Rare earth minerals in ores of the malmyzhskoe gold-copper-porphyry deposit (Khabarovsky krai) (original) (raw)
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Tikhookeanskaya Geologiya
Rare minerals represented by oxides, fluorides, F-carbonates and REE arsenates associated with monazite-Ce, monazite-Th, xenothym-Y and REE zonal fluorite were identified in rare-metal ores of the Sn-W deposits of the Malyi Khingan in Priamurye. Rare lanthanide minerals are described, such as fluocerite, bastnesite, gasparite-Ce, first found in Russia in Sn-W greisens, and chernovite-Y, which is the second find in the greisens of the Russian Far East. The processes of sequential replacement of xenothyme-Y and monazite-Ce by arsenic fluids in the late hydrothermal stage with the formation of various REE minerals with different lanthanide ratios are shown, and the difference is revealed in their chemical composition from that of the previously described similar minerals in other deposits of the world. Due to the different valence of arsenic and the unlimited isomorphism of rare earths, arsenates can be used as indicators of redox conditions of their deposition.
Ялуниногорский кварцдиорит-трондъемитовый массив расположен в потенциально продуктивной на Cu (±Mo) порфировый тип оруденения Алапаевско-Сухоложской зоне Восточно-Уральского поднятия. Массив представляет собой магматическую камеру 3 × 2 км под вулканической постройкой центрального типа. Породы обрамления массива превращены в пропилиты, местами интенсивно сульфидизированные. В этой связи массив рассматривается как рудогенерирующий. Петрологическое исследование гранитоидов массива показывает, что он сложен полнокристаллическими породами мезабиссальной фации, варьирующими от кварцевых габбро-диоритов до тоналитов, сопровождаемых жильными трондъемитами. Ранними минеральными фазами кварцевых диоритов являлся авгит, основной плагиоклаз An 70-50 , титаномагнетит. Поздние фазы представлены кислым плагиоклазом An 30-25 , кварцем, титаномагнетитом, биотитом и магнезиальной роговой обманкой, замещающей пироксен. Кристаллизация кварцевых диоритов и трондъемитов проходила в изобарических условиях при 1.5-2.0 кбар и медленном охлаждении. По содержанию воды исходные расплавы можно охарактеризовать как маловодные. Их окисленность составляла 0.5-0.8 выше буфера Ni-NiO. Остаточные расплавы трондъемитового состава содержали около 3.5-4.0 мас. % H 2 O при P общ = P H2O. Глубокий эрозионный срез вулканической постройки и маловодный характер исходных расплавов являются отрицательными факторами на обнаружение крупных промышленных объектов порфирового типа в связи с Ялуниногорским массивом. Исследование постмагматических преобразований пород массива и его обрамления выявило незначительное развитие скарнов с магнетит-халькопирит-пиритовой минерализацией, сопровождаемых сульфидами и сульфоарсенидами никеля, жильных карбонат-кварц-хлоритовых метасоматитов с вкрапленной халькопиритовой минерализацией, включающей селенсодержащие сульфосоли и теллуриды Ag, Cu, Bi.
Vestnik of geosciences
The Verkhnelekeletskoye gold occurrence of gold-quartz-sulfide type is localized in the marginal part of the gabbro-dolerite dike of the Lower Ordovician Lekvozhsky complex. The ore zone is composed of pyrite-sericite-quartz metasomatites with quartz-vein and vein-disseminated mineralization. The gold-sulfide ores are represented by pyrite with a subordinate amount of arsenopyrite and, to a lesser extent, sphalerite. Galena and chalcopyrite are present as microinclusions in pyrite and arsenopyrite. Characteristic impurity elements in sulfides are arsenic and antimony, nickel is also found. We identified rare minerals — tetrahedrite, lead sulphosalts, ulmannite, gersdorfite. The main form of gold occurrence is submicron and micron segregations in pyrite and arsenopyrite. Impurity elements in gold are silver, mercury is rare. Gold is moderately high-grade and medium-grade, in the presence of mercury — low-grade. In terms of the mineral composition of ores, including rare minerals, the...
Ores and metals, 2022
Orogenic gold-quartz deposits have a clear structural control and are accompanied by wallrock metasomatic alteration. However, in detailed modeling of such deposits, there is often a mismatch between the structural plans for high-grade ore zone distribution and metasomatite zones, and the latter are not always associated with faults. This is explained by the evolution of the hydrothermal process and the pulsating nature of the development of the territory. In the early stages of the mineral deposit study, it is very important to reliably determine the distribution of ore zones, since the correct targeting of the drilling program and the economic deposit assessment depend on it. The problem can be solved using the method of X-ray computed tomography (СТ) in the core study. This paper presents the methodology of studying fullsize core samples of gold deposits by using CT. A core sample characterizing the central part of ore body of Drazhnoye deposit (Tarynskoye ore field, Republic of ...
Tikhookeanskaya Geologiya, 2019
Адычанский рудный район (АРР) расположен в 150 км к востоку от пос. Батагай и в 350 км к северу от пос. Усть-Нера (рис. 1), на северном окончании Яно-Колымской золотоносной зоны. В геологическом плане АРР принадлежит к Кулар-Нерскому поясу Верхояно-Колымской складчатой системы (ВКСС). По существующим представлениям [29], пояс представляет собой аккреционную структуру, сформированную в юрское-меловое время на пассивной континентальной окраине при закрытии гипотетического Оймяконского океана, поглощении океанической коры и взаимодействии погруженного фрагмента Сибирского континента и Колымо-Омолонского микроконтинента.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Researches, 2019
The article deals with the prospects of development of copper-porphyry deposits discovered within the largest ore occurrences and prospecting areas of the Russian Far East. Revaluation of large reserves of copper with associated elements account (gold, silver, molybdenum) on geological data based increases the economic justification for the development of already discovered deposits, as well as the continuation of exploration work on the identified ore occurrences. Geological exploration in a certain sequence necessitates the preparation of complex prospecting, appraisal and multifactor models for the development of large copperporphyry deposits in the Far Eastern region of the Russian Federation. Complex models of geological objects for prospecting and searches of complex copper-porphyry deposits are formed in relation to each geological and industrial type. In the article, authors offer exploration typical models to develop of complex copper-porphyry deposits at different stages o...
The paper presents the results of the study of non-ferrous metal products that were found at the hillfort Serny Klyuch with an area of about 1000 m2, located on the top of a high (20–25 m) limestone cliff near Nyazepetrovsk town in the upper reaches of the Ufa River. The hillfort contains materials from the last five millennia. In 1989–1993 archaeologists of the Ural State University uncovered half of the monument with the remains of fortifications, metallurgical furnaces, production sites, industrial and residential premises. Items made from non-ferrous metal were found here as well as wastes of its production (55 specimens). These findings relate to a small camp of metallurgists of the late 3 – early 2 millennium BC of the South Ural Abashevo culture, a non-fortified settlement and a powerful fortified metallurgical center of the 6th/5th – 3rd centuries BC of the aboriginal Itkul’ culture and the ancient fortified settlement of the 8–12 centuries, which belonged to the bearers of the local Petrogrom culture. Spectral analysis of the metal of 34 items, carried out in the laboratory of the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, showed that tools, weapons and jewelry were cast from “metallurgically” pure and “contaminated” copper (29 pieces) and bronze (5 pieces).
The enrichments research of Ukraine quarz-feldspar raw materials and their use prospects
Eastern European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2012
Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий 1/5 (55) 2012 3. Висновки 1.Виявлено, що модифікація діатомiта золем кремнієвої кислоти сприяє підвищенню дії пластифікуючих добавок при введенні їх в рецептуру вапноводіатомiтових складів. 2. Встановлено, що вапняно-діатомiтовi склади при введенні в рецептуру пластифікуючої добавки С-3 мають достатню водоутримуючу здатність. Робота виконувалася в рамках держконтракту з Міністерством освіти та науки РФ № 13.G25.31.0092. Лiтература 1. Логанина, В.І. Вплив активації діатоміту на властивості вапняних композицій / В.І Логаніна, О.А Давидова,
Morozkinskoye gold deposit (southern Yakutia): age and ore sources
Записки Горного института, 2021
The paper presents the results of the comprehensive isotope geochemical (Re-Os, Pb and δ34S) study of sulfide mineralization of the Morozkinskoye deposit. The ore zones of the deposit are localized in the syenite massif of Mount Rudnaya, which is located within the Central Aldan ore region (southern Yakutia). Gold mineralization is represented by vein-disseminated or vein type mineralization and is manifested in acidic low-temperature metasomatites – beresites (Qz-Ser-Ank-Py). For the first time we obtained an age estimate of the gold mineralization ~ 129 ± 3 Ma, which the synchronism of the hydrothermal ore process in the beresites, which formed the Morozkinskoye deposit, and magmatic crystallization of the syenites of Mount Rudnaya (~130 Ma). The osmium initial isotopic composition of the studied sulfides indicates a mixed mantle-crustal source of sulfide mineralization. New lead isotopic data of syenites indicate the predominance of mantle lead and an insignificant role of the lo...