Analysis of Students' Cognitive Dimension on Digestion Process (original) (raw)


Improved methods of knowledge acquisition of learners concern direct and indirect actors in the education system; this requires first to know the conception of learners of a given concept. The objective of this paper is to analyze the representations of the learner's props concept of digestion, a sample of 408 students, was analyzed. We found that most learners still keep the initial representation despite learning concept in 2nd year and 3rd year college and the passage from a level to another. Therefore we could give some explanation to this problem:

Development of Biology Practicum Guide to the Concept of the Digestive System in Developing Critical Thinking Students

Science Education and Application Journal, 2022

The aim of the study is to develop a biology practicum guide on the concept of the digestive system to develop students' critical thinking skills, to determine eligibility, and to determine student responses to the biology practicum guide. The research method is the research and development (R&D) method by using the Sugiyono model. The research was conducted in October 2021 at SMAN 2 Serang City. The population in the study was 10 students from class XI SMAN 2 at Serang City High School, school year 2021/2022. Data retrieval and collection techniques are carried out by spreading questionnaires and interviews, while data analysis techniques using guttman scales and likert scales are used to test the feasibility of the biology practical guides that have been created. The validity assessment from the material expert for the Biology Practicum Guide received a score of 85% and the score from the media expert got a score of 86%. Both values are very feasible in the category. The resul...

How Are the Students’ Biology Conceptual Knowledge and Procedural Knowledge in Padang City?

Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Research, Implementation, and Education of Mathematics and Sciences (ICRIEMS 2020), 2021

The conceptual knowledge and procedural knowledge are able to equip students to have new skills in the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. Because, both of these knowledge are used to solve a problem correctly. This study aimed to determine the conceptual knowledge and procedural knowledge of Biology of grade XI students of state senior high school in Padang, on the subject of human digestive system. This research is quantitative descriptive with survey method. The population was all grade XI students of state senior high school in Padang of 2019/2020 study years. The sampling technique used purposive sampling technique. Data were collected using test instrument to measure the students’ conceptual knowledge and procedural knowledge. Data collected was then analyzed by using descriptive statistics. Based on the survey, the ability of the conceptual knowledge of obtain in “bad” category with a range of scores of 0 ≤ 21,97 < 25. The ability of procedural knowledge of obtain in “ba...

Improving High-School Students’ Conceptual Understanding and Functionalization of Knowledge About Digestion Through the Application of the Interdisciplinary Teaching Approach

Journal of Baltic Science Education

Adolescents are considered as a nutritionally vulnerable subgroup because of their alimentary behaviours. Considering that alimentary habits are strongly influenced by knowledge about digestion, an experiment was conducted with aim to determine whether conceptual understanding and functionalization of this knowledge can be improved by the interdisciplinary teaching approach. The experiment encompassed 258 students attending the fourth year of high school. No statistically significant difference in the level of the previously acquired chemistry, biology and physics knowledge concerning digestion between the two groups was determined on the pre-test. Conversely, the students in the experimental group significantly outperformed those in the control group on the post-test that required a deep understanding and the application of knowledge about digestion in solving real-life problems. Therefore, it was concluded that high- school teachers can be advised to apply the interdisciplinary te...

Development of High School Biology Students Worksheets Based on Critical Thinking Skills on the Concept of the Digestive System

BIO-INOVED : Jurnal Biologi-Inovasi Pendidikan, 2020

One of the problems of life that are happening right now is the problem in education. Three skills need to be improved including 1) the field of cognitive skills, 2) interpersonal skills, and 3) intrapersonal skills. The purpose of this study is to improve the Student Worksheet (LKPD) so that it has effective criteria. The use of LKPD in the learning process is expected to improve students' critical thinking skills. The research method used is the Tessmer design using a small group test. Critical thinking skills refer to Facione 1990 while the structure of LKPD development refers to Daryanto & Dwicahyono. The small group test subjects were six high school class XI students. This research is development research using Tessmer design. The study was conducted for one semester, namely in the 2019-2020 school year. The results showed that the effectiveness of LKPD based on the assessment of students' critical thinking skills in working on LKPD had a category of at least good, int...

The influence of learning style on science process skills of digestive system material for class XI Senior High School in Kisaran District, Asahan Regency


The aim of this study was to analyze the learning style on science process skill class XI digestive system in State Senior High School of Kisaran, Asahan. This method applied a descriptive study with a quantitative approach. The population were all students of class XI there are 792 public schools in State Senior High Schools of Kisaran for the academic year of 2020/2021. Samples were taken from four school, each one class totaling 144 student by using purposive sampling. To obtain the data, the description test was used as an questionnaire to determine student learning styles. Hypothesis testing was carried out with multiple linear regression analysis with a significance level of 0,05. The research show that from learning style (visual, auditorial, kinesthetic, audio/visual, visual kinesthetic, auditorial/kinesthetic) the hight result is visual with a percentage of 38.19. Then the student science process skills intrument with indicators such as observing, classifying, interpreting, predicting, asking questions, hypothesizing, planning experiments, applying concepts, and communicating in biology learning. The results on science process skills of the digestive system material were categorized as good with a score of 82.06 and the highest indicator for observing obtained a mean score of 86.63 with a very good category and the lowest indicator for applying the concept obtained score of 79.16 good category.


Textbooks are still one of the main learning media which used in the Biology learning process. Generally, students are used to using textbooks than digital versions. Basically, Biology is one of the most visual sciences, so it cannot be separated from the use of images. Biology learning is also based on the remembrance and object of Biology mostly consist about various abstract concepts including physiological processes on digestive system material. Most of these physiological processes require suitable media to visualize it. The effort to facilitate students learning process is not only by developing textbooks. However, innovation is also carried out by combining characteristics of images and processes into textbooks. Therefore, it takes a textbook based on process images about the digestive system. Process images are a series of sequential images as a whole, able to describe a particular process, interesting, easy to understand and use. In addition, textbooks based on process images also facilitate students to map information related to concepts, so it can be stored systematically in the brain. Therefore, it will also increase students\\\' learning retention as well as one of the determinants of student learning achievement. This study aims to examine the effectiveness of the use of textbooks based on process images on digestion system material to student?s retention. The data analyzed were obtained from the value of posttest and retest. Then, the values are analyzed using the Recognition method to find out the criteria of student learning retention.

Analysis of Students Science Process Skills on Digestive System Learning Using the 7E Learning Cycle Model

Jurnal Pelita Pendidikan

This study aimed to obtain data on students' science process skills on the digestive system material for class XI MIPA. This research type is research pre-experimental with one case study. The population in this study were students of class XI MIPA with a sample of 35 students using random sampling techniques. The learning stages in this phase include Elicit, Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, Evaluate and Extend. The data were analyzed with the average value and then analyzed using Anova. The results of this study indicate that the science process skills in nine aspects are classified as very high for observing and communicating (each with a value of 95 and 84.64), that are classified as high are grouping (67.85), predicting (68.57), asking questions (62.85), proposing hypotheses (74.64), and planning research (80.35). Science process skills classified as moderate are aspects of data interpretation (52.85), and those classified as low apply concepts (38.57). Based on the Anov...

Development of Student Worksheets Based on Scientific Literacy in the Food Digestion System Subject of Class XI Science High School

Journal of Educational Sciences, 2020

This study aims to develop student worksheets (LKPD) based on scientific literacy on the digestive system subject of class XI IPA high school. The small group test was conducted at SMAN 4 Dumai, because the LKPD used so far had not been based on scientific literacy so the scientific literacy ability of students was still low. This type of research was a research and development model of Borg and Gall. The validity instruments were the RPP, the LKPD, and the question validation sheets. The practicality instrument was a questionnaire of teacher and student responses. The validator consists of 2 lecturers (subject and education experts) and 2 teachers (practitioners). The data obtained is qualitative data converted to quantitative data. RPP validation results from 7 aspects of 3.8 (valid). LKPD validation of 3.77 (valid) includes content aspects of 3.92, linguistic 3.63, content 3.67, and characteristics of 3.85. LKPD is classified as practical after being tested on 15 class XII scienc...