Improving Health Mentioning Classification of Tweets using Contrastive Adversarial Training (original) (raw)
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Proceedings of the Fourth Social Media Mining for Health Applications (#SMM4H) Workshop & Shared Task
This paper describes a system for automatically classifying adverse effects mentions in tweets developed for the task 1 at Social Media Mining for Health Applications (SMM4H) Shared Task 2019. We have developed a system based on LSTM neural networks inspired by the excellent results obtained by deep learning classifiers in the last edition of this task. The network is trained along with Twitter GloVe pre-trained word embeddings.
On Adversarial Examples for Biomedical NLP Tasks
ArXiv, 2020
The success of pre-trained word embeddings has motivated its use in tasks in the biomedical domain. The BERT language model has shown remarkable results on standard performance metrics in tasks such as Named Entity Recognition (NER) and Semantic Textual Similarity (STS), which has brought significant progress in the field of NLP. However, it is unclear whether these systems work seemingly well in critical domains, such as legal or medical. For that reason, in this work, we propose an adversarial evaluation scheme on two well-known datasets for medical NER and STS. We propose two types of attacks inspired by natural spelling errors and typos made by humans. We also propose another type of attack that uses synonyms of medical terms. Under these adversarial settings, the accuracy of the models drops significantly, and we quantify the extent of this performance loss. We also show that we can significantly improve the robustness of the models by training them with adversarial examples. W...
BBAEG: Towards BERT-based Biomedical Adversarial Example Generation for Text Classification
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, 2021
Healthcare predictive analytics aids medical decision-making, diagnosis prediction and drug review analysis. Therefore, prediction accuracy is an important criteria which also necessitates robust predictive language models. However, the models using deep learning have been proven vulnerable towards insignificantly perturbed input instances which are less likely to be misclassified by humans. Recent efforts of generating adversaries using rule-based synonyms and BERT-MLMs have been witnessed in general domain, but the everincreasing biomedical literature poses unique challenges. We propose BBAEG (Biomedical BERT-based Adversarial Example Generation), a black-box attack algorithm for biomedical text classification, leveraging the strengths of both domain-specific synonym replacement for biomedical named entities and BERT-MLM predictions, spelling variation and number replacement. Through automatic and human evaluation on two datasets, we demonstrate that BBAEG performs stronger attack with better language fluency, semantic coherence as compared to prior work.
Deep Health Care Text Classification
arXiv (Cornell University), 2017
Health related social media mining is a valuable apparatus for the early recognition of the diverse antagonistic medicinal conditions. Mostly, the existing methods are based on machine learning with knowledge-based learning. This working note presents the Recurrent neural network (RNN) and Long short-term memory (LSTM) based embedding for automatic health text classification in the social media mining. For each task, two systems are built and that classify the tweet at the tweet level. RNN and LSTM are used for extracting features and non-linear activation function at the last layer facilitates to distinguish the tweets of different categories. The experiments are conducted on 2nd Social Media Mining for Health Applications Shared Task at AMIA 2017. The experiment results are considerable; however the proposed method is appropriate for the health text classification. This is primarily due to the reason that, it doesn't rely on any feature engineering mechanisms.
Interpretable Adversarial Training for Text
arXiv, 2019
Generating high-quality and interpretable adversarial examples in the text domain is a much more daunting task than it is in the image domain. This is due partly to the discrete nature of text, partly to the problem of ensuring that the adversarial examples are still probable and interpretable, and partly to the problem of maintaining label invariance under input perturbations. In order to address some of these challenges, we introduce sparse projected gradient descent (SPGD), a new approach to crafting interpretable adversarial examples for text. SPGD imposes a directional regularization constraint on input perturbations by projecting them onto the directions to nearby word embeddings with highest cosine similarities. This constraint ensures that perturbations move each word embedding in an in-terpretable direction (i.e., towards another nearby word embedding). Moreover, SPGD imposes a sparsity constraint on perturbations at the sentence level by ignoring word-embedding perturbations whose norms are below a certain threshold. This constraint ensures that our method changes only a few words per sequence, leading to higher quality adversarial examples. Our experiments with the IMDB movie review dataset show that the proposed SPGD method improves adversarial example interpretability and likelihood (evaluated by average per-word perplexity) compared to state-of-the-art methods, while suffering little to no loss in training performance.
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics
This paper explores a methodology for bias quantification in transformer-based deep neural network language models for Chinese, English, and French. When queried with health-related mythbusters on COVID-19, we observe a bias that is not of a semantic/encyclopaedical knowledge nature, but rather a syntactic one, as predicted by theoretical insights of structural complexity. Our results highlight the need for the creation of health-communication corpora as training sets for deep learning.
Learning Word Embeddings with Chi-Square Weights for Healthcare Tweet Classification
Applied Sciences
Twitter is a popular source for the monitoring of healthcare information and public disease. However, there exists much noise in the tweets. Even though appropriate keywords appear in the tweets, they do not guarantee the identification of a truly health-related tweet. Thus, the traditional keyword-based classification task is largely ineffective. Algorithms for word embeddings have proved to be useful in many natural language processing (NLP) tasks. We introduce two algorithms based on an existing word embedding learning algorithm: the continuous bag-of-words model (CBOW). We apply the proposed algorithms to the task of recognizing healthcare-related tweets. In the CBOW model, the vector representation of words is learned from their contexts. To simplify the computation, the context is represented by an average of all words inside the context window. However, not all words in the context window contribute equally to the prediction of the target word. Greedily incorporating all the words in the context window will largely limit the contribution of the useful semantic words and bring noisy or irrelevant words into the learning process, while existing word embedding algorithms also try to learn a weighted CBOW model. Their weights are based on existing pre-defined syntactic rules while ignoring the task of the learned embedding. We propose learning weights based on the words' relative importance in the classification task. Our intuition is that such learned weights place more emphasis on words that have comparatively more to contribute to the later task. We evaluate the embeddings learned from our algorithms on two healthcare-related datasets. The experimental results demonstrate that embeddings learned from the proposed algorithms outperform existing techniques by a relative accuracy improvement of over 9%.
Today, increasing numbers of people are interacting online and a lot of textual comments are being produced due to the explosion of online communication. However, a paramount inconvenience within online environments is that comments that are shared within digital platforms can hide hazards, such as fake news, insults, harassment, and, more in general, comments that may hurt someone’s feelings. In this scenario, the detection of this kind of toxicity has an important role to moderate online communication. Deep learning technologies have recently delivered impressive performance within Natural Language Processing applications encompassing Sentiment Analysis and emotion detection across numerous datasets. Such models do not need any pre-defined hand-picked features, but they learn sophisticated features from the input datasets by themselves. In such a domain, word embeddings have been widely used as a way of representing words in Sentiment Analysis tasks, proving to be very effective. ...
Identification of Disease or Symptom terms in Reddit to Improve Health Mention Classification
Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2022
In a user-generated text such as on social media platforms and online forums, people often use disease or symptom terms in ways other than to describe their health. In data-driven public health surveillance, the health mention classification (HMC) task aims to identify posts where users are discussing health conditions rather than using disease and symptom terms for other reasons. Existing computational research typically only studies health mentions in Twitter, with limited coverage of disease or symptom terms, ignore user behavior information, and other ways people use disease or symptom terms. To advance the HMC research, we present a Reddit health mention dataset (RHMD), a new dataset of multi-domain Reddit data for the HMC. RHMD consists of 10,015 manually labeled Reddit posts that mention 15 common disease or symptom terms and are annotated with four labels: namely personal health mentions, non-personal health mentions, figurative health mentions, and hyperbolic health mentions. With RHMD, we propose HMC-NET that combines a target keyword (disease or symptom term) identification and user behavior hierarchically to improve HMC. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed approach outperforms state-of-the-art methods with an F1-Score of 0.75 (an increase of 11% over the state-of-the-art) and shows that our new dataset poses a strong challenge to the existing HMC methods. CCS CONCEPTS • Applied computing → Health informatics; • Computing methodologies → Natural language processing.