Strengthening the Character Values in the Online Learning Process (original) (raw)
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This research aims to determine and analyze the character values contained in the textbooks of Islamic Education for V grade in Islamic Elementary School. The method used in this research was a content analysis method with a qualitative approach. The source of research data is the PAI (Pendidikan Agama Isam) textbook for Madrasah Ibtidaiyah which is divided into four books, namely Akidah Akhlak, Qur'an Hadith, Fikih, and Sejarah Kebudayaan Islam. The results showed that there are main character values in each book, namely Religius, Nationalis, Mandiri, Gotong Royong, and Integritas scattered throughout the books. Meanwhile, the most dominant character value that appears is Religius with its sub value "Hubungan individu dengan Tuhan". Then, other character values such as Nasionalis and Mandiri are still not widely published in this PAI textbook. Such as Mandiri character that is not in the fikih subject, then nasionalis character which is also not in the subjects of the...
Character Education Values That Work in Islamic Senior High School Setting
The purpose of study is to discover the character education values that are integrated in lesson plan, implemented in the classroom setting, and classroom academic rules. This is a case study research that focused on describing the integration of character education program in the Model Islamic senior high school of Makassar, Indonesia. Fifty lesson plans were collected, twenty six informants were observed, and five informants were interviewed to have data on character education values that work. The data were analyzed using qualitative approach; data reduction, data display, conclusion, and verification. The result showed that (1) there are eighteen character education values written in the lesson plan; religious, honest, tolerant, discipline, hard working, creative, independent, democratic, curiosity, the spirit of nationalism, love to motherland, appreciation of achievement, friendly, peaceful, love to read, environmental and social care, responsibility, (2) the values that work in the classroom are religious, trustworthy, respectfulness, diligent, fair, care, integrity, responsible, honest, love to motherland, courage, and (3) the values that work in the academic rules are disciplines, care, tolerant, friendly, responsible. Studi ini bertujuan untuk menemukan nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter yang diintegrasikan melalui Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran, diimplementasikan dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran di kelas dan aturan akademik sekolah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi kasus yang diarahkan pada pendeskripsian integrasi program pendidikan karakter pada Madasah Aliyah Negeri Model Makassar, Indonesia. Sebanyak 50 RPP dikumpulkan, duapuluh enam informan diamati, dan lima informan diwawancarai untuk memperoleh data tentang nilai-nilai karakter yang dijalankan. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitiatif; reduksi data, penyajian data, verifikasi, dan pengambilan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) terdapat delapan belas karakter yang tertulis pada RPP mencakup religius, jujur, toleran, disiplin, kerja keras, kreatif, mandiri, demokratis, keingintahuan, semangat kebangsaan, cinta tanah air, menghargai prestasi, bersahabat, cinta damai, gemar membaca, peduli lingkungan, peduli sosial, dan bertanggungjawab, (2) nilai-nilai karakter yang diintegrasikan dalam ruang kelas adalah religius,amanah, hormat, rajin, adil, peduli, integritas, bertanggungjawab, jujur, cinta tanah air, keberanian, dan (3) nilai-nilai karakter dalam penegakkan aturan sekolah adalah disiplin, peduli, toleran, bersahabat, dan bertanggungjawab.
Character Education in Online Learning
Proceedings of the 2nd Universitas Kuningan International Conference on System, Engineering, and Technology, UNISET 2021, 2 December 2021, Kuningan, West Java, Indonesia, 2022
This research is motivated by the existence of a process of learning activities that are not as usual. Teachers and students conduct online or online learning activities. People consider online learning has not helped in children's education, especially in character education. This study aims to describe the character education carried out by teachers in distance learning. The research method used is descriptive qualitative, using data analysis techniques in the form of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. The results of the research at SD Negeri 5 Purwawinangun are: It turns out that the teacher has implemented character education in online learning, of the 9 characters studied 3 character values that are carried out are religious, responsibility and integrity.
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences, 2021
The implementation of character education in Ma'had which is full of noble values in its existence has succeeded in shaping the attitudes and behavior of santriwan and santriwati which are expected to have good character, through the application of a distinctive teacher strategy capable of realizing religious human resources. Ma'had Tahfidz Kampung Qur'an is a non-formal institution that pays attention to strengthening character education, especially religious values, honesty, discipline, and hard work. It is hoped that this value will become an icon that can become a foothold for value transfer so that the vision and mission which is expected to be able to create religious human resources and always interact with the Koran towards the person of Insan Kamil. This research uses qualitative research with a phenomenological approach and descriptive methods. Data collected through observation, interviews, and document study. Data analysis techniques by means of data reductio...
Al-Ishlah, 2023
This study aims to investigate the implementation of the Character Education method through Islamic Education learning for Muslim students at a senior high school in North Minahasa. The method used in this research is the descriptive qualitative method using a case study design. The researchers collected the data through observation and interviews and analyzed the obtained data through content analysis. The results of the study reported that the implementation of character education methods through Islamic Education learning for Muslim students referred to the National education goals listed in the 2013 curriculum and the Decree of the Minister of National Education Number; 54 of 2013 concerning Competency Standards for graduating elementary and secondary education. Character education can be integrated into all subjects. The implementation of character education for Muslim students at the high school in North Minahasa Regency consisted of parents' involvement, extracurricular activities, habituation methods, exemplary, giving advice, and giving rewards and punishments.
Implementation of Religious Character Education in Online Learning for Elementary School
Proceedings of the 1st Annual International Conference on Natural and Social Science Education (ICNSSE 2020), 2021
Connectivity in the 4.0 revolution has a positive impact on world education where we can maximize technology in learning. Especially when the Covid 19 pandemic takes place in front of the accessibility of offline learning spaces, online learning is the only solution that can be used. In online learning, character planting also remains a common concern, lest bold learning will reduce the cultivation of character that has been carried out by schools so far. The main character that needs to be possessed by students is a religious character, where planting will relate and behavior that needs to be instilled in students. Religious education needs to be instilled from an early age, even before entering school age, children have entered a religious character starting from recommended prayers, fasting, zakat, prayer, and also polite and courteous attitudes, faith and piety must be from home by parents. At school age, it is necessary to deepen the religious character so that the child remains embedded in him, will fill obligations, be polite and polite and others. The research objective was to see the implementation of a religious character in bold learning. This research was conducted by the integrated Islamic elementary school Raudhatul Muttaqin Bekasi with the method used was a mixed method. The results obtained are the integrated Islamic elementary school Raudhatul Muttaqin that schools maximize technology in this bold learning by using the Learning Management System (LMS), e-mail, video meetings, and interactive videos. In the school's LMS, there are daily activities that are hampered as a whole which is the inculcation of a religious character, including the obligatory prayer 5 times, telling the truth, performing sunnah worship, fasting both mandatory and sunnah, murajaah, and daily activities that begin with prayer, greetings, and birrul walidain. From the results of the research that in the implementation of religious activities carried out continuously by students as many as 61.4% while those who did not do it were 14.4%. In addition, there are still 20% of students who do not instill the value of honesty and courtesy during learning at home. Therefore, strengthening religious character education can be said to be successful but not optimal because there are still some who have not implemented it and also do not reflect an honest and polite attitude.
Integration of character education based on local culture through online learning in Madras Ahaliyah
Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, 2021
The focus of this article's discussion is related to the integration of character education based on local culture at Madrasah Aliyah (Senior High School) in Aceh. The participants were determined purposively, and they were six Madrasah principals, and 50 teachers served at Madrasah Aliyah (Islamic secondary school ) throughout Aceh. The data were analyzed following the procedures of qualitative research. The results of the study suggest that the integration of character education based on local Acehnese culture was carried out through integration in learning, the preparation of a Characteristic Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) module, the role of the teacher as a role model, and the development of pesantren (boarding school) culture. The integration of character education based on local wisdom at Madrasah Aliyah in Aceh has implications for student character development, such as religion, integrity, critical thinking, independence, participating in social activities, and resp...
Analysis of Student Character in Online Learning of Student Class IV Primary School\_Vol.9\_Issue.5\_May2022/IJRR-Abstract031.html, 2022
Character education is an effort to encourage students to grow and develop with the competence to think and adhere to principles. So that character education can be applied through online learning. The character of the child here is very important to know the discipline of the child. The purpose of this study was to determine the process of character application during online learning that occurred at SDN Kadungmundu and SD Islam Al-Fajar in Semarang City. This study focused on the character of students in online learning. The method used is qualitative and the design used is descriptive analysis. The sample of this study was 4 students. There were three data collection techniques, there were in-depth interviews, observation, and documentary. Data analysis techniques data reduction, data presentation, drawing conclusions The results of this study were that during the online learning process students have a disciplined character by following the rules that exist at school when offline and applied during online learning, students also collect assignments on time. Besides teachers, here the role of parents is also very important because it monitors students. Suggestions from this study were the role of family, school, and social media must be carried out with control, direction, supervision and follow-up on every attitude and behavior of students who are not polite to be corrected immediately, and polite to always be maintained.
ENDLESS : International Journal of Future Studies, 2021
Islamic Religious Education is a form of education that instills students with religious principles. Islamic religious education is inextricably linked to student character development since both aim to develop pupils into human beings with faith and devotion to Allah SWT. The purpose of this study is to ascertain Islamic religious education learning in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri (MIN) 1 Karawang, to compile a profile of students at MIN 1 Karawang, and to ascertain the role of Islamic religious education in forming the characteristics of students at MIN 1 Karawang. Field research with a qualitative approach was employed in this study. The study's findings indicate that Islamic religious education is critical in resolving the present character crisis. Islamic Religious Education is effectively carried out at MIN 1 Karawang via the involvement of all current partners.
Core Ethical Values of Character Education Based on Islamic Values in Islamic Boarding Schools
International Journal on Advanced Science, Education, and Religion
This research was motivated by the spread of radicalism ideology that’s carried out by leaders of some boarding schools (Islamic school of Qur’anic studies), the degradation of society moral, and the immoral behavior in education institutions. This research aims to investigate the core ethical values of character education based on Islamic values in Islamic boarding schools to facilitate the embedding of those values in Indonesian society so that the radicalism ideology, moral degradation, and immoral behavior can be eliminated. This research uses a qualitative approach and method. The type of research is library research; data were obtained from books, journals, and other relevant references. Then the data were analyzed by using content analysis techniques. The result of this research shows that the core ethical values of character education based on Islamic values in Islamic boarding schools are divided into four core teachings of Islamic studies, namely al-fiqh (fiqh), al-tauhid ...