Gridhrasi (Sciatica) – Ayurveda Management

International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine

Gridhrasi has become a common disease in today’s times. It is one amongst the “eighty diseases of Vata”. ‘Gridhra’ refers to “Vulture” where the patient acquires the gait of vulture and hence the disease is termed as Gridhrasi. In this case, classical gait refers to ‘slight lean’ towards the affected part of body. The clinical feature of Gridhrasi is, low back pain which radiates from the hip, to the posterior aspect of thigh, and down to leg. It can be correlated to “Sciatica” in modern medicine. Sciatica, is a painful condition, in which, pain starts in the lumbar area, and radiates along the course of the sciatic nerve. This article highlights a case study of Gridhrasi, treated with Ayurvedic principles in particular Shodhana Chikitsa; the therapy which expels out the morbid Doshas from the body. Shodhan chikitsa helps in eradicating the disease from its root level, that avoids its recurrence in future. Here, is a case study of 72 years old, male patient having signs and symptoms...

Management of Gridhrasi (Sciatica) using Panchakarma Therapies -A Review\_Vol.11\_Issue.1\_Jan2021/IJHSR\_Abstract.037.html, 2021

Severe low back pain radiating to the toes of one or both of the lower limbs is one of the commonest problems in society today. It is an epidemic in most industrialized countries and it is estimated that most of the population will have some type of back related pain in their lifetime. Radiating back pain is the single commonest cause of time lost from work in many countries worldwide. Ayurveda acknowledges the gravity of the problem since ancient times and has mentioned it as Gridhrasi Roga which can be correlated on the basis of symptoms experienced, as sciatica. It is described as one among the Vataja Nanatmaja Vyadhi (diseases caused by vitiation of Vata Dosha only) where the vitiated Vata Dosha manifests as low back pain which radiates to the lower limbs, accompanied by stiffness and a pricking type of pain. In this article an attempt has been made to review the Ayurvedic classical texts and present the various treatment modalities available.

Effect of Vatari Guggulu in the management of Gridhrasi (sciatica)


Low back pain is one of the common conditions of loco motor system disorder, affects people during their productive life. About 40% cases of low back pain are of radicular in origin and considered under the umbrella of sciatic syndrome. It is a pain dominant disease and reduces human activity considerably in terms of personal as well as social and professional life. The condition resembles disease Gridhrasi mentioned in Ayurveda under the umbrella of Vatavyadhi, and here piercing type of pain which restricts the movement of the affected leg, make his walking pattern-like bird vulture and put him in disgraceful condition. To assess the effect of Vatari Guggulu on the management of Gridhrasi. A total of 40 patients of Gridhrasi were registered and Vatari Guggulu 3 tablet (500 mg each) twice a day was administered before meal with lukewarm water for 30 days. About 32.35% of the patient improved moderately while mild improvement was observed in 47.09% of the patients. The drug has shown...

Agnikarma with Tamra Shalaka in the Management of Gridhrasi W.S.R to Sciatica - a Case Study

International Ayurvedic medical journal, 2021

Gridhrasi indicates a typical gait that resembles Gridhra/vulture. When vitiated Vata affects the Kandara (ligaments) of Parshni (heel) and Padanguli (toes), it restricts the movement of the lower limb i.e., Sakthi kshepa Nigraha. This condition is called Gridhrasi. Gridhrasi can be correlated to sciatica in modern parlance as there is radiating leg pain along with sciatic nerve distribution in sciatica. The condition has the potential to become chronic and intractable, with major socioeconomic implications making the sufferer miser and crippled. As far as modern science is concerned, no promising management is available so far. Many treatment protocols for Gridhrasi have been advised by our Acharyas like Aausadh Chikitsaa, Snehan, Svedan, Sodhan, Agnikarma, Siravyadha which is simple and cost-effective. In this case study, a patient suffering from Gridhrasi was treated with Agnikarma by Tamra Shalaka given three sittings once a week for three weeks. The patient got relief after treatment. From this case study, it can be concluded that Gridhrasi can be treated effectively by Agnikarma and is highly encouraging.

Role of Anuvasana Basti and Kati Basti in the Management of Gridhrasi (Sciatica)

International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy, 2020

Gridhrasi comes under 80 types of Nanatmaja Vatavyadhi, due to its extreme painful condition physician is often called to treat in clinical practice. Symptoms of Gridhrasi resemble with sciatica. The present Clinical study was carried out to assess the effect of Kati Basti and Matra basti in Gridhrasi. In Ayurveda Basti karma is considered as half of the treatment and in Panchakarma Basti is important amongst all the therapy for the management of Vatavyadhi. In this clinical study 20 patients were registered equally divided in to two groups and 10 patients of 1st group under Kati basti with Dashmoola taila for 14 days and another group of 10 patients received one sitting of Matra basti for two weeks with Sahasradi taila. In this present study of Kati basti group 20% were cured, 40% marked improvement, 30% moderate improvement and 10% mild improvement and in Matra basti group 40% patient were cured 30% got marked improvement and 30% moderate improvement. None of the patient remained unchanged moreover highly significant result was obtained statistically.

A clinical study on management of Gridhrasi

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences (JAIMS), 2017

Gridhrasi is a painful condition in which the person can’t sit and walk properly that hampers his normal activity. Almost all signs and symptoms of Gridhrasi resemble with the condition of sciatica described by the modern texts. Its detail symptomatology has been described in Ayurvedic classics since 5000 years, while this condition was known to modern medical science just two centuries ago. According to Ayurveda principles treatment for Vatavyadhi should be Shodhana followed by Shamana therapy. According to present era it should be less time consuming and more effective. Keeping this in mind, A clinical study in the management of Gridhrasi with Shodhana and Shamana therapy was undertaken in VYDSAMC and Hospital, Khurja,Bulandshahr, with the aim to give promising results to the patient of Gridhrasi. Shodhana therapy as Mridu Virechana followed by Shamana with Yograja Guggulu and Maharasnadi Kwatha was given to 29 patients with classical symptoms of Gridhrasi, it showed significant r...

A Comparative Clinical Study to Evaluate the Effect of Arohana Krama and Sadharana Krama Matra Basti with Vajigandhadi Taila in the Management of Gridhrasi


Gridhrasi is a Rujapradhana Nanatmaja Vata Vyadhi, intervening with the functional ability of low back & lower limbs. Low back pain is the major cause of morbidity throughout the world affecting mainly the young adults. Life time incidence of low back pain is said to be 50-70% with the incidence of Sciatica more than 40%. Among various Ayurvedic treatments of Gridhrasi; Basti is a unique procedure which eliminates the aggravated Doshas from the body as such it was described Ardhachikitsa of all treatment. In present study effort is made to compare the effect of Arohana Krama and Sadharana Krama Matra Basti with Vajigandhadi Taila in the management of Gridhrasi. Minimum 40 patients who fulfilled the inclusion criteria, randomly distributed into 2 groups of 20 patients each. When both the groups were compared clinically for Ruk, Toda, Stamba, Spandana & SLR test, Both the groups show statistically significant effect with p <0.001 as Gridhrasi Chikitsa but Group A proved to be bette...

Effect of Tila taila Agnikarma in Gridhrasi with special reference to Sciatica -A Review Article

IRJPMS, 2024

Gridhrasi is one among the 80 types of vataja nanatmaja vyadhis 1. According to Charaka, the condition is of 2 types-Vataja 2 and Vata Kaphaja. Sthamba, ruk, toda and spandana of sphik, prishta, kati, prushta, uru, janu and jangha are lakshnas due to vata dosha and tandra, gourava and arochaka are lakshanas of vata kaphaja type. Acharya Vagbhata explained gridhrasi resulting in sakthi utkshepana nigraha 3 , causing difficulty in walking resembling walk similar to that of gridhra. This can be clinically correlated with a neuromuscular disorder called Sciatica. The symptoms include pain, tingling sensation and parasthesia of one or both legs, which originate from low back region and then radiating downwards till toe. Acharya Susruta, enumerated agnikarma in snayugata 4 disorders and this treatment modality has been adopted here.

A Comparative Clinical Evaluation of Agnikarma and Raktamokshana in Management of Gridhrasi (Sciatica)”

The Healer, 2021

Background: Gridhrasi can be correlated with sciatica which is a severe painful condition where back pain and radiating pain of the legs are found together on the basis of symptoms. In the treatment of sciatica only symptomatic management and a very few surgical procedures are available in conventional medical science with their own limits. Various methods used for Gridhrasi treatment in Ayurveda but para-surgical methods i.e. Agnikarma & Raktamokshana are more beneficial. Aim & objective: To compare the efficacy of Agnikarma and Raktamokshana (Cupping) in the management of Gridhrasi (Sciatica). Materials & Methods: Total 32 diagnosed cases of sciatica were registered, from which 29 patients completed the study. In group A, 4 sittings of Agnikarma were done in 16 patients with Panchadhatu Shalaka at lumbosacral region and achilles tendon region. In group B, 2 sittings of Raktamokshana was performed in 16 patients by using modified Shringa Yantra at lumbo-sacral region and four angul...