Is the Integrative Teaching Approach Beneficial for Learning? (original) (raw)

Characteristics of teaching environmental education in primary schools

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The results of the recent research in the field of environmental education point to the fact that it is not enough to incorporate environmental content in the curricula and expect the students to behave environmentally responsibly. This is only a small step on the long and complex path of developing environmental awareness. Apart from the fact that environmental issues are included in the curricula, it is very important how these environmental issues are conveyed to students. The aim of this paper is to determine the characteristics of the primary school lessons (didactic and methodological characteristics, encouraging critical and divergent thinking, correlation of teaching content, interaction between students and teachers, students' active participation) dealing with environmental content. Fifteen 8 th grade classes were observed in three primary schools in Belgrade. The observation included biology, geography, physics and chemistry lessons. A Class Observation Protocol was designed for the purpose of a wider research. The results of the research show that teachers mostly applied frontal teaching and monologic method to teach environmental content to their students. Environmental content is a specific teaching and learning content requiring active learning methods, outdoor activities, encouraging students to explore and analyse, discuss issues, exchange opinions and observe specific issues from multiple perspectives. According to the results, these methods and forms of teaching are not sufficiently represented in our primary schools. The goals of environmental education can be fully realised only if the lessons covering environmental topics include: interactive and interdisciplinary approaches, active learning methods, outdoor classes and activities, classes where students are encouraged to explore and analyse, discuss issues, exchange opinions and observe specific issues from multiple perspectives. These activities are aimed at developing sudents' environmental awareness, acquisition of the environment-related knowledge, and shaping students' attitudes and behaviour.

Investigation of Environmental Related Course Gains at the First Level of Primary Education in Terms of Interdisciplinary Approach İlköğretim Birinci Kademe Düzeyinde Çevre İçerikli Ders Kazanımlarının Disiplinler Arası Yaklaşım Açısından İncelenmesi

Kastamonu Eğitim Dergisi, 2021

Purpose: Environment is an interdisciplinary research field related to many social, cultural, psychological, economic and social fields. Therefore, the success of a study to be planned in environmental education requires directing the study by considering these disciplines. Since environment and environmental problems affect many areas in our lives, environmental education in education programs should be handled with an interdisciplinary approach. In the research, environmental related gains in primary education curriculum were examined in the context of associating with other disciplines based on integrated interdisciplinary approach. Design/Methodology/Approach: The study is qualitative research and document analysis method was used in the analysis of the data. Findings: The number of environmental related gains at primary level was determined to be 96. It has been determined that the environmental related gains in primary education curriculum are concentrated in some courses such as Life Science, Science and Social Studies, and these gains are not included in the curriculum of some courses. It has been observed that the level of association of the determined gains with other disciplines is weak. In addition, no clear explanation has been found in the curriculum about the necessity of handling environmental related gains with an interdisciplinary approach. Highlights: The research shows that environmental gains in primary education curriculum are insufficient in terms of integrated interdisciplinary approach.

An integration of teaching and learning activities on environmental education in the subjects

The purposes of this study were to study the outcomes of a training workshop and to develop participants' capability in integration of teaching and learning activities on environmental education in the subjects. This project was a training project based on the principles of action research. The participants were 5 lecturers of Faculty of Education and 28 primary school teachers from 8 schools in Khon Kaen. Mini-lecture, group activities, exercises and presentation were used in this training project. Participant observations, interviews, tests, questionnaires, journal writings, photographs were employed for data collection. At the end of training sessions, questionnaires and two 10-item tests were administered. A criterion score of passing is 6. At least 75% of participants should pass a test. It was found that 96.43% of participants passed two tests which indicated statistically significant higher than 75% of participants ( 2 χ = 6.857, p < 0.05) with means scores of 8.357 and 7.536 and standard deviation of 1.394 and 1.319 for learner centered approach and integration of teaching and learning, respectively. In addition, the participant indicated their opinions and satisfactions towards the program at a high level ( X =4.134, SD=0.652). The results also indicated that through a training project, the researchers and participants had developed team building, sharing, collaborative work and a sense of belonging.

Interdisciplinary and Transdisciplinary Approaches to Environmental Education in the Curriculum

Moldavian Journal for Education and Social Psychology, 2017

This study aims to discover opportunities of inter and transdisciplinary ecological education in the context of the curriculum. The starting premises: 1.Is the eco-educational dimension taken into consideration when framing the curriculum? 2.Do the manual authors aim towards the introduction of ecological education elements amid the proposed topics? This way, the school curriculum and the alternative manuals for primary and pre-primary education are going to be analyzed. We will be describing models of ecological education promoted by the curriculum authors, then we will formulate suggestions of educational policies regarding eco-education. The analysis we are about to develop is based on both the quantifying aspects and the those regarding quality, following the extent of: comprehension of forms of ecological education within the curriculum field, models and the values of the promoted type of ecological education. We will be observing the ways of approach in developing study programs for the ecological education: social, procedural and personalized orienting on one hand, whereas on the other one, we will be seeing the methodological manners: conservative, praxiological and exploring-investigational, underlining the methodological models of ecological education within primary education. We will analyze principles that are global, of holistic nature and that occur systematically on which the achievement of the ecological education we are seeking is based, all within a formal setting, emphasizing afterwards the extra curriculum informal setting, tracking the typical ecological education directions: prospects, society, continuity, commencement, all these being materialized through general education directions.

Approaches to teaching high school students about environmental protection in the Greater Bielsko-Biała Metropolitan Area (Poland)

Environmental & Socio-economic Studies, 2014

The purpose of the present study is to assess the level of knowledge about local environmental protection among high school students in Bielsko-Biała and the surrounding areas. This sort of knowledge is part of the curriculum and is covered in various natural science school courses, such as geography, biology, chemistry, and social sciences. Various laws and regulations mandate that ecology is part of the secondary education curriculum-"Podstawa programowa kształcenia ogólnego" (2002, 2008 a, b). The Bielsko-Biała area is known for its valuable natural resources and natural attractions. It is home to twelve protected natural areas, including: two sanctuaries, two scenic landscape parks, four nature and landscape complexes, two unique endangered ecosystems, and two protected Natura 2000 areas, as well as 62 natural landmarks. The present paper presents results of a study that was conducted by means of a survey of Bielsko-Biała's high school students with respect to their knowledge about these protected natural areas. The results of the study revealed that the vast majority of the students do not take an interest in environmental protection issues. Moreover, the high school students displayed unsatisfactory knowledge about the protected natural areas around their city. The survey revealed that the study subjects were unable to identify the types of natural protected areas surrounding their city, let alone list or name the specific sanctuaries or natural landmarks. These disappointing findings generalize for both the students who live in Bielsko-Biała, and those who live in the distant northern provinces of the region. The results of the study stress the need for field trips and other programs aimed at advancing students' knowledge in this area. The need to incentivize teachers to organize field trips and other events of this kind is also highlited.


Peace and survival of life on Earth are threatened by human activities that lack commitment and humanitarian values. As responsible stewards of God’s creation, everyone is called to make the Earth a beautiful garden for the human family. With the traversing environmental issues facing Nueva Vizcaya in terms of preservation and protection, schools are powerful in strengthening the level of environmental education. This study aimed to identify the integration of environmental education of the five identified model public schools in the Division of Nueva Vizcaya. The study explored and inquired the integration of environmental education through curriculum mapping of the learning competencies in the K to 12 Curriculum using topical approach, mapped out the legal bases of environmental education through content analysis, and distinguished the best practices of the sustainable and eco-friendly schools through document scanning of accomplishment reports using inductive reasoning technique. Findings of this study reveal that the learning competencies of the K to 12 Curriculum had integrated environmental education and specific topics on environmental education are interwoven with the legal mandates on environment protection and conservation. In support to Republic Act No. 9512, known as the National Environmental Education Awareness Act of 2008, vibrant eco-friendly and sustainable schools in Nueva Vizcaya as mandated by the Department of Education actively implement in their environmental programs and projects the environmental laws, namely: RA 9003, RA 8749, PD 705, RA 9147, RA 9275, EO 578, RA 9279, RA 8041, and RA 10121. The five sustainable and eco-friendly public schools are worth emulating when it comes to environmental education.

Biology as a platform for application of environment element in the school

Biology education in secondary schools can be a good platform to implement elements of the environment among school children. The subjects include environmental elements that can be detailed and refined its contents as specified in MOE publications. In terms of mode of delivery, environmental element in the classroom, teachers need to effectively implement the teaching and learning activities (PDP). Activities adoption of these elements cannot be treated it as a new burden to the existing curriculum. Studies conducted previously showed that students in the primary, secondary or higher have the knowledge and low environmental awareness (Department of Environment, 1996). Some related literature states that the knowledge and low awareness stems from the failure of students to appreciate the environmental values. The problem arises from the difficulty of students to master the concepts of the abstract environment of teaching. Students who do not understand the basic concept of the abstract environment is often looking for short cuts to memorize a concept but do not understand what is being said. Memorizing the concepts of environmental causes meaningful learning does not occur. When meaningful learning does not occur, knowledge and environmental awareness will be at a low level. This opinion is based on the model of Responsible Environmental Behavior (Hungerford & Volk, 1990), which states that individuals with high environmental knowledge and awareness exhibit positive behavior towards the environment. In this context, the role and commitment of teachers is very important to realize applied intention element. Therefore, teachers who have been trained in Educational Institutions must have features and a tendency to think positively about the idea of environmental education through the application of Biology.

Improvement of environmental educational activity within the system of educational environment in Saratov region

In Saratov region we developed a Concept of continuous environmental education (2009-2019) for the population of the region. The goal of the programme is to develop a system of social contribution to solution of regional environmental problems. In the years 2005-2014 regional educational institutions carried environmental educational projects. We were able to trace positive dynamics in acquisition of methods of nonprogmatic interaction with nature objects. The study uncovered educators' difficulties in organizing diagnostic procedures linked to effectiveness of environmental activity of schoolchildren. It also showed prevalence of rational forms of academic interaction in the course of development of emotional and axiological attitude to nature; specified difficulties in organizing partnership between educators, students, and the society, which does not allow to develop group strategy of interaction for solving regional environmental problems to the full extent. Theoretical and practical problem, which is identification of ways for improvement of environmental educational activity within the system of educational environment in Saratov region, arises.

Teaching the subject teaching methods of Nature and Society studies in the function of ecological education


In this text we give routes how is implemented ecological contend in subject of methodic on teaching for nature and society, which will help people, expecionally young population, to get knowledge how they can assess the value of ecological situation, to realize appositely or rather to get ecological behavior. Also we give and routes how to help students and wider region to discover real reason for ecological and developing problems-building ecological, devolutionary and population dimension in educational education in Balkan country. We ...

Attitudes primary school students according to problems of environmental preservation and protection

Abstract Ecological education has a key role in achieving responsible attitude towards nature as well as in promotion of outlooks and conduct with the aim of sustainable development. Apart from TIMSS 2003, the research which determined low level of student achievements in ecological field, in our educational practice there have been no researches concerning the influence of education on students’ attitudes towards environmental protection and improvement. The research presented in this work represents a part of pedagogical experiment carried out on a sample of 180 seventh grade students who studied the content related to ecology within biology curriculum. The intention of conducted survey was to determine the attitudes and opinions the students have about preservation and protection of the environment. Explored attitudes of surveyed students towards environmental protection and improvement are positive in large percentage, but they lack the knowledge about contaminators from the immediate environment as well as their influence to it. The readiness of students for participating the ecological projects is not great in percentage, and is only oriented to the actions in the immediate surroundings and with the immediate results. Ecological education will be successful only if teachers create the culture of critical thinking and if ecological education is not restricted to formal traditional education. The active role of students in the educational process is necessary for gaining the environmental knowledge, attitudes and habits leading to their pro-ecological behavior. Key words: ecological education, preservation of the environment, attitudes of the students, primary school