Features of newborns adaptation born from mothers living in the oil and gas region (original) (raw)
The study of the features of newborns adaptation born from mothers living in the region of gas and oil refining complex "Zhanazhol" was conducted. Hydrocarbons, hydrogen sulfide and mercaptans leaving the well during its testing and operation are burned on a special torch, which is placed no closer than 100 m from the well. When hydrogen sulfide is burned, sulfur oxides accumulate in the surface layer of the atmosphere, as well as many other products polluting the environment. Purpose: to study the features of adaptation in the early neonatal period of newborns born from mothers living in the oil and gas region. Methods. The paper presents the results of a study of 100 newborns born in time from mothers living in the village of Kenkiyak, located near the Zhanazhol oil refining complex. The comparison group included 50 newborns born from mothers living in Kobda village, where there is no oil and gas production. Results. Newborns born in this region have a number of features in the indicators of adaptation to extra uterine life, such as more frequent detection of signs of asphyxia on the Apgar Scale, which is 1.7 times (p<0.05) more than the main group, the number of congenital hypotrophy. Determination the weight-growth index (ketle index-1) in children of the main group there was a congenital hypotrophy. Whereas in the newborn children of Kobda, this figure was 12%. Jaundice staining of the skin in the first day was detected in 6 children (6%) at birth, while in children of the comparison group such children were not detected. In 10 children (18.2%), the concentration of bilirubin in umbilical cord blood averaged 100 mmol / l, while in children born to mothers living in Kobda, the concentration of bilirubin didn't exceed 50 mmol/l.a violation the formation of immunocompetent structures was Revealed, which was accompanied by activation of the fetal immune system and early synthesis antibodies, and this can be regarded as a complex of protective reactions or premature overstrain. Conclusions. Newborn infants born to mothers living in the oil and gas region have a number of characteristics in terms of adaptation to extrauterine life, such as more frequent detection of signs of asphyxia on the Apgar Scale, congenital hypotrophy, duration of physiological weight loss and higher serum bilirubin levels. For the first time, we have shown that the presence of environmental pollution products of the oil and gas region increases the likelihood of birth of children with congenital hypotrophy and children with higher levels of serum bilirubin and newborns have inhibition of cellular and humoral immunity.