National Culture and Organizational Learning (original) (raw)

Škerlavaj, M., Su, C., & Huang, M. (2013): The moderating effects of national culture on the development of organizational learning culture: A multilevel study across seven countries

JEEMS, 18(1): 97-134.

This study examines the moderating effects of national culture dimensions (Hofstede 1980) on three key elements in the development of organisational learning culture: information acquisition, information interpretation and behavioral and cognitive changes. Data were collected from 1333 companies in three CEE countries (Slovenia, Croatia, Macedonia) and other regions. The results showed that four national cultural dimensions (power distance, individualism, masculinity, and uncertainty avoidance) had no significant moderating effects on the relationship between information acquisition and information interpretation. However, the relationship between information interpretation and behavioral and cognitive changes was positively moderated by power distance, and negatively moderated by individualism, masculinity and uncertainty avoidance.


Asia Pacific Institute of Advanced Research, 2017

Organizations are culture-bound (Hofstede, 2001). A proponent of the organizational culture would argue that organizational culture has a profound impact on the performance and sustainability to the organization; yet, the supporters of national culture believe that national cultures can play a role in distracting or strengthening the organizational culture to shape the organization and boost the performance of the organization. Some scholars pose questions about whether national cultures constrain organizational culture (Gerhart, 2008). However, Hofstede (2001) argued that to achieve great performance an organization should pay attention to national culture. Each proponent has compelling arguments as to why their side has a much profound impact compare to the other side. Organizational learning is primarily about individuals learning within their organization. Human learning in an organizational context is strongly influenced by the organization, having consequences to the organization, which results at the organizational level can only be inferred by observing the learning process of everyone within it. This study aimed to investigate the organizational learning capability among employees, as organizational culture intertwined with different national cultures. Data are collected by in-depth interviewing Expatriates and local workforce in a multinational company and in one higher education institution in Jakarta; exploring individual perceived organizational learning capability: experimentation, risk-taking, interaction with the external environment, dialog, and participative decision making.

The moderating effects of national culture on the development of organizational learning culture: A multilevel study across seven countries

Journal of East European Management Studies, 2013

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The Connection between National Culture and Organizational Culture: A Literature Review

Britain International of Humanities and Social Sciences (BIoHS) Journal

Although there is a major challenge for international business to successfully adapt various cultures and their influence on the everyday operations of businesses. Such aptness needs to comprehend culture, cultural variety, opinions, stereotypes and values. Culture directs the way human beings act and conduct themselves in certain situations in life. It also explicates the way people from time to time treat others or talk about others. Consequently, culture in this circumstances is understood by a distinct set of people through its ideas, values, and traditions. These are the ideas, values, aspirations and traditions formed overtime by organisations that justified them to label it as ‘organizational culture’. This study made an analysis on the dissimilarities between national culture and organizational culture and discovered that Management under no circumstances can change a national culture, it can only know and utilize it. Whereas management can construct and occasionally change ...

The Importance of National Culture Studies in the Organizational Context

European Scientific Journal, 2013

Cultural problems have not become so apparent and delicate, for the world, today only. They have drawn the interest of many researchers for many years, bringing about the realization of many important studies, in size and scope, as well as in a representative capacity and actuality of (their) results. But, even though many researchers accept the influence of culture in organizational values and attitudes they very rarely go as far as to empirically confirm these relations. Does national culture need to be specially considered and studied at organizational studies in Albania? Everyone in the organization aims to achieve individual goals through the achievement of organizational goals. The continuous growth and expansion of our businesses abroad (meaning subsidiaries or departments of the Albanian companies abroad, because with respect to Row Materials or Final Product markets there are early signs of internationalism) increases the importance of intercultural management. This starts, first of all, with a thorough understanding of national culture and the impact culture plays in values and attitudes toward work. Moreover, our culture, starting from some of its components (such as language, origin,…) or even the historical factors that have influenced it, is distinct, or better say we are used to see it as special or unique, seeing ourselves as separated and isolated from the rest of the world. The article aims to theoretically analyze the importance national cultural studies have in a good examination of organizational problems in Albania.

The Relationship between Organizational Conduct and National Culture

This paper puts forwards different existing theories on classifying cultures of different countries. The first theory it introduces is of Hofstede's cultural aspects, then the Hall's Method of classifying culture into low and high context, and lastly the model of cultural differences by Trompenaars. Following that is the discussion on the interaction between organizational behaviour and the national culture. The focus would be the influence of culture on employee motivation, communication, organizational changes and conflict resolution.

A Debate on The Influence Of National Culture in Organizations

Journal on Innovation and Sustainability. RISUS ISSN 2179-3565

This paper deals with the different concepts of culture and its impact in organizationalmanagement, based on the classical worldwide survey of social cultures and management byGeert Hofstede at the IBM a decade ago. Although, the paper discusses different conceptsof organizational culture and social. The work concludes that more and more investments intraining and development of the employees will be required, as a matter of survival for globalcompanies. This paper represents a contribution updating the Hofstede´s idea and discussingnew alternatives.

Organizational Culture in the Context of National Culture

Cambridge University Press eBooks, 2018

Full bibliographic details must be given when referring to, or quoting from full items including the author's name, the title of the work, publication details where relevant (place, publisher, date), pagination, and for theses or dissertations the awarding institution, the degree type awarded, and the date of the award.

The Impact of National Culture on Knowledge Sharing: the moderate role of Organizational Culture

المجلة العربیة للإدارة, 2022

Purpose: Examine the impact of national culture based on Hofstede' s concept of cultural dimensions on knowledge sharing and the moderate role of the organizational factors as success factors. Design\ methodology\ approach: The descriptive and inferential approach relying on a simple random sample among local and international employees working in Saudi Arabian Military Industries (SAMI) company. An electronic questionnaire distributed for this purpose. Findings: Collectivism, Femininity, LO, and SR are positively impact on KS, while PD, I, M, UA, SO, and ID are negatively impact the KS. Moreover, OC play a moderate role as success factor to maximize the advantage of PD, C, F, LO and SR and minimize the impact of I, M, UA, SO and ID on KS. In addition, the index of six national cultural dimensions of the sample understudy was compared to original Hofstede index and resulted on almost the same values. Originality / value: There are a few studies that examine the effect of the indulgence/self-restraint dimension. Moreover, most studies focus on single culture and there are a few studies that compare the national culture between two or more countries. Finally, there is no study has been conducted to examine the moderate role of organizational culture in this relationship. All of these aspects give uniqueness to this study and encourage to fill-up those gaps.