Gebeli̇ği̇ Sonlandirma Karari: Kadin Ve Erkek Perspekti̇fi̇ (original) (raw)
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The Decision of Terminating Pregnancy: The Male and Female Perspective
Samsun sağlık bilimleri dergisi, 2023
Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the male and female perspectives in the decision of terminating pregnancy. Method: This descriptive study was conducted between January 2017 and May 2017. The sample, consisted of a total of 190 individuals including 100 married women and 90 married men. The data were collected using a questionnaire including questions about the views of women and men concerning the decision of terminating pregnancy. Results: 85% of the women and 63.3% of the men who participated in the study stated that it was up to a woman to make the decision of terminating pregnancy (p<0.05). In the study, 72% of the women stated that they had a right to terminate pregnancy in line with their reproductive rights and 70% stated that they would make the decision of planning pregnancy and becoming a mother themselves (p<0.05). While 61.1% of the men in the study stated that abortion aiming to terminate pregnancy had to be considered illegal, 37.8% of them stated that women had to be punished after an abortion performed despite having no health problem (p<0.05). Conclusions and Suggestions: In the study, the women and men equally believed that the termination of pregnancy would dispossess fetus of its right to live. The social role and status of women should not play a dominant role, especially in an issue where there are ethical discussions such as voluntary termination of pregnancy, and women should be able to act independently in making decisions regarding their own life. It may be suggested that legal regulations regarding the termination of pregnancy be made in this direction.
The right to terminate pregnancy (abortion): reflections from Turkey
Journal of Law and the Biosciences
In this article, the right to terminate pregnancy is discussed comparatively in terms of the situation in Turkey and the rest of the world. We have concluded that certain minimum conditions must be met to be able to talk about the full recognition of this right. Recognizing that pregnancy can be terminated voluntarily is the most important of these conditions. Just as the period in which this right can be exercised should not be kept short, it should also be accepted that it can only be used based on the will of a pregnant person who has the power of discernment. In addition, certain obligations must be avoided, such as receiving counseling services before the termination of pregnancy and then waiting for a certain period of time to pass. In cases where pregnancy can be terminated because of an anomaly, a disease, or a crime, it is important to make clear arrangements that will not make practitioners, especially physicians, hesitate to perform such a procedure. Finally, the State mu...
Abortions in Urban and Rural Aereas Due to Gender
Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2016
A phenomenon which recently has become almost usual is termination of pregnancy. About 15% of pregnancies end in miscarriage. Some of them occur so early that some women do not realize that are having a miscarriage. Part of them occurs before the 12th week. The main cause of abortion is normal fetal underdevelopment and damage of the genetic structure. But the data show that half of abortions are performed after the 12th week of pregnancy, due to unwanted sex of the child. Interruptions made beyond this period, because sex is determined after the 12th week, would be called criminal interference. Terminations of pregnancy figures made on this purpose are high. This has made Albania to be part of the problem reported to the Council of Europe. Prohibition of ultrasounds that indicate the sex of the baby in the womb is supported by the majority of gynecologists in the country, who say that Albania should adopt a law stoping mothers to see sex of the child, to prevent abortion if the child is female. The performance of abortion in our country is allowed until the 12th week. Nothwithstanding this, it has been proved that abortion is associated with psychological consequences, social and health.
Journal of Womens Health Care, 2015
Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the perception regarding induced abortion. Method: This descriptive study was conducted in 1-15 October 2011. A questionnaire was applied to 419 married women by educated midwives/nurses. Results: The mean age of the women was 34.0 ± 7.7 years. 45.3% of them stated that the ideal number of children for a family as three. 80.7% believe that induced abortion is a sin and 74.9% had stated that it was a kind of murder, therefore was forbidden by religion. Also the irreversible modern methods of contraception, such as tubal ligation (24.1% of the women, and 17.2% of the spouses), and vasectomy (25.5% of the women, and 17.4% of the spouses) were perceived as a sin. 31.3% thought "induced abortion was not a sin in the case of a handicapped fetus", 53.5% thought "it wasn't a sin if the pregnancy was endangering maternal health" and 41.8% thought "it wasn't a sin if the pregnancy was the result of rape". Out of 419 women 58 (12.7%) had an induced abortion. Conclusion: One woman out of four thinks that irreversible contraceptive methods are a sin.
Preventing and Terminating Unwanted Pregnancies in Turkey
Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 2006
To determine the methods used to prevent pregnancy by women seeking abortion of unwanted pregnancy, their knowledge and use of emergency contraception, and reasons for wanting the abortion. Design: The sample was 144 randomly selected women, who requested abortion for termination of their pregnancies at two hospitals in Izmir, Turkey, during the study period. Methods: A questionnaire was completed by the researcher in face-to-face interviews. Findings: In this sample 43.8% had had previous abortions; 77.1% used some method of family planning; 7.0% used emergency contraceptives. The methods selected after unprotected sexual intercourse by these women included vaginal douche (37.5%), waiting to see whether the menstrual cycle would begin (27.0%), going to a hospital or maternal-child health center (24.3%), and two other alternatives (4.2%). One-fifth of the women said that, if they get pregnant again, they will have another abortion. Conclusions: The number of unwanted pregnancies is high and many women seek abortions as a birth control method. Women in this sample needed information about effective methods for preventing pregnancy.
Bulgarian women's decision on abortion - is it personal?
Second World Congress of Philosophy of Medicine, August 23-26, 2000, Krakow, Poland in Universitet Jagelonski w Krakowie, 2000
The aim of this report is to describe some aspects of women's decision on abortion as a responsible moral dilemma: whether and how it is influenced by their close relationships. 398 women who had already decided to terminate their pregnancies were inquired by self-administered questionnaire. Their voluntary consent for participation in this study was taken. They represent 95% of all women undergone an induced abortion in abortion clinics in Stara Zagora for the period of three mounts. The problem was considered by women's basic demographic and social characteristics (as age, marriage, parity, education). Majority of women had discussed the situation of their present pregnancy at first with their partners (78.1%). The most of women (77.6%) expressed the view that they were not been able to decide on abortion without sharing the responsibility about it with their partners who had to be involved in the decision making process. Women had a right to decide by themselves but they did not apply this right. The most of women faced the real problem to decide on abortion did not make the decision as a freely obtainable option. Their decision on abortion was not personal. Women preferred to share the responsibility about it with their partners.
Life circumstances and reasons that compel women to seek termination of pregnancy in Vhembe district
African Journal For Physical Health Education Recreation and Dance, 2014
Unplanned pregnancy among the youth is a major public health concern because of the association with unsafe sexual practices. Young women, particularly in rural communities, continue to be most vulnerable to unplanned pregnancies which often end in induced abortion. In South Africa, circumstances influencing women who seek abortion are not thoroughly investigated. The study explored the circumstances shaping the women's decision to seek termination of pregnancy and assessed the role of the male partner in the decision making process. The study used qualitative approach to conduct in-depth interviews with women seeking termination of pregnancy in a public rural hospital in Thulamela Municipality in Limpopo Province. A total of 30 in-depth interviews were conducted with women aged 15-40 years. Participants pointed to a number of related reasons that compelled them to seek termination of pregnancy. Being too young to have a baby, fear of parental reaction to unplanned pregnancy, and incomplete educational attainment were reasons raised by younger women who were still attending school. For older women, termination of pregnancy was a result of an unstable or weak relationship with partner and was related to financial difficulties. The decision to seek termination of pregnancy was influenced by life and social circumstances which are in relation to each other. Given that all pregnancies were unplanned, there is need to revisit programmes to provide appropriate and client-friendly family planning services to reach adolescents and young women who are at higher risk of seeking termination of pregnancy.
Opinion of women about elective abortion
Journal of Turkish Society of Obstetric and Gynecology, 2014
Bu çalışmanın amacı hastaneye başvuran kadınların istemli düşük hakkındaki görüşlerinin incelenmesidir. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Mart 2013-Nisan 2013 tarihleri arasında yürütülen tanımlayıcı nitelikteki bu çalışmada, bir üniversite hastanesine başvuran hasta ve yakınlarından araştırmaya katılmayı kabul eden 500 kadına yüz yüze görüşme yöntemiyle anket uygulanmıştır. Anket demografik özellikleri tanımlayıcı "6" ve kürtaj hakkındaki tutum ve görüşleri değerlendiren "14" sorudan oluşmaktaydı. Bulgular: Çalışmaya katılan 500 kadının yaşları 18 ile 75 arasında değişmekte olup ortalama yaş 31,5±11,9 olarak saptandı. Kadınların 26'sı (%5,2) okuryazar değilken 109'u (%21,8) üniversite mezunu idi. Çalışmaya katılanların %70,8'i isteğe bağlı kürtaja karşı olduğunu belirtti. İsteğe bağlı kürtaja karşı olduğunu belirtenlerin %53,1'i "dinen yasak olması", %35,3'ü "insan haklarına aykırı olması" ve %7,1'i ise "anne açısından sağlıksız olması" nedeniyle isteğe bağlı kürtaja karşı olduklarını bildirdi. Kürtajın yasaklanması konusunda, katılımcıların %82,4'ü gerekli durumlarda kürtajın yapılabilmesi gerektiğini, %9,6'sı tamamen yasaklanması gerektiğini, %8'i ise hiçbir şekilde yasaklanmaması gerektiğini belirtti. Sonuç: Katılımcıların büyük bir kısmı isteğe bağlı kürtaja olumsuz yönde baktıklarını belirtse de, zorunluluk durumlarında kürtajın yapılabilmesi gerekliliğini bildirmiştir. Kürtaj gibi halk sağlığını etkileyebilecek durumlarda yasal düzenlemeler yapılırken toplumun konuya bakış açısının da değerlendirilmesi gerektiğinin yararlı olacağı kanaatindeyiz.
Abortion: Against Compelled Motherhood
isara solutions, 2019
There are very few subject matters which have been discussed comprehensively at both national and international level, abortion is one of them. Whether women have absolute right over her body or whether foetus has right to life, whether decision of abortion is taken up by women only all these things had made situation convoluted. This wrangle can be summarizing in two words – Pro-choice and Pro-life. Abortion is very diverse as a subject matter because it is the peak of many aspects which includes religion, ethics, medicine and law. It is a social issue which imparts not only liberation but also the power to make the decision on their own. But the debate would be futile if it did not reckon the pivotal problem of female feticide. Liberation of women needs to be in parity against rights of the unborn child. In the 21st century, women are moving ahead shoulder to shoulder with men sharing all responsibilities, paying due respect and taking to high all professions in aspects. For the woman she still does not have any right to take decisions regarding her own body and her own life. She has taken every decision of her life depending upon the male counterpart, it may be father, brother, husband or son. The decisions like her marriage, bearing a child, pregnancy or abortion, where the vast Human Rights, Right to life and liberty contains all the variety of rights which everyone needs to enjoys the life.
The Experiences of Pregnant Women Who Request an Abortion
Social Work/Maatskaplike Werk, 2014
INTRODUCTION Pregnancy is a complex part of being a woman-it encompasses sexuality, a relationship, confrontation with contraception, the realisation of being pregnant, decisions and consequences (McCulloch, 1996:25). Mogano (1999:10) and Zimmerman (1997:15) agree that the discovery of an unwanted pregnancy evokes a variety of feelings in the woman, which lead to emotional turmoil. Feelings that are experienced range from ambivalence, surprise, happiness about fertility, fear of foetal abnormality, fear of birth, joy over motherhood, anger, feelings of guilt, confusion and shame, to anxiety about the social, economic, educational and emotional consequences of the pregnancy. An unwanted pregnancy is often welcomed after a few days of anxiety and insecurity (Mogano, 1999:10). However, an unwanted pregnancy can also bring about pain and impetuous decisionmaking. The woman with an unwanted pregnancy finds herself in a crisis and the solution is often accompanied with feelings of pain (Kaufman, 1997:5; Mojapelo-Batka, 2000:3). Occasionally teenagers become pregnant while they are still at school, and this affects the entire life of the girls in that it can destroy their dreams about the future (Mogano, 1999:8). Although an abortion is not a solution to the problem of an unwanted pregnancy, it is often regarded by some as the only way out (Le Roux & Botha, 1997:170). An unwanted pregnancy and the experiences that pregnant women who request an abortion have are discussed in this article on the basis of the results that are obtained from the empirical investigation. Adolescence as a development stage and teenage pregnancy is singled out because it is characterised by unique elements that do not form part of the experiences that the adult pregnant woman has. PROBLEM STATEMENT In the social sciences it is accepted that the normative family structure is the nuclear family in which the father and mother together care for their children, and the gender roles determine the allocation of work within the family. Other family structures are often seen that deviate from this norm. Yet conceptions concerning the family have gradually changed and single-parent families have increased. Unwanted pregnancies, abortion or alternative forms of care for children are studied by social scientists because they threaten the two most important cornerstones of society, namely economic wellbeing and family life (Howes & Green, 1997:1, 5). The legal termination of pregnancy has been a reality in South Africa since 1997. The reproductive rights of women are acknowledged, which implies that women can have pregnancies terminated safely and confidentially on request (SA, 1996:1304). Although abortion is legal, safe and accessible to all women in South Africa, it is still the woman's decision and it is accompanied by mixed and contradictory feelings such as isolation, relief, pain and rage (Rulashe, 1999:23-24). Women often experience the social, psychological and family tensions that accompany an unwanted pregnancy and this is seen as a crisis (Forrest, 1994:4; Kaufman, 1997:5). The decision-making process for the woman with an unwanted pregnancy is emotionally painful