja (Carrión de Calatrava), enclaves que reúnen el 95 % de la muestra analizada. El trabajo se completa con las piezas encontradas en otros yacimientos, aunque numéricamente aporten una cantidad menor de evidencias. Se estudian dichas cerámicas desde el punto de vista formal y tipológico y se hace un análisis iconográfico para determinar si estas comunidades tenían un gusto particular por una serie de motivos, representaciones o temas clásicos del discurso y la narrativa iconográfica helena. The aim of this work is to update the gathered data during the recent years related to the presence of Greek ceramics in Upper Guadiana river, as well as to present in an overall analysis the more than seven hundred ceramics found in the province of Ciudad Real. These records come, to a large extent, from the oppida excavated in the aforementioned province, such as Alarcos (Ciudad Real), Cerro de las Cabezas (Valdepeñas), La Bienvenida (Almodóvar del Campo) and Calatrava la Vieja (Carrión de Calatrava), sites that gather 95 % of the analyzed sample. The work is completed with the pieces found in other sites, although numerically they provide a smaller amount of evidence, sometimes almost anecdotal. These ceramics are studied from the formal and typological point of view and an iconographic analysis is made to determine if these communities had a particular taste for a series of motifs, representations or classical themes of the Hellenic iconographic discourse and narrative.

Delgado, A., González Vázquez, M., Rivera-Hernández, A., Marín Muñoz, L., Ferrer Martín, M. y Calvo Cortés, J. 2023. Paisajes rurales y comunidades locales en el entorno de Emporion: dinámicas de ocupación, uso y gestión del territorio (ss. X-II a.C.)

SPAL, 2023

The human populations that lived in the area around the Emporitan palaeoestuary during the Iron Age have his- torically been marginalized and reduced to supporting roles in history. Archaeological studies have placed too much atten- tion on their crops and methods of food surplus storage as a result of the emphasis placed on their function as providers. A number of archaeological interventions made in large areas of Muntanya Rodona, Vilanera, and Les Corts have produced new evidence that has allowed us to construct a richer and more complex picture of the dynamics that the rural landscapes in the Emporion area experienced during the first millennium BC. The data acquired indicate some first ideas that, while tentative, allow us to move beyond the too simple approach focused on the concepts of chora and territorial hierarchy that have his- torically dominated the perception of the research of these contexts. The long-term transformation processes in this region are also examined in this paper, along with the changes and continuities that impacted the occupation and exploitation tactics used by diverse human groups established in the area.

"Fams endèmiques, fams episòdiques. Crisis i conjuntures frumentàries als comtats de Barcelona, Osona, Manresa i Girona (990-1090)", "Recerques: història, economia, cultura", 81 (2022), p. 5-36.


The reconstruction of the chronology of the dearths that affected the counties of Bar-celona, Osona, Manresa and Girona, between 990 and 1090, shows two grain conjunctures: a period of endemic famines between the Cordoba campaign (1010) and 1062 and a second period of grain market distension be-tween 1062 and the battle of Tévar (1090). While the frequent food crises of the first pe-riod can be explained, mainly, by the frequent military campaigns that the Catalan counts leaded against the taifa kingdoms of the up-per and eastern frontier of al-Andalus during and after the fitna, from 1060 onwards famine and food suply problems moved away thanks to the restoration of the authority of Ramon Berenguer I over the aristocracy and the regu-lar entry of the gold of the parias.