Фибула с кольцевой гарнитурой с городища Люботеж: история находки и культурно-исторический контекст (original) (raw)
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Статья посвящена анализу фибул с зерненной кольцевой гарнитурой в черняховской культуре. Накладные зерненные кольца имеют фибулы трех модификаций: 1) с высоким приемником (типы А. VII — 210, 211, 216); 2) фасетированные фибулы, близкие к А — 167; 3) двухпластинчастые фибулы. Фибулы типа «Монструозо» (А — 216) демонстрируют связь с территориями Северной Европы и Скандинавии. Фибулы форм А — 210–211 содержатся в комплексах с пшеворским этническим компонентом в черняховской куль- туре. Эти изделия, хоть и имеют северные прототипы, можна считать продукцией черняховских мастеров. Фасетированные фибулы, близкие к А — 167 датируются ступенью С 3, и также содержаться в комплексах с позднескифо-сарматскими этниче- скими чертами. Характер «зернистости» черняховских фибул говорит о деградации этого типа декорирования в черняховской культуре, в сравнении с основным ареалом распространения фибул с зернью — Прибалтикой и Северной Европой.
Поволжская археология, №1, 2021
The article is devoted to a series of local discoveries relevant to a Т-shaped spring fibulae after A.K. Ambroz. By the present moment there have been found fourteen samples so far, all of which come from the territory of Kaluga, Moscow and Tula Regions. All those items are connected with sites of Moschino culture, located in the Upper Oka Basin. They date back to the beginning of Migration Period (the end of the IV-th century– the V-th century). This work presents a typology of the items discovered, as well as a catalogue of them. The article touches upon the questions of the origin and chronological order of fibulae of the Kartavtsevo–Serensk type. By the beginning of Migration Period the inhabitants sites of Moschino culture had worked out their own tradition of producing fibulae (the Upper Oka fibulae with a “knob”) and actively used ones imported from the territory of Chernyakhov culture. A new type of fibulae appears within the framework of the existing tradition under the influence of the eastern (the territory oh the Middle Oka) and western cultural impulses.
The article is a first-ever study of two objects obtained during the excavation on the western fortifications of the Bilsk site (in the forest steppe area of the left-bank Dnieper valley). Both items are executed in the Scythian animal style, are similar in shape and function and may have been used as bow tips. Both are made in the shape of the heads of birds of prey SUMMARIES (one tip is a workpiece, the other a finished work). The tips also carry two smaller carved images – a curled-up panther and a hare. While the panther is a common image in Early Scythian art, no realistic full-size depictions of a hare have been discovered so far on objects dating from the 7th – 6th centuries BC. The known bone and horn objects of similar purpose can be divided into three major groups which differ in their modelling techniques and composition, yet are very similar in size. The study also provides evidence for the fact that horn bow tips, like other horn and bone items retrieved from the site, including art objects, were manufactured by local artisans.
Published in the article is the collection of fibulae from Lysukha Hillfort obtained during the field research from 2016 to 2018. The research was conducted by an archeological expedition the State Enterprise «Science Research Centre «Protective Archaeology Service of Ukraine»» under the direction of Yu. V. Boltryk. The monument on Lysukha Mountain is located in Middle Dnieper region. The settlement was discovered in 1970 by the exploration expedition of E. V. Maximov. During 1990–2005, the site was investigated by the Kanev Archaeological Expedition under the direction of V. O. Petrashenko. The results of the research made it possible to attribute the monument to multilayered settlements with finds of late Scythian, Zarubinets, Chernyakhiv and early Slavic times of the 5th–7th . c. AD. The construction of defense structures took place in Slavic times. The collection includes 29 intact and fragmented fibulae. They originate from mixed layers and contained in the objects. Some of them are occasional finds. Fibulae belong to seven typological groups according to the classification by A. K. Ambroz. Findings presented Early Roman and Late Roman forms. They can be grouped into three chronological groups: the second half 1st. c. AD to the beginning 2nd. c. AD, the third fourth 3 rd. c. AD to the beginning 4th. c. AD and the second third 4th. c. AD to the beginning 5th. c. AD. The first group includes three artifacts. Two findings reach the Lysukha through population contacts with Northern Black Sea cities. These fibulae were found in complexes Sarmatian culture. One fibula is of southern Baltic origin. Similar fasteners have existed in the population of Post Zarubintsy circle on the Middle Dnieper. The fibulae of the late Roman forms are represented in the number of 23 units. The ornaments are made mainly of bronze and iron. Types fibulae of the Cherniakhiv and “military” are the majority. Keywords: Middle Dnieper region, Lysukha Hillfort, fibulae, chronology. Статтю присвячено публікації фібул-застібок із охоронно-рятувальних досліджень Канівською археологічною експедицією городища на горі Лисуха у 2016–2018 рр. Ключові слова: Середнє Подніпров’я, городище на горі Лисуха, фібули, хронологія.
The paper presents analysis of the chronological markers pertaining to the Aldar Rezen cemetery near the village of Kumbulta in the Digori gorge (present-day Irafsky district of North Ossetia-Alania). Six graves of the necropolis were excavated in the 1880s by K. I. Olshevsky, whose diary was published by Countess P. S. Uvarova. The graves of the cemetery are stone-lined pits containing single and multiple burials. It does not seem possible to divide the funeral offerings acquired by the State Historical Museum into assemblages; therefore, the offerings are analyzed as a single collection. The study of the buckles and fibulae from Aldar-Rezen helped determine its chronology, which falls within the 3rd–5th centuries. Composite two-piece arch-shaped fibulae, which are basically reworked Koban one-piece arch-shaped fibulae, typical for the Late Sarmatian period, are worth mentioning. Besides the fibulae, the grave gifts also include pendants shaped as human and animal figures, which are also reworked versions of the Koban items. Therefore, the cemetery in question belonged to descendants of the Koban cultural community. Keywords: North Caucasus, Late Roman period, funeral rite, pits lined with stone.
Новгородский исторический сборник. Вып.17 (27). Великий Новгород. С.3-34. , 2017
A. V. Plokhov. Buckle of the ‘Byzantine’ type from the village of Lyubytino in Middle Pomostye This article concerns an early mediaeval cast buckle with a nearly rectangular frame and semi-oval plate. The object originates from an illegal excavation of kurgans near the village of Lyubytino. This study considers available shape and decoration parallels of this find. Quite a number of construction features are believed to be characteristic of production of Byzantine masters whereas the ornamental composition on the plate seems to pertain to the ‘Khazarian’ variant of plant decoration. A combination of this kind suggests that this object was manufactured in a Crimean workshop concerned with production of composite belts for the elite of the Khazar Khaganate. Analysis of the available data allows us to limit the period of the use of the buckle from Middle Pomostye to the 730s–770s AD. Occurrence of this object far to the north from the main area of distribution of the ‘Early Saltovo’ belt fittings evidently was linked with the formation of the Baltic-Volga trade route. Keywords: early mediaeval archaeology, buckle of the ‘Byzantine group’, belt fittings, Vrap–Erseke type, Saltovo-Mayatskaya culture, Nevolino culture, Volga route, Middle Pomostye.
Комплекс лепной посуды Люботинского городища
Проблемы археологии Восточной Европы. К 85-летию Бориса Андреевича Шрамко., 2008
Утверж дено к печати Ученым советом исторического факультета Харьковского национального университета им. В.Н. Каразина прот. № 10 от 21.12.2007 г. О тветственный редактор-д.и.н., профессор С .И. П осохов Р е ц е н з е н т ы : Б у й н о в Ю. В. С к и р д а В. В. К у д е л к о С М. к а н д и д а т и с т о р и ч е с к и х н а у к , д о ц е н т к а ф е д р ы и с т о р и о г р а ф и и , и с т о ч н и к о в е д е н и я и а р х е о л о г и и Х а р ь к о в с к о г о н а ц и о н а л ь н о г о у н и в е р с и т е т а и м. В. Н. К а р а з и н а-к а н д и д а т и с т о р и ч е с к и х н а у к , д о ц е н т к а ф е д р ы и с т о р и о г р а ф и и , и с т о ч н и к о в е д е н и я и а р х е о л о г и и , д и р е к т о р М у з е я а р х е о л о г и и и э т н о г р а ф и и С л о б о д с к о й У к р а и н ы Х а р ь к о в с к о г о н а ц и о н а л ь н о г о у н и в е р с и т е т а и м. В. Н. К а р а з и н а з а с л у ж е н н ы й р а б о т н и к к у л ь т у р ы У к р а и н ы , к а н д и д а т и с т о р и ч е с к и х н а у к , п р о ф е с с о р к а ф е д р ы и с т о р и о г р а ф и и , и с т о ч н и к о в е д е н и я и а р х е о л о г и и Х а р ь к о в с к о г о н а ц и о н а л ь н о г о у н и в е р с и т е т а и м. В. Н. К а р а з и н а П78<-»*«йр©блемы археологии Восточной Европы. К 85-летию Бориса Андреевича Шрамко: научное издание.-Харьков: Курсор, 2008.-176 с., 63 илл. (ДП ОАСУ «Слобожанская археологическая служба». Харьковский национальный университет им. В.Н. Каразина) КВДЧ 978-966-8944-49-9 В сборник включены научные статьи, в которых освещаются различные стороны жизни населения Восточной Европы в эпоху бронзового, железного веков, раннего и позднего средневековья. Публикуются материалы разведок, раскопок поселений, погребальных комплексов, результаты изучения археологических коллекций разных временных периодов. Многие материалы впервые вводятся в научный оборот. Сборник посвящен 85-летию известного украинского археолога, Заслуженного деятеля науки и техники, Почетного профессора Харьковского национального университета им. В.Н. Каразина, Почетного гражданина г. Харькова, доктора исторических наук Б.А. Шрамко. Для археологов, историков, преподавателей высшей и средней школы, краеведов. До збірника ввійшли наукові статті, в яких висвітлюються різні сторони життя Східної Європи доби бронзового, залізного віків, раннього та пізнього середньовіччя. Публікуються матеріали розвідок, розкопок поселень, поховальних комплексів, результати вивчення археоло гічних колекцій різних хронологічних періодів. Більшість матеріалів вперше вводиться до наукового обігу. Збірник присвячений 85-річчю видатного українського археолога, почесного діяча науки і техніки, Почесного професора Харківського національного університету ім. В.Н. Каразіна, Почесного громадянина м. Харкова, доктора історичних наук Б.А. Шрамко. Для археологів, істориків, викладачів вищої та середньої школи, краєзнавців.
e-bulletin of Sofia History Museum, 2018
Thirty-five adornments were discovered during the two archaeological campaigns of the site „Western Gate of Serdica”. They belong to two major chronological groups: first half of 2nd – beginning/first half of 3rd and second half of 3rd – second half of 4rd century. Single items are dated in 3rd and two fibulas in 5th – end of 6th century. Earlier adornments originate from the limes zone of Rheine and Danube and major part of them belongs to roman military equipment. Same assertion is valid also for the big part of the later items. All of archaeological adornments were made from cooper alloy (probably bronze). In the „Western Gate of Serdica” site the cheaper articles (made of iron) lack completely, as well as the luxurious jewelry. Two of the fibulas can be associated with barbarian infiltrations in Serdica district.