The aging problem of twins in the ellipsoidal coordinates (original) (raw)
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This article is dedicated to the development of a much cleaner new theory on time and space in the framework of the grand unification theory which leads to the resolution of the twin-paradox and the long-standing neutron lifetime puzzle. The theory begins with the elucidation of the orthogonal nature between time and space which can naturally give rise to the Lorentz factor and the Minkoski expression. It demonstrates how to use properly defined observer-independent intrinsic time and intrinsic space combined with their orthogonal relation to analyze and evaluate observed spacetime quantities instead of the present relativistic interpretation of spacetime developed by Einstein, which unknowingly convoluted space and time into one another. In-depth analyses of informative physical settings involving unstable particles give conclusions consistent with proven experimental observations while refuting present relativity theories’ perceptions that time can dilate, space can contract and objects age slower when moving or accelerating. While still agreeing with the fact that fast moving muons take longer to decay, the new theory demonstrates that aging rate is fundamentally different from the decay of an individual muon, and when examined from a more comprehensive perspective, fast-moving muons still age at the same intrinsic rate. The new theory points out that the perceived time dilation of a moving muon is the consequence of space convoluted into measured time, which has nothing to do with how fast muons age. The illusion that motion slows down aging originates from the subconscious mistake to use the space-convoluted decay time for granted to gauge aging. Thorough discussions about the twin-paradox reveal the fundamental flaws in Einstein’s special relativity theory, which in the attempt to match experimental observations, inconsiderately interprets and manipulates observer-dependent spacetime without thoroughly investigating the underlying relationships among space, time and measured observables. Ridding of various misconceptions, the twins should all age at the same rate regardless of their motions, eliminating the perplexing myth about which twin should age slower in the twin-paradox. In this process, the paper developed the concepts of intrinsic time and intrinsic space that are all observer independent and shared between any reference frames. All relativity effects can now be derived from these concepts using the simple orthogonal relation between the two. This new theoretical development reveals the true nature of time and space and it belongs coherently to the core of the grand unification theory.
Relativity solution for “Twin paradox”: a comprehensive solution
Indian Journal of Physics, 2012
ABSTRACT We have provided a complete and realistic solution to the problem of Twin Paradox, for the first time, in the frame work of general relativity. Some of the inspiration for this paper has come from the well known papers by Linet and Teyssandier (Phys Rev D 66:024045, 2002) discussing objects moving on geodesics for more general metrics than Schwarzschild. The subject of the “Twin paradox” is encountered frequently in relativity classes but a complete solution in the general relativity framework is not being taught. Our approaches have covered all the cases, starting with inertial motion in flat space time, going through hyperbolic motion in flat space time and ending with the treatment for curved space time.
The Real Cause of Differential Aging in the Twin “paradox”
Physicists have employed various approaches to solve the “paradox” and offered a consistent conclusion that the traveller twin is younger than the homebody twin. However, some authors attribute the cause of differential aging to acceleration, while others believe that acceleration should not be regarded as the source of differential aging, but frame switch is. So far there is no agreement on this issue. Actually, acceleration and frame switch should not be regarded as the source of differential aging. The author will introduce a thought experiment in which two very long spacecraft are moving in opposite directions at a speed close to the speed of light to discuss the real cause of differential aging. The author found that the real cause of differential aging in the twin “paradox” is because of the asymmetry of destination choice. People always choose their destinations in the universe rather than in spacecraft. The destinations are always stationary relative to the homebody twin and...
A New Interpretation of the Twin Paradox
viXra, 2015
The present study has examined the prevalent explanations of the twin paradox and found that they are incorrect because they failed to follow the spirit and the logic of special relativity in their application of the Minkowski space-time diagrams. Applying Minkowski diagrams strictly according to special relativity reveals that the overall effect of the frame changes or accelerations is to return the clock of the travelling twin to the same reading as the other twin’s clock in the earth frame. Therefore, within the framework of special relativity, there is no age difference between the twins when they meet again.
1 Resolution of the Half-Twin Paradox
This paper discusses the most notorious paradox of Special Relativity. The reciprocity of Lorentz transformation applied to a one way scenario is demonstrated on the first leg of the journey, however the only reason of reciprocity is that two systems use two different sets of events resulting naturally from relative simultaneity caused by Lorentz transformation. The actual problem which twin ages less cannot be resolved within the Special Relativity. The relative simultaneity seems to be only an artificial effect of clock synchronisation convention. If it was for real, it would cause violation of causality in some cases, which is demonstrated. There seems to be a possibility that the absolute simultaneity and preferred inertial reference frame are valid concepts, but the Special Relativity still has predictive power without the need of finding them if at all possible.
The so-called "Twin Paradox", wherein a relativistic effect is hypothesized to produce verifiably different clock rates between bodies, has not been resolved to the satisfaction of many theorists. There has been an abiding difficulty with determining how arbitrary periods of uniform motion, when both twins will observe the other's clock to move more slowly, can be resolved upon their reunion. Spacetime diagrams are used here to demonstrate visually and mathematically that there is a non-paradoxical explanation for the supposed discrepancy that has not been previously proposed.
This is the first instalment in a four part series, the aim of the work being to introduce absolute motion into Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity (STR). In the traditional treatment of Einstein's famous twin paradox, it is argued that the stay at home twin will age more than the "travelling" twin and the asymmetry is attributed to the fact that the travelling twin's reference system is not an inertial reference system during the periods of acceleration and deceleration thus making it "illegal" for the "travelling" twin to use the STR in their reference system, hence "resolving" the paradox altogether. From within the domains, confines and provinces of Einstein's STR, we argue without considering the accelerations and decelerations, where we show that, indeed, it is the "travelling" twin that is younger at the point of reunion. This brings us to a point of admission that there is indeed a twin who really does the travelling and another that does the staying at home. Hidden within the labyrinth of its seemingly coherent and consistent structure and fabric, does Einstein's STR imply absolute motion-we ask? This is the question that we leave hanging in the mind of the reader. In the next reading, we propose a new version of the twin paradox, where the scenario is truly symmetric from either of the twin's reference systems-we have coined this, the "Symmetric Twin Paradox (STP)". This version (STP) unearths an irretrievable contradiction hidden at the deepest and subtle level of Einstein's STR. It is shown that Einstein's STR is unable to resolve this irretrievable contradiction, even if the accelerations and decelerations are taken into. Not even Einstein's General Theory of Relativity can be brought to the rescue in the case of the STP. In our third instalment, we shall setforth a new version of the STR where absolute motion is permitted. This version solves the symmetric twin paradox and any known paradox of relativity. Lastly, we apply this new STR where absolute motion is permitted to experimental efforts that have been made to measure absolute motion. Most well trained physicists tend to ignore completely, readings purporting to go against Einstein's STR. We would like to persuade our reader to make a brief stop and consider for a minute, what we have to say in our four part series of readings. "At the heart of science is an essential balance between two seemingly contradictory attitudes-an openness to new ideas no matter how bizarre or counterintuitive they may be, and the most ruthless skeptical scrutiny of all ideas, old and new. This is how deep truths are winnowed from deep nonsense."-Carl Sagan (1934 − 1996) * When Einstein first submitted his revolutionary paper, its initial title was "The Theory of Invariants". Planck, a founder and the first editor of the * See e.g., visited on this day 14 Aug. 2013@15h55 GMT+2. A survey and perusal of this site will-amongst others, reveal why the Twin Paradox can not be considered a solved problem. Debates on this problem are still very much alive.
A New Problem with the Twin Paradox
Applied physics research, 2017
This paper discusses the "triplet thought experiment" in which accelerated motion is eliminated from the famous twin paradox thought experiment of the special theory of relativity (STR). The author considers the coordinate systems of an inertial frame M and rocket A moving at constant speed relative to each other. First, an observer in inertial frame M performs the triplet thought experiment, and it is confirmed that the delay in time which elapses in the moving system agrees with the predictions of the STR. However, the delay in time predicted by the STR is observed even in the case when an observer A in rocket A carries out the triplet thought experiment. Before starting movement at constant velocity, rocket A experiences accelerated motion. The coordinate system of rocket A cannot be regarded physically as a stationary system. Even so, observer A observes the delay predicted by the STR. If the previous, traditional interpretation is assumed to be correct, observer A will never observe a delay in time agreeing with the predictions of the STR. To avoid paradox, the previously proposed traditional interpretation must be revised.
The Truly Paradoxical Case of the Symmetrically Accelerated Twins (Paper II)
This is the second instalment in a four part series, the aim of the work being to introduce absolute motion into Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity (STR). Herein, we depart from the traditional case where one twin stays put while the other rockets into space, we consider the case of identically accelerated twins. Both twins depart at uniform relativistic speeds in opposite directions for a round trip from the Earth on their 21 th birthday destined into space to some distant constellation that is a distance L 0 in the rest frame of the Earth. A proper application of Einstein's STR tells us that the Earth bound observers will conclude that on the day of reunion, both twins must both have aged the same albeit their clocks (which where initially synchronized with that of the Earth bound observers) will have registered a duration less than that registered by the Earth bound observers. In the traditional twin paradox, it is argued that the stay at home twin will have aged more than the travelling twin and the asymmetry is attributed to the fact that the travelling twin's frame of reference is not an inertial reference frame during the periods of acceleration and deceleration making it "illegal" for the travelling twin to use the STR in their frame, thus "resolving" the paradox. This same argument does not hold in the case considered here as both twins will undergo identical experiences where each twin sees the other as the one that is in motion. This means, each twin must conclude that the other twin is the one that is younger. They will conclude that their ages must be numerically different, thus disagreeing with the Earth bound observers that their ages are the same. This leads us to a true paradox that throws Einstein's Philosophy of Relativity into complete disarray. "Our most trustworthy safeguard in making general statements. .. is imagination. If we can imagine the breaking of a Law of Physics-then, it is in some degree an Empirical Law. With a purely Rational Law we could not conceive an alternative. This ultimate criterion serves as an anchor to keep us from drifting unduly in a perilous sea of thought."
A Solution to the Twin Paradox from Within the STR Without Invoking Accelerations Paper (I)
This is the first instalment in a four part series, the aim of the work being to introduce absolute motion into Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity (STR). In the traditional treatment of Einstein's famous twin paradox, it is argued that the stay at home twin will age more than the "travelling" twin and the asymmetry is attributed to the fact that the travelling twin's reference system is not an inertial reference system during the periods of acceleration and deceleration thus making it "illegal" for the "travelling" twin to use the STR in their reference system, hence "resolving" the paradox altogether. From within the domains, confines and provinces of Einstein's STR, we argue without considering the accelerations and decelerations, where we show that, indeed, it is the "travelling" twin that is younger at the point of reunion. This brings us to a point of admission that there is indeed a twin who really does the travelling and another that does the staying at home. Hidden within the labyrinth of its seemingly coherent and consistent structure and fabric, does Einstein's STR imply absolute motion-we ask?