Meteorological characteristics of the Mekong Delta in the period of 2014–2020 (original) (raw)

Environmental/hydrological problems of the Mekong River Delta

Water sector of Russia: problems, technologies, management, 2019

The article shows how anthropogenic impacts on the hydrological regime in the upper part of the river basin together with climatic changes lead to an ecological catastrophe in the delta of the river. We have considered the Mekong River basin, which is located on the territory of six countries, where more than 30 hydroelectric power stations are already operating in the upper part of the basin, and another 10 are under construction. The number of hydroelectric power stations in the basin is planned to be increased to 170. The Mekong River Delta, completely located on the territory of Vietnam, is experiencing huge multifaceted problems. The delta has been growing towards the sea for many centuries, but in recent decades it has been receding, primarily due to a sharp decrease in the inflow of sediment in the delta, which is detained by numerous dams upstream. Uncontrolled until recently the extraction of sand and gravel mixtures from the riverbed also has an impact. On the other hand, ...

Hydroclimatic variability across Mongolia's breadbasket and implications for water resource management

Провели розрахунок індексу коригування, який саме й буде збільшувати фактичний обсяг легалізації кримінальних доходів виходячи з потенційно незафіксованих державними органами регулювання, нагляду та контролю обсягів неблагальних кримінальних доходів. В якості складових цього індексу запропоновано обрати сім наступних показників. Рівень тіньової економіки; Індекс контролю корупції; Індекс ефективності уряду; Індекс якості регулювання; Індекс політичної стабільності та відсутності насильства/тероризму; Індекс верховенства права; Індекс гласності й підзвітності, Таким чином, справедливо зазначити, що індекс контролю корупції, індекс ефективності уряду, індекс якості регулювання, індекс політичної стабільності та відсутності насильства/тероризму, індекс верховенства права та індекс гласності й підзвітності це-показники, які в більшій, чи менший мірі описують певні сторони прояву корупції. Для України, саме корупція та тіньова економіки є основними джерелами, які стимулюють процес легалізації кримінальних доходів. Саме корупція дозволяє злочинцям уникнути покарання та безперешкодно реалізовувати всі схеми легалізації кримінальних доходів.

Features of dynamics of the Ingul river aquatic environment parameters during the summer low-water period

Balanced Nature Using, 2020

Global climate change causes changes in the humidification regime and, as a result, makes adjustments to economic activities and features of water use. In the context of Ukraine, against the background of climate change, the runoff of most ukrainian rivers is declining, which especially in the low-water period exacerbates the issue of balanced use of ecosystem services of aquatic ecosystems and prioritization of needs during resource allocation, control of rivers and establishment of their functioning. Therefore, recognizing the strategic importance of freshwater ecosystems in ensuring sustainable regional and national development, the Ingul River study focused on assessing its ecological status in order to identify sources of negative anthropogenic impacts and general ecosystem distortions that may affect the functional integrity of the aquatic ecosystem. Thus, on the basis of field research, the assessment of the ecological condition of the Ingul River in the lower course was carr...

Особливості динаміки параметрів водного середовища річки Інгул у період літньої межені


Global climate change causes changes in the humidification regime and, as a result, makes adjustments to economic activities and features of water use. In the context of Ukraine, against the background of climate change, the runoff of most ukrainian rivers is declining, which especially in the low-water period exacerbates the issue of balanced use of ecosystem services of aquatic ecosystems and prioritization of needs during resource allocation, control of rivers and establishment of their functioning. Therefore, recognizing the strategic importance of freshwater ecosystems in ensuring sustainable regional and national development, the Ingul River study focused on assessing its ecological status in order to identify sources of negative anthropogenic impacts and general ecosystem distortions that may affect the functional integrity of the aquatic ecosystem. Thus, on the basis of field research, the assessment of the ecological condition of the Ingul River in the lower course was carr...

International Conference of Historical Geography of Central Asia, 3-4 June, 2024, Alamaty


The medieval Muslim geographers from the 9th-10th centuries such as Ibn Khordadbeh, Ibn al-Faqih, al-Istakhri, al-Muqaddasī, Ibn Ḥawqal and others present comprehensive geographical accounts of Central Asia. While these Muslim geographies are of great value and esteemed by modern scholars such as Guy de Strange and Vasily Bartold, they present inherent problems, when we are dealing with Central Asian history in previous centuries. Firstly, they predominantly reflect the 10th century and may not accurately depict earlier eras. Secondly, as works of Muslim scholars, they are Islamic centered. In contrast, contemporaneous geographies from the 6-8th centuries, though less detailed, offer valuable insights into Central Asian history during the specified period. This study contends that these earlier geographies hold preference for two primary reasons. Firstly, they offer contemporaneous political, social and geographical insights. Secondly, being multilingual, comprising Chinese, Middle Persian, Tibetan, Sogdian, and other perspectives, they provide a diverse array of viewpoints – from Chinese, Persian, Turk, Sogdian and other standpoints. This study focuses on the case of Ṭukhāristān. By scrutinizing these multilingual geographical treatises, it reveals that Ṭukhāristān, a region extending beyond the Muslim geographers’ delineations, severed as a strategically pivotal area. The Turkic polity that the Western Turks established in the 620s became an ally of the Tang Empire instead of a mere vassal, owing to its strategic position along the conduit connecting the Indian world in the south, the Persian world in the west, China in the east and Sogdiana in the north.

Comparison of Long-Term Meteorological Characteristics Based on Reanalysis and Ground Observations Data in Moscow Region

Land Reclamation and Hydraulic Engineering

Purpose: to carry out a comparative analysis of meteorological characteristics (average monthly precipitation and average monthly air temperature) on Moscow region territory based on the ERA5-Land Copernicus (C3S) reanalysis data and stationary weather stations. Materials and methods. Data obtained from 11 weather stations located in different districts of Moscow region from April to September 2000–2020, as well as data from climate archives based on regular meteorological observations, aerologic and satellite information was used. A comparison of the average monthly air temperature and precipitation for the growing season of main agricultural crops was carried out, the data deviation based on the reanalysis results from the actual data was presented, the correlation coefficients were calculated, the result of calculating the Pearson correlation coefficient was presented, and the advantage of the reanalysis data was shown. Results: the calculations obtained showed that the distribut...