The (mis)use of the man: An episode from the life od Sveta Petronijević from the novel The third spring by Dragoslav Mihailović (original) (raw)

St Justin the New (Popovic) on the Mystery of Personhood (in Serbian)

St Justin the New on the Mystery of Personhood This paper seeks to explore in a preliminary manner the range of Justin Popović’s early works with the special focus on the issue of person and personhood. The scrutiny of the mystery of person and personhood is without doubt an issue that may gather together different aspirations of entire Orthodox theology of the twentieth century. This issue is often associated with the contemporary Orthodox thinkers such as the Metropolitan of Pergamon John Ziziulas and Professor Christos Yannaras. However, the problem of personhood played a central role in the thought of Serbian theologian Justin Popović (1894–1979). Popović’s view of personhood, especially in his early works, is a creative synthesis of Russian religious thought of the nineteenth and early twentieth century and patristic, primarily, ascetic worldview. Abba Justin is linked to Russian religious thinkers of his time by the same questions, issues and aspirations, but not necessarily by the same responses to these questions. He merges sometimes abstract and romanticized Russian philosophical and theological thought with the ascetico-patristic tradition. Therefore, he offers the spiritual and ascetical insights of the Fathers of Syrio-Egyptian deserts as a solution to the problems of the Europeans at the beginning twentieth century. The mystery of personhood in his work is manifested through the mystery of human infinity, the mystery of human love and the mystery of sobornost or catholicity.

Адам и Ева, човек и жена: Именица אדם и проблематизација превода Пост 1-3 / Adam and Eve, Man and Woman: The Hebrew noun אדם and the Translation of Gen 1-3 into Serbian Language

Родољуб Кубат (ур.), "Кад Израил беше дете", Зборник радова посвећен проф. Драгану Милину поводом 70. рођендана, Библијски институт ПБФ, Београд (2015): 71-77.

Сажетак: У настојању да изградимо својеврсну методологију превода старозаветног библијског текста масоретске традиције на модерни српски језик, у овом раду постављамо питање проблема превода именице אדם , која у исто време мoже бити властита, заједничка и збирна. Постављамо питање на који начин превод ове именице утиче на тумачење библијског наратива? Држећи се оквира граматике јеврејског језика, свесни чињенице да сваки превод представља и егзегезу, настојимо да понудимо превод ове именице у Пост 1-3, правећи поређење са преводом/ тумачењем ових поглавља у таргумској литератури и у септуагинталној текстуалној традицији библијског текста. Кључне речи: Пост 1-3, именица אדם , масоретски текст, Таргум Онклеос, Таргум Псеудo Јонатан, Таргум Неофити, Септуагинта, црквенословенски превод, Ђуро Даничић.

Predstava divljeg čoveka na margini Malih časova Vojvode od Berija i njena uloga u oblikovanju značenja minijature Tri živa i tri mrtva (Zbornik Narodnog Muzeja XXII/2, 2016)

The Petite Hours of Jean, Duke of Berry contains a set of vernacular texts which were arranged in the same order as in the Psalter of Bonne of Luxemburg. Though these illustrated portions share the same ideas, the iconography of their illuminations is quite different. This paper explores visual solutions employed in the miniatures of the Three Living and Three Dead and their relationships with the surrounding marginal imagery. Following the trail set by the new iconology, special emphasis is placed on the representation of a wild man in the Petite Hours arguing that this image altered the viewer’s experience of the main illumination, making it similar to the response toward the page in the prayer book of the duke’s mother, Bonne of Luxemburg. The miniatures of the Three Living and Three Dead in both manuscripts, though markedly different, share the distinctive characteristics typical of the iconography developed south of the Alps. These Italian features highlight the gradual process of physical decomposition in order to emphasize the horrors of decay. Thereby, the viewers of both manuscripts were invited to contemplate their own mortality. However, more often than not, the macabre imagery in lay devotional books was employed to remind the owners to pray for the souls of their ancestors and other deceased family members. It has been remarked that the coats of arms placed near the illumination of the Legend in the Psalter of Bonne of Luxemburg fulfilled the role of the reminders. Yet this layer of meaning cannot be read from the representation of the Three Living and Three Dead in the Petites Hours unless the marginal image of the wild man is taken into consideration. Being the frivolous creature of medieval folklore that inhabits places far from the ordered Christian civilized world, the sacred duty to pray for the dead was unknown to the "homme sauvage". Therefore, this marginal figure in connection with the image and text of the Legend was designed as an anti-model for the pious viewer, who was reminded not only of his own mortality, but of his responsibility towards the dead ancestors as well.



In the paper lexical units from Borislav Pekic’s novel The Pilgrimage of Arsenije Njegovan have been analysed. Those lexical units which refer to personification of the buildings, that is houses owned by the main character, as well as those lexical units that refer to emotional connection between the householder and houses are part of the research corpus. In accordance with conceptual analysis, conceptual metaphor will be explained as well as the application of this method in our analysis. Conceptual metaphors have been classified into ontological and structural and then the function of the personification in the novel The Pilgrimage of Arsenije Njegovan, being the most obvious type of ontological metaphors, as stated by Lakoff, is explained.

Ljudi i životinje: o analogijama i suprotnostima u južnoslovenskoj usmenoj lirici / Humans and Animals: on Analogies and Contrasts in South Slavic Oral Lyric Poetry

Philological Studies, 2022

South Slavic oral lyric songs model the relations between people and animals in analogies and contrasts, showing similarities and differences between them. People and animals are seen as different when their worlds, nature and culture, wild and tame are confronted. On the other hand, when the heroes and heroines of the songs are in positions of the Other, alien, the similarities between them and animals are emphasized. The oral lyric songs sing about complex relations between people and animals – they revile mythic matrixes (motif of golden hair maiden, deer, and fish as triple catch), patterns of hospitality and wedding rituals, and utopian fragments of desire for freedom. The relations between people and animals revile a multi-layered worldview and the ways of experiencing that world and beings in it – in the moments of encounters and crisis.

Substantia vel essentia и substantia vel persona у тријадологији Светог Августина

Theological Views LIV (2/2021), 2021

Substantia vel essentia and substantia vel persona in the triadology of Saint Augustine: did he understand the triadological terminology of the cappadocian fathers? Aleksandar Milojkov Archbishopric of Belgrade and Karlovac, Belgrade Summary: The theme of research in this paper is the triadology and triadological terminology of St. Augustine and its relationship with Cappadocian triadology. The focus of the research is on the use of the terms „substantia vel essentia“ and „substantia vel persona“ in St. Augustine’s triadology — in the context of the question of whether he understood the Cappadocian conceptual revolution, i.e. the sense of the Cappadocian conceptual revolution in triadological terminology (their distinguishing between essence and hypostasis). It turns out that Augustine’s confession that he did not understand the Cappadocian distinction between essence and hypostasis (in the fifth book of his De Trinitate) is not based on his alleged ontological diminution of personality (Latin persona). Such an interpretation is a prejudice based on the so-called de Regnon’s exegetical paradigm. Despite the fact that at first he did not understand the Cappadocian distinction between the terms essence and hypostasis in triadology, the Cappadocian triadology itself was not disputable for Augustine, as was the case, for example, with Blessed Jerome. Augustine never understood the Cappadocian phrase „three hypostases“ in the Arian sense, as Jerome did. Augustine’s correct interpretation was most probably influenced by the writings of his famous predecessor, Saint Hilary of Poitiers — De Synodis. Finally, the paper shows that Augustine, during the writing of his De Trinitate (in the seventh book), came to a complete understanding of the Cappadocian equating of hypostasis and personality („substantia vel persona“). However, Augustine did not give up the old practice — „substantia vel essentia“, believing that he should remain faithful to the inherited Latin practice.

Methodical approach to story processing of Borislav Pekić: Čovek koji je jeo smrt

ÉVKÖNYV - Papers of study, 2019

Као постмодерна, вишеслојна и вишезначењска, приповетка Борислава Пекића представља извесни изазов за сваког методичара практичара. У раду се нуди један од могућих методичких приступа за обраду, од којег су могућа извесна одступања при самом раду, што ће зависити од самог састава разреда, потом од њиховог интересо-вања, предзнања и мотивације за рад. Представљени приступ се ослања на проблем-ску наставу и наставу путем откривања, а делом и на оно што Младен Вилотијевић објашњава као претичућу наставу, када се садржај, који је неопходно обрадити у току само једног или два часа, унапред дозира, а ученици припремају и мотивишу за ус-вајање нових знања. Одлучили смо се да се у обради у највећој мери осврнемо на порт-ретизацију главног лика, те појам слободе, слободе избора и одговорности коју такав избор са собом носи. Кључне речи: постмодернизам, приповетка, Пекић, Нови Јерусалим, проблемска настава, слобода, портретизација A postmodern, multifaceted and multimeaningful Borislav Pekic's short story represents a challenge for any methodist, especially those in applied methods of teaching. One possible approach is represented in this paper and deviations are possible, which mainly depends on group organisation and composition, students' interests, previous knowledge and motivation. Problem solving method and discovery learning method are applied in this approach and partly a method explained by Mladen Vilotijevic as an outpacing teaching. This way of teaching is used when the content, meant for only one or two lessons, is being dosed in advance and students get prepared and motivated for learning process. In this paper a character portrayal prevails as well as the following topics: concept of freedom, freedom of choice and responsibilities that choices bring.

Author’s Interpretation of Psyche and Psychology of the Malefactor (Examplified by the Novelette “Pavlo Chornokryl” by Marko Vovchok)

Proceedings of the International Conference on New Trends in Languages, Literature and Social Communications (ICNTLLSC 2021), 2021

The article presents the psychological and psychoanalytic study of the domain of psyche of the main character of the novelet “Pavlo Chornokryl” by Marko Vovchok according to the own method of psychoanalytic interpretation of the character. Preconditions for formation, reasons and motives of behavior and experiences of the character are determined; peculiarities of malefactor's personality organization in the literary work: description of passionate nature, with special needs conditioned by the social status of the orphan, peculiarities of thinking, immaturity of self-image components, psycho-emotional state instability, etc. are figured out.

The Temptation of Vasily Thebesky: the Concept of Man in the Story of L. N. Andreev «The Life of Vasily Thebesky»

Слово и образ. Вопросы изучения христианского литературного наследия

Цель статьи - рассмотреть сюжет и образно-символическую систему повести Леонида Николаевича Андреева «Жизнь Василия Фивейского», а также выявить авторскую концепцию человека на материале данного произведения. Основу методологии исследования составляет системный подход к анализу поэтики художественного произведения в контексте православной культурной традиции. Исследуется сюжет, мотивы, образы, символика повести и предпринимается попытка выявления концепции человека на данном материале. В повести выстраивается следующая концепция человека: человек - храм, в котором существуют два начала: свет и тьма (любовь и инстинкт, гармония и хаос, жизнь и смерть, добро и зло). Первоначально в человеке живут только свет и гармония, но вследствие давления внешней тьмы и внутренних искушений в храм проникают тьма и хаос, которые и разрушают светлые начала, а вместе с ними и сам храм, и самих себя. The purpose of the article is to consider the plot, the figurative-symbolic system of the story «The L...