Qualitative Analysis of Borax in the Meatballs by Using Turmeric Extract (original) (raw)

Validation Of Spectrophotometry-Visble Method On The Determination Of Borax Levels In Meatballs

Berkala Ilmiah Kimia Farmasi

Borax, in illictic additive substance, is added on certain food product as a e preservative and rubbery. Therefore, the determination of borax in the food product such as meatball is very impotant in view of meatball is a food product often consumed by community. Vis- Spectrophotometric method with curcumine 0.125% as a reagent and glacial acetic acid-sulphuric acid has been used for determination of borax in this research. Curcumin reagent was selected because sensitivity of the method and the reproducibility of the results are affected by quality of the reagent other than rigorous observance of the reaction conditions (temperature, time, reagent quantities). Glacial acetic acid- sulphuric acid was used to create acid condition, so that curcumin and boron form a violetred 2:1 complex called rosocyanin. The optimum result was obtained when 1/. ml solution of 0.125% curcuumin and 1.0 ml concentrated sulphuric acid were added and the absorbance was measured after 70 minutes at 547 nm....

Analysis of Borax and Formldehyde Content in Meatballsin Ambon City

Biofaal Journal

A research has been done to analyze the content of borax and formalin content in several meatball sales places in Ambon City. This study uses two stages of analysis; qualitative analysis to determine the presence or absence of borax and formalin in meatballs and quantitative analysis to determine what levels of borax and formalin in meatballs. The results of the qualitative analysis of borax and formalin in the meatballs of ten samples showed one sample containing borax, which is sample A (Wayame) with borax content of 1.02% (w / w) while all of the samples sample did not contain formalin. Even though it is found in quite low levels, the use of borax as a food additive is not allowed because it is very dangerous for human health.

Analysis of Borax Content on the Meatball Skewers in Elementary School Subdistrict of Bangkinang District of Kampar

School-age children is an investment of a nation and the growth depends on the intake of food. Currently there are still many foods that contain borax as the meatball skewers are sold freely in the elementary schools sub district of Bangkinang. In addition it is alleged there is no control over school snacks both the government and the schools that need to be conducted studies on the use of borax on meatball skewers. The research aims to determine the content of borax and proximate analysis of the meatball skewers in sub district of Bangkinang, comparing the borax and nutritional content of meatball skewers which are made directly by the merchant and the meatball skewers that are purchased from the manufacturer and determine the characteristics and motivations of merchant that using borax. Samples were taken from 17 merchants who sell in the elementary schools sub district of Bangkinang as much as 3 times the sampling distance of 1 week and 3 times of observation. Based on the research the average characteristics of meatball merchant ages are 32,41 years old with 2.1 years experience of selling and the duration of 5.24 hours a day with a turnover of Rp. 268,680. High school and junior high school educated merchant make more own meatballs which conceal the recipe and only 5.88% of merchant who ever got the attention of the government. Merchants who sell meatball skewers at the elementary school generally uses borax. The content of borax ranged from 0.48 mg/g sample up to 2.32 mg/g sample. The largest average content of borax on meatball skewers obtained from the manufacturer. The nutritional content of the protein content ranged from 0.18% to 1.58%. The water content

Analisis ANALISIS KANDUNGAN BORAKS PADA JAJANAN BAKSO TUSUK DI SEKOLAH DASAR DI KECAMATAN BANGKINANG KABUPATEN KAMPAR Analysis of Borax Content on the Meatball Skewers in Elementary School Subdistrict of Bangkinang District of Kampar

School-age children is an investment of a nation and the growth depends on the intake of food. Currently there are still many foods that contain borax as the meatball skewers are sold freely in the elementary schools sub district of Bangkinang. In addition it is alleged there is no control over school snacks both the government and the schools that need to be conducted studies on the use of borax on meatball skewers. The research aims to determine the content of borax and proximate analysis of the meatball skewers in sub district of Bangkinang, comparing the borax and nutritional content of meatball skewers which are made directly by the merchant and the meatball skewers that are purchased from the manufacturer and determine the characteristics and motivations of merchant that using borax. Samples were taken from 17 merchants who sell in the elementary schools sub district of Bangkinang as much as 3 times the sampling distance of 1 week and 3 times of observation. Based on the research the average characteristics of meatball merchant ages are 32,41 years old with 2.1 years experience of selling and the duration of 5.24 hours a day with a turnover of Rp. 268,680. High school and junior high school educated merchant make more own meatballs which conceal the recipe and only 5.88% of merchant who ever got the attention of the government. Merchants who sell meatball skewers at the elementary school generally uses borax. The content of borax ranged from 0.48 mg/g sample up to 2.32 mg/g sample. The largest average content of borax on meatball skewers obtained from the manufacturer. The nutritional content of the protein content ranged from 0.18% to 1.58%. The water content between 28.84% to 64.12%. Fat content ranged from 0.62% to 8.74%. Ash content ranged from 1.61% to 5.01% and carbohydrates ranged from 30.94% to 59.24%. The highest average levels of fat, ash and carbohydrate levels are meatball made by merchants while the highest protein and water contents obtained from meatball skewers manufacturer. Motivation of merchant use borax is obtained more chewy and durable meatballs texture so will result in higher profits moreover the merchant do not know borax and dangers due to the lack of government attention.

Analisis Kualitatif dan Kuantitatif Kandungan Boraks Pada Bakso Menggunakan Kertas Turmerik, FT – IR Spektrometer dan Spektrofotometer Uv -Vis

Indonesia Journal of Halal, 2019

Bakso merupakan salah satu makanan yang banyak dikonsumsi karena penyajiannya yang praktis, memiliki harga yang terjangkau dan banyak tersedia diberbagai tempat seperti pasar tradisional, pasar swalayan dan masih banyak lagi. Banyaknya masyarakat yang mengonsumsi bakso membuat para pedagang berlomba-lomba membuat bakso yang enak, namun dengan alasan kualitas dan awet ada pedagang yang menggunakan boraks sebagai bahan tambahan pangan. Boraks merupakan senyawa kimia yang mengandung unsur Boron (B) dan memiliki nama dagang bleng, pijer atau gendar. Boraks biasa digunakan sebagai bahan solder, pembuatan gelas, bahan pembersih/pelicin porselin, pengawet kayu dan antiseptik kayu. Penelitian terhadap bakso dikota Medan menunjukkan bahwa 8 dari 10 sampel bakso yang diperiksa ternyata mengandung boraks dengan konsentrasi 0,08% - 0,29%. Menurut Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan RI No 033 tahun 2012 tentang bahan tambahan pangan, boraks merupakan salah satu dari jenis bahan tambahan pangan yang dila...

The effect of adding red spinach leaf extract (Amaranthus tricolor) with different concentrations on the quality of chicken meatballs

Jurnal Ilmiah Samudra Akuatika

Bakso merupakan salah satu produk pangan olahan yang terbuat dari daging dan memiliki komposisi protein, mineral, serta vitamin yang cukup tinggi. Bayam merah (Amaranthus Tricolor) merupakan salah satu sayuran yang kurang populer di kalangan masyarakat. Bayam merah mengandung antioksidan yang tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jumlah serta pengaruh penambahan ekstrak daun bayam merah terhadap kualitas bakso ayam yang dihasilkan. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan faktor konsenstrasi ekstrak bayam merah yang terdiri dari 4 taraf perlakuan yaitu A = 0%, B = 10%, C = 30%, D= 50%. Setiap perlakuan dilakukan 5 kali ulangan sehingga diperoleh 20 satuan percobaan. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan eskstrak daun bayam merah dengan konsentrasi yang berbeda 0%, 10%, 20%, dan 50% berpengaruh nyata terhadap warna, rasa, aroma, dan tekstur bakso ayam yang dihasilkan. Perlakuan terbaik diperoleh yaitu per...

An Analysis of Borax Content in Labeled and Bulk Chicken Nuggets Sold at Tradisional Markets of Surabaya


Foodstuff constitutes any things come from biological resources and water, bothprocessed and unprocessed. One of those processed foods is chicken nugget. Nugget is aprocessedanimal product that is included in the category of easily damaged by microorganisms.Therefore, in order obtain the desired quality of food, the manufacturers often use a forbiddenadditional material such as borax that is commonly used in glass, fungicide, herbicide andinsecticide industries.This study is a descriptive type of study with cross sectional approach that is aimed tolearn about borax content in labeled and bulk chicken nuggets sold at tradisional markets ofSurabaya. The study is located at 10 traditional markets managed by PD Pasar Surya and 10markets managed individually.The result of study indicates that from the organoleptic test of 12 samples of labeledchicken nugget, 4 samples (33,3%) are hard and rubbery, 3 sampel (25%) do not have thenatural aroma of chicken meat, 6 samples (50%) have duller co...

Penetapan Boraks dengan Kurkumin pada Tahu

Abstrak Penggunaan boraks di dalam makanan sudah lama dilarang oleh pemerintah melalui undang-undang dan Permenkes. Namun pada kenyataannya, boraks masih sering digunakan sebagai bahan tambahan makanan, salah satunya tahu. Sehingga pada praktikum kali ini dilakukan pengujian boraks pada tahu secara kualitatif dengan menggunakan kertas tumerik dan uji nyala. Dari hasil yang didapat, diketahui bahwa sampel negatif mengandung boraks.

Analisis Kandungan Boraks dan Formalin pada Produk Olahan Daging yang dijual oleh UMKM di Kota Bandung

Jurnal Teknologi Hasil Peternakan

Beef meatballs and chicken nuggets are popular processed meat products that are in great demand. Currently, many micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSME) produce beef meatballs and chicken nuggets and then sell them through online e-commerce. Bandung City is one of the cities with 121,530 (26.17%) out of 464,346 MSMEs in food sector. This study aims to evaluate the food safety of beef meatballs and chicken nuggets produced by MSMEs in Bandung City with online sales to various cities in Indonesia. The content of sodium borate (borax) and formaldehyde, which in many cases are added to replace legal food additives to beef meatballs and chicken nuggets. The research was conducted descriptively with qualitative and quantitative methods. The number of samples was 20 products (14 beef meatball products and 6 chicken nugget products) from 20 different MSMEs in Bandung City. The turmeric paper method was used for detecting borax qualitatively, while the KMnO4 reagent method was used for detecting formaldehyde. Positive results were quantitatively tested using spectrophotometer. The results showed that no samples contained borax, but 7 samples (35%) contained formaldehyde, which ranged from 4.16-12.44 ppm. The level of formaldehyde in beef meatballs sold by several MSMEs in Bandung City has violated the rules set in Indonesia.

13. Quality of Broiler Meat after Treatment of Jaloh Extract and Turmeric Extract and Infected By Eimeria tenella

Jurnal Medika Veterinaria

The aim of this research was to study the effect of jaloh leaf extract combined with turmeric extract on the quality of broiler meat infected with Eimeria tenella (E.tenella). Sample used in this research was 20 broilers, strain Cobb aged 15 days and given treatment of jaloh extract and turmeric extract for 10 days. Meat examination was conducted after 5 days of E.tenella oocyst inoculation. There were 5 groups in this experiment (n=4), P1 as negative control was given mineral water, P2 was given commercial anti-stress 5mg/L per day, P3 was given jaloh extract 1000mg/L per day, P4 was given turmeric extract 250mg/L per day, and P5 was given jaloh leaf extract 1000mg/L combined with turmeric extract 250mg/L per day. After 25 days, all groups were infected with 1x104 concentration of E. tenella oocyst per chicken. Parameters observed in this research were organoleptic test and Postma test. The result showed that jaloh leaf extract combined with turmeric extract did not affect the qual...