‘Group Investigation’: A Cooperative Learning Method for the 10th Grade Students in Speaking English Classroom (original) (raw)

The Implementation of Group Investigation to Improve the Students' Speaking Skill

This research aimed to find out how group investigation improves the student's speaking skill of the second grade students of SMA 2 Samarinda, how group investigation improves the student's participation in speaking of second grade students of SMA 2 Samarinda, and what the obstacles are in the implementation of Group Investigation. The classroom action research was employed in this study and was done in two cycles. Each cycle consisted of four stages: (1) planning, (2) action, (3) observation, and (4) reflection. Each cycle took three meetings. The instruments used to collect the data were observation, checklist, field-note, and speaking test. After the implementation of Group Investigation through two cycles, the researcher concluded: First, Group Investigation improves the students' speaking ability by (a) increasing the students' pronunciation, grammatical, vocabulary, and fluency, (b) by reducing the students' reluctance to speak, worry of making mistakes, and afraid of being laughed at by other students. Second, Group Investigation improves the students' participation in speaking (a) the students learnt how to investigate a certain problem and to solve the problem using English, (b) how to share, (c) how to discuss, (d) how to give their ideas, (e) how to accept other opinions, and (f) how to present their ideas. Third, the obstacles in the implementation of Group Investigation are: (a) The students were noisy, (b) Some students spent too short in the presentation, (c) Some students had difficulties in expressing their arguments and suggestion related to the topics, and (d) Few students dominated the group investigation.

Teaching and Learning Speaking by Usinggroup Investigation (Gi) Method at the First Semester Ofthe Twelfth Grade Students Ofsmk Taruna Bandar Lampung in the Academic Year OF2017/2018


Speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning that can involve producing and receiving and processing information. The research was about teaching and learning speaking using group investigation (GI) method at the first semester of the twelfth grade students of SMK TARUNA Bandar Lampung in the academic year of 2017/2018. The objectives of the research were to describe the process of teaching and learning speaking using group investigation (GI) method, to know the students’ problems in learning speaking using group investigation (GI) method and to know the teacher’s problems in teaching speaking using group investigation (GI) method. This research used qualitative research method. The researcher used purposive sampling technique to determine the sample. The researcher chose XII Akuntansi class as sample which consisted of 20 students. In collecting the data, she used observation, interview, and questionnaire. The researcher used three major phases of data analysis, they ...

Journal of English Language Teaching Teaching Speaking News Item Through Group Investigation Technique in Senior High School


Speaking competence is one of the basic competences for senior high scool students. However, there are some problems that mostly emerge in the teaching of speaking competence, specifically in reading news item text. The problems are the lack of students English vocabularies, their lack of comprehension in using grammatically correct sentence and the discomfort they feel caused by the lack of creativity of teachers in managing the learning process in classroom. In order that students could comprehend news item text, the writer selects group investigation as a technique used in teaching this topic. This technique is applied in whilst-teaching phase by giving students half of the news text as their task to investigate the text given. By using group investigation, it is expected that teachers could maximalize their roles in increasing students' speaking competence. The writer also hopes that the technique used could give positive contibutions in teaching speaking competences in orde...

The Use of Group Investigation Technique in Improving Students’ Speaking Skill at Tridinanti University of Palembang

Edukasi Lingua Sastra

Tujuan penelitian ini, yaitu untuk mengetahui pengaruh signifikan penggunaan Teknik Investigasi Kelompok terhadap kemampuan berbicara pada mahasiswa semester tiga di Universitas Tridinanti Palembang pada tahun akademik 2017/2018. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan metode eksperimen. Perlakuan dilakukan dalam tiga pertemuan, yaitu 2x50 menit untuk setiap kelas. Sampel diambil dari dua kelas. Satu kelas sebagai kelas eksperimen dan kelas lain sebagai kelas kontrol yang terdiri dari 10 mahasiswa. Di kelas eksperimen digunakan Teknik Investigasi Kelompok dan di kelas kontrol digunakan Teknik Menghafal Dialog. Sampel penelitian ini, yaitu mahasiswa semester tiga Program Studi Manajemen di Universitas Tridinanti Palembang. Dalam pegumpulan data digunakan instrumen tes lisan. Instrumen digunakan sebagai pretest dan posttest. Dalam analisis data digunakan SPSS untuk menghitung t-test sampel independen. Setelah dilakukan uji hipotesis, diperoleh bahwa sig. adalah 0,000. dan α = 0,05. Itu berar...

Teaching Speaking Throuh Small Group Discussion Method at the Ten Grade Students of SMKN 2 Karawang


The objective of the research entitled “Teaching Speaking Throuh Group Discussion” at ten Grade student of SMKN 2 KARAWANG was to find out whether or not teaching speaking using small group discussion technique was effective to increase the student speaking ability. The research used was used quantitative method one group pretest – postest design. The population of this research was 30 of the ten Grade student of SMKN 2 KARAWANG in academic year 2017 – 2018 and the sample was entire population. The instruments of this research was speaking test. The data of this research was collected by giving pretest and post test of speaking to the students sample. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS 23 version. The study found that the test of normality consist the data of pretest is (0,116) and the data of postest is (0,076). In addition the value of sig (2-tailed) 0,000 because of the sig value (2-tailed) <0,005 it can be conclude that using small group discussion can improve stude...

Small Group Discussion Method’s Effectivity for Improving the Students of Tenth-Grade Vocational High School 7 Semarang’s Speaking Ability


Many Indonesian students find it difficult to master English as a second language. One of the essential skills that must be mastered is speaking skill. People who like English must concerted effort to improve their English language skills. In teaching and learning, the teacher has a big responsibility. Teachers must master learning strategies to solve problems faced by the students and help them comprehend their speaking skills to achieve the goal of learning. This research uses experimental methodology to examine the effect of the small-group discussion method on students' ability to communicate verbally. The researchers applied a pre-experimental strategy, which included a pre-test before providing the chosen treatment. A post-test was given to complete the data collection after the treatments. The researchers used thirty-six students from SMK N 7 Semarang as a sample in this research. The research's findings indicates that the post-test score outperformed the pre-test sco...

The Implementation of Group Investigation Technique in Teaching Reading of Descriptive Text to the Seventh Graders of SMPN 2 Sidoarjo

Retain, 2015

The students are expected to have skills of the English language such as reading, writing, listening, and speaking that must be taught to the students through the chosen themes. From those four skills above, reading is the focus of this research. The students should have some purpose or aims from reading that is for getting knowledge and get the meaning of the text. For that reason, a suitable atmosphere of teaching and learning process and a proper technique to conduct the teaching would affect students understanding in reading. Group investigation technique as one of cooperative learning method is an alternative way of organizational approach that allows a class to work actively and collaboratively in small groups and enables students to take an active role in determining their own learning goals and processes. The research design used in this research is a qualitative research. The purpose of this research was to find the description of the implementation of group investigation technique in teaching reading. First, the researcher used observation checklist and field note to answer the first research question. Second, the researcher used interview to answer the second research question. Last, the researcher used reading task to answer the third research questions. According to the observation result, the researcher made conclusion that the group investigation technique can be implemented in the classroom. It could be seen from the students" task results in the group investigation technique. The students also agreed that the technique was appropriate to be used to teach English in the classroom. Group investigation can be implemented as a technique to teach reading descriptive text to the seventh grader students in SMPN 2 Sidoarjo because this technique is able to make the students more interested in study English. After the implementation of the technique, the students reading comprehension were good. The response of the student towards the technique showed that through group investigation they can communicate and interact more when learning English.

The Use of Small Group Discussion Strategy in Teaching English Speaking


The objective of this research is to answer the question on how small group discussion strategy could improve the students speaking skill. The research was conducted at the seventh grade students of SMPN 3 Ciawi in academic year 2019/2020. This paper used descriptive qualitative method. The data were collected through observation during teaching learning process. To add important data and resource, the researchers also did library research and internet research. The theory that support this research is based on the theory of Giri in (Rahmat 2017). This research consists of plans, how to develop and improve students speaking skills ability using small group discussion strategy. It also contains the preparation, teaching-learning process and the evaluation. The result of this research indicated that: (1)small group discussion strategy could build confidence of students’ in speaking; (2) engage students in work group discussion communicatively; (3) the students have the opportunities t...

The Students’ Perception on the Advantages of Group Discussion Technique in Teaching Speaking at the Eleventh Grade in Sman 1 VII Koto Sungai Sarik

International Journal of Language and Literature

This research was due to some problems that were found at 11th grade of SMAN 1 VII Koto. First, some students said that they think the group discussion was good for them to improve their speaking skill. However, there were still some students who do not like group discussion since it makes the classroom become noisy and lost their focus in learning. Then, tends to focus on the students who can ask and answer questions in English correctly. Meanwhile, the students who are shy and cannot speak English fluently do not get enough attention in the class. Second, the researcher found that some students do not really cooperate in the group discussion. The reseacher used descriptive quantitative reseach to describe the phenomena of students’ perception on the advantages of group discussion technique in teaching speaking. The population of this research was all the students at eleventh grade in SMAN I VII KOTO SUNGAI SARIK. The sample of this research was 38 students that was chosen randomly...


Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui penggunaan dari Pengajaran Pendekatan Bahasa Komunikatif (CLT) melalui Diskusi Kelompok Kecil efektif untuk merangsang siswa untuk berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris dari pada cara konvensional, dan juga untuk meningkatkan kesadaran guru untuk menggunakan pendekatan yang efektif dalam mengajar bahasa Inggris terutama dalam mengajar keterampilan berbicara. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian Pre-Eksperimental dengan Satu Group Pre-test dan Post-test Design. Data yang diperoleh dari tes dianalisis secara kuantitatif dan kemudian itu hasil itu dibandingkan dengan kuesioner untuk mengetahui apakah siswa tertarik untuk belajar berbicara dengan menggunakan Pendekatan Pengajaran Bahasa Komunikatif (CLT) atau tidak. Skor rata-rata yang diperoleh dari Pre-test adalah 2, 84 dan post-test adalah 6, 01. Data menunjukkan bahwa keterampilan berbicara siswa dalam post-test lebih tinggi dari pre-test. Data yang diperoleh dari kuesioner menunjukkan mean skor 78, 67. Ini berarti bahwa siswa yang sangat tertarik untuk penerapan bahan berbicara melalui Pengajaran Bahasa Komunikatif Pendekatan melalui diskusi kelompok kecil. Kata Kunci: Komunikatif Pengajaran Bahasa Pendekatan, diskusi kelompok kecil, berbicara. Speaking is expressing the student's performance, they are mostly inhibited by some obstacles emotionally in teaching and learning process such as the students anxious and nervous to convey their ideas and thought, the students do