G. Fazecaș, Fl. Gogâltan, Katócz Z., Cercetările arheologice din tell-ul epocii bronzului de la Sântion – Movila Mănăstirii (2014-2022), in G. Moisa, S. Șipoș (eds), Interferențe. Trecut, prezent, viitor. Lucrările Sesiunii Internaționale de Comunicări Științifice a MȚC-CM, Oradea, 2024, 11-18 (original) (raw)

2023, Crisia Vol. LIII, Supliment nr. 1

The site has been known since 1871 from an archaeological perspective, thanks to the information provided by F. Rómer, the father of Hungarian archaeology. The first excavations, made by A.D. Alexandrescu and M. Rusu in 1954, established the significance of this settlement for reconstructing the realities of the Bronze Age in the Crișurilor Basin. The language used is clear, concise, and objective, with a formal register and precise word choice. The text adheres to conventional structure and formatting features, including consistent citation and footnote style. The grammar, spelling, and punctuation are correct, and the text is free from bias and subjective evaluations. No changes in content have been made. In a scientific research project conducted between 2014 and 2016, this multilayered dwelling was investigated using both classical and non-invasive methods. The aim of the research was to establish the chronological position of this site in relation to the nearest Bronze Age tell, located approximately 7 km away in a straight line, at Toboliu. Archaeological research resumed in 2022 as part of a systematic investigation into the dwelling from the middle period of the Bronze Age and the medieval monastery that overlaps it.