The article analyzes the Internet communities and organizations which appeared after Euromaidan. These organizations face problems which are grouped as follows: 1) legitimization of their activities as public organizations, poor or lacking connections with the authorities; 2) preservation of their social orientation, because the danger of their serving the interests of individuals really exists; 3) consolidation of groups with civil orientation. We analyze composition of their participants, their typology in structure, function and modality. Depending on structure, there are one-level (horizontal) and multilevel (hierarchical) civil association networks; depending on functions - volunteer, «declarative», social and political action, cultural, educational, creative, and others. Some of them operate only in virtual space, while others use social networks for real communication and attracting new supporters. Prospects of development for these communities point to the necessity of establishing the open communication mechanism between their activists and authorities. One way to do it is to introduce electronic personal mandate, which allows voters to use their voice not only on election day, but also to withdraw it anytime if the candidate have not fulfi lled campaign promises. This, on the one hand, should increase the responsibility of the deputies, and, on the other - reduce the likelihood of falsifi cations during the elections. Thus, network civic associations that have arisen during and after Euromaidan, carry its values and may be considered as subjects of society-authorities interaction. Their institutionalization problems are the search for forms of direct democracy and for capacities to monitor the activities of government. Keywords: non-governmental organizations, civic engagement, Internet communities, network associations.