Review of the book “Causal Inference for Statistics, Social, and Biomedical Sciences” by G.W. Imbens and D.B. Rubin (original) (raw)
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ArXiv, 2020
Statisticians have warned us since the early days of their discipline that experimental correlation between two observations by no means implies the existence of a causal relation. The question about what clues exist in observational data that could informs us about the existence of such causal relations is nevertheless more that legitimate. It lies actually at the root of any scientific endeavor. For decades however the only accepted method among statisticians to elucidate causal relationships was the so called Randomized Controlled Trial. Besides this notorious exception causality questions remained largely taboo for many. One reason for this state of affairs was the lack of an appropriate mathematical framework to formulate such questions in an unambiguous way. Fortunately thinks have changed these last years with the advent of the so called Causality Revolution initiated by Judea Pearl and coworkers. The aim of this pedagogical paper is to present their ideas and methods in a co...
International Journal of Epidemiology, 2002
Although one goal of aetiologic epidemiology is to estimate 'the true effect' of an exposure on disease occurrence, epidemiologists usually do not precisely specify what 'true effect' they want to estimate. We describe how the counterfactual theory of causation, originally developed in philosophy and statistics, can be adapted to epidemiological studies to provide precise answers to the questions 'What is a cause?', 'How should we measure effects?' and 'What effect measure should epidemiologists estimate in aetiologic studies?' We also show that the theory of counterfactuals (1) provides a general framework for designing and analysing aetiologic studies; (2) shows that we must always depend on a substitution step when estimating effects, and therefore the validity of our estimate will always depend on the validity of the substitution; (3) leads to precise definitions of effect measure, confounding, confounder, and effect-measure modification; and (4) shows why effect measures should be expected to vary across populations whenever the distribution of causal factors varies across the populations.
Causal modelling, mechanism, and probability in epidemiology
This chapter looks at interrelated issues concerning causality, mechanisms, and probability with a focus on epidemiology. I argue there is a tendency in epidemiology, one found in other observational sciences I believe, to try to make formal, abstract inference rules do more work than they can. The demand for mechanisms reflects this tendency, because in the abstract it is ambiguous in multiple ways. Using the Pearl directed acyclic framework (DAG), I show how mechanisms in epidemiology can be unnecessary and how they can be either helpful or essential, depending on whether causal relations or causal effect sizes are being examined. Recent work in epidemiology is finding that traditional stratification analysis can be improved by providing explicit DAGs. However, they are not helpful for dealing with moderating variables and other types of complex causality which can be important epidemiology. 978-0-19-957413-1 04-Mckay-Illari-c04-drv Mckay (Typeset by SPi, Chennai) 71 of 928 November 6, 2010 21:9 OUP UNCORRECTED PROOF -FIRST PROOF, 6/11/2010, SPi