The main barriers to using the “youth practice” mechanism as a tool to combat youth unemployment (original) (raw)

Review to the Directory «Encyclopedia of Youth Work» (2022)

Social work and social education

In modern society, youth work is usually understood as a tool for personal development, social integration and active citizenship of young people. Youth work is a «keyword» for all types of activities of a social, cultural, educational or political nature, which are done together with young people, for young people and by the forces of young people themselves. It belongs to the field of education outside the educational institution, most often associated with non-formal or informal education. «Encyclopedia of youth work» is a reference and analytical work that highlights the problems of theory, history and practice of youth work, youth policy. The preparation of the publication was carried out in accordance with the work plan of the Youth Center «START» of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, concluded by scientific and pedagogical workers and graduate students of the Department of Social Pedagogy and Social Work of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University.

Effective employment of youth: theoretical aspects and factors of influence

Socio-Economic Research Bulletin, 2021

The article considers the theoretical and methodological aspects of determining the effective employment of young people in terms of modern market transformations in the country. It is determined that this issue is especially relevant in the context of changing the labor market paradigm under the influence of the global pandemic and the active development of new forms of employment (separate work, mixed schedule, use of interactive employment), which to a greater extent affects the interests of young people as the most active part of the labor market. The main approaches to the definition of «effective employment» are analyzed and it is emphasized that such employment, along with economic, also reflects the socio-economic and socio-psychological performance of labor, its environmental aspects. The main aspects of the definition and indicators of evaluation of effective employment at the level of the state, enterprise and individual are studied. It is determined that regardless of th...

Youth Adaptation to the Labor Market Challenges


The relevance of the research topic is determined by the need to consider the issue of Ukrainian youth adaptation to the challenges on the labor market, which is under the influence of various crisis phenomena. They are related to the influence of both global and special internal factors. The aim of the study is to identify the impact of crisis phenomena on the youth adaptation to the labor market challenges. The object of research is the processes and factors influencing youth employment. The study of theoretical approaches to understanding the essence of the concepts such as “crisis” and “adaptation” revealed a direct connection between these phenomena, where the second imitates the first and affects the development of personality and the formation of new skills for transition. The analysis of the age population structure is carried out, which shows a low indicator in the category ”youth”. The dynamics of the level of youth employment in the periods of crisis fluctuations from 200...

Economic and social implications of the Youth Unemployment in the Republic of Macedonia

Ревија за социјална политика/Journal of Social Policy

Овој труд ја обработува невработеноста на младите во Република Македонија, како еден од хро ничните проблеми во општеството. трудот има за цел да обезбеди длабински преглед на невработеноста на младите во земјата врз основа на расположивите податоци за пазарот на трудот, како и дискусија за економ ските и социјалните последици во светло на долгорочноста на проблемот и вли јанието врз човечкиот капитал во Република Македонија. Анализата на импликациите е заснована на постојните со стој би во однос на неактивноста на младите, стапките на невработеност на младите и дол горочната невработеност на младите, кои се мо шне високи и прет ставуваат сериозна закана за

Проблеми безробіття молоді


Стратегічно-інноваційний розвиток суб’єктів економічної системи в умовах глобалізації: Збірник тез VI Міжнародної науково-практичної інтернет-конференції, (Кременчук, 8-10 листопада 2021 року). – Кременчук, КрНУ, 2021.

Determinants of the Situation of the Youth on the Labor Market

Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research, 2018

The article analyzes the dynamics of the youth labor force in Russia and France. The consequences of reducing the number of young people for the Russian economy are formulated. The situation of youth of both countries in the sphere of labor is considered: indicators of youth segment of the labor market are calculated (the number of labor force in the age group of 15-24 years, the unemployment rate among young people of 15-24 years, etc.). Common features, features and differences in the position of young people in the labor market of Russia and France, the main trends in the development of the youth segment of the labor market are revealed.

Specifics of Precarious Youth Employment: The Adaptive Aspect

Social and political challenges of modernization in the 21st century, 2018

In the context of the permanent economic crisis, employment is increasingly becoming unstable or incomplete. There is a new stratification group of employees, which is called the precariat. Precariousness is perceived not only as a negative reality, but also as a way of avoiding unemployment.


Ukrainian youth have a high level of education, which is highly competitive to that of developed countries. However, due to a number of socio-economic problems, Ukrainian youth are constantly poised on the brink of social exclusion from the workplace. The main problem of young people is difficulties in finding a job and lack of opportunities for self-realization. Every second person is inclined to think that abroad they could quickly and easily achieve success. Unwillingness to engage intelligent, creative and labor potential young people explains their desire to go abroad. Unfortunately today only a third of young people would like to live in Ukraine. Based on the youth policy survey, every eighth feels the lack of attention from the government in involving Ukrainian youth in social and labor sphere. Today, when Ukraine faces serious reforms we should understood that at this moment the youth are the most sensitive to accept new ideas, to spread new knowledge, to adapt to new conditions and could become a generator of implementing the European integration. The government must admit importance of implementing a comprehensive youth policy that will ensure socio-economic, political, organizational, legal conditions for self-determination, intellectual, moral and physical development, realization of creative potential for their own benefit and for the state benefit. The article reviews the international experience of interaction between the subjects of labor markets and education in the system of productive employment of youth. The initiatives of European Union Youth Policy that are aimed in an expansion of educational opportunities and minimization of risks of social exclusion of youth at work are investigated. Synthesis of the world experience youth policy of employment in Europe proves it successful implementation under conditions of considering the interests of different categories of young people, including students, youth who left education and do not wish to study or search for a job, youth who graduated and are trying to get their first job, and unemployed youth. Authors examine a comprehensive system of measures which covers the entire process of formation and realization of youth labor potential and aimed at improving quality of education, development of youth mobility, increasing employment opportunities, development of entrepreneurship; enhancing the competence of youth, creating conditions for completion of education and getting a job. The priorities of state youth policy should be: improvement of the competitiveness, providing greater opportunity for lifelong learning, increasing investments in competence, preservation and creating new high-performance workplaces, supporting youth business initiatives, ensuring productive employment, strengthening fight against poverty among employed youth, and ensuring the effective social protection. Keywords: labor market, education, competence, employment, unemployment, mobility, competitiveness, quality of employment.