Mandi̇bular Rezorbsi̇yon Ve Osteoporoz Arasindaki̇ İli̇şki̇ni̇n Değerlendi̇rmesi̇-Relationship Between Mandibular Resorption and Osteoporosis (original) (raw)

Mandi̇bulada Uygulanan Monofokal Di̇straksi̇yon Osteogenezi̇si̇ni̇n Bi̇yomekani̇k Etki̇leri̇ni̇n Sonlu Elemanlar Anali̇zi̇ Yöntemi̇ İle Araştirilmasi

Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi dergisi, 2013

Purpose: Distraction osteogenesis is the biologic process of new bone formation between bone segments that are gradually separated by incremental traction. The traction generates tension on the skeletal and surrounding soft tissue structures, which stimulates new bone formation parallel to the vector of distraction. At present study it is aimed to examine biomechanic effects of monofocal distraction osteogenesis by the method of finite elements. Material and Methods: In our study, monofocal distraction osteogenesis examined to treat mandibular deficiencies. A 3-dimensional model of totally dentate mandibular bone of young man was used as the basis of a mandibular finite element model in this study. The 3D image of the mandible was imported into MSC Mentat (MSC Software Corporation, CA, USA) version 2005 for pre-processing and modeling. Stress patterns of the bony tissues of fixation materials were calculated as well. Von Mises Stress, Maximum Principle Stress and Minimum Principle Stress values in Mega Pascal were used to compare the stresses of the bony tissues and fixation materials. Results: It is revealed that Von Mises Stress, Maximum Tension Stress and Minimum Tension Stresses focused around first screws of plates in both segments in Monofocal distraction. Conclusion: In monofocal distraction technique when screws are evaluated for Von Mises stresses, it was observed that very low level stresses occured on last 2 screws in model. In this respect it was seen that last 2 screws were unnecessary.

Mandi̇bular 3. Molar Di̇şleri̇n Li̇ngual Korti̇kal Kemi̇k İle Olan İli̇şki̇si̇ni̇n Kibt İle Değerlendi̇ri̇lmesi̇

Selcuk Dental Journal

Amaç: Tedavi veya profilaktik amaçlı çekimine karar verilen mandibular üçüncü molar dişlerin çekimi esnasında ve sonrasında karşılaşılabilecek komplikasyonları öngörmek amacıyla mandibular üçüncü molar dişlerin lingual kortikal kemik ile olan ilişkisinin Konik Işınlı Bilgisayarlı Tomografi (KIBT) ile değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntemler: İncelenen mandibular 3. Molar dişlerin pozisyonları: mesioangular, vertikal, horizontal ve distoangular olmak üzere dört gruba ayrıldı. Dişlerin kuron ve kök bölgesinden mandibular lingual kemiğe en yakın noktalarıyla mandibular lingual kemik arasındaki mesafeleri ölçüldü. Bulgular: Mandibular kortikal kemikle mandibular üçüncü molar dişlerin arasında mesafe olmadığı perforasyon durumu kadınlarda kuron bölgesinde % 22.5, erkeklerde % 26.8 iken tüm hastalarda 24.4% olarak bulundu. Kadınlarda kök perforasyonu görülme sıklığı % 28.2, erkeklerde % 33.9 iken tüm hastalarda % 30.7 olarak bulundu. Sırasıyla en sık kuron bölgesi perforasyonu ...

Osteopenisi Olan Ankilozan Spondilitli Hastalarda Kemik Mineral Yoğunluğu ile Hastalık Aktivitesi Arasındaki İlişkinin Değerlendirilmesi

Türk Osteoporoz Dergisi, 2013

Aim: Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) is a chronic inflammatory disease. Spinal osteopenia is common in AS, probably due to immobility and local cytokine release. In this study, we evaluated the relationship between bone mineral density and disease activity in Ankylosing Spondylitis patients with osteopenia. Material and Methods: Sixty one AS patients (26F, 35M) were enrolled in this study. The disease duration, morning stiffness, Schober tests, Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) and C Reactive Protein (CRP) were analyzed and recorded. Disease activity was evaluated by Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index (BASDAI). Bone mineral density (BMD) was measured by using GE/LUNAR DPX PRO equipment. Results: The mean age and disease duration of the patients were 38.67±10.81 and 7.87±7.09 year. There was osteopenia in 34 (%55.7) patients. Spine and femur BMD values of this patients were 1.03±0.16 and 0.88±0.09. BMD measurements of 27 (%44.3) patient were found normally. Spine and femur BMD values of this patients were 1.20±0.11 and 1.11±0.15. There was not statistically significant difference between osteopenia and normal group in ESR, CRP, and BASDAI values (p>0.05). There was not correlation between BMD values and ESR, CRP, and BASDAI values in osteopenia group (p>0.05). Conclusion: In our study, we did not find relationship between bone mineral density and disease activity in AS patients with osteopenia.

Şiddetli Osteoporozlu Hastalarda Teriparatid Tedavisi: Kemik Mineral Yoğunluğu, Biyokimyasal Parametreler, Sırt Ağrısı ve Yaşam Kalitesi Üzerine Etkiler

Türk osteoporoz dergisi-Turkish journal of osteoporosis, 2014

Objective: To evaluate effects of teriparatide therapy on bone mineral density (BMD), biochemical parameters, back pain, and quality of life in patients with severe osteoporosis, who had long-term bisphosphonate treatment. Materials and Methods: Fifteen patients with severe osteoporosis who did not respond to bisphosphonate therapy after an extended period of treatment were enrolled in the study. Teriparatide therapy (20 μq/day) was administered subcutaneously for 12 months as well as 800 IU/ day of vitamin D3 and 1200 mg/day of calcium. Patients were evaluated before and after teriparatide therapy in terms of BMD, biochemical parameters, back pain and quality of life. Back pain was assessed by Visual Analog Scale (VAS), and quality of life was assessed by the Quality of Life Questionnaire of the European Foundation for Osteoporosis (QUALEFFO). Results: The BMD, VAS scale of back pain and all subgroups of QUALEFFO except the social function subgroup showed statistically significant differences before and after treatment. Biochemical parameters did not show any significant difference. Conclusion: Teriparatide therapy may be a good alternative therapy in patients with severe osteoporosis in whom prolonged use of bisphosphonates was present.

Mandibulada uygulanan monofokal distraksiyon osteogenezisinin biyomekanik etkilerinin ; Mandibulada uygulanan monofokal distraksiyon osteogenezisinin biyomekanik etkilerinin


Purpose: Distraction osteogenesis is the biologic process of new bone formation between bone segments that are gradually separated by incremental traction. The traction generates tension on the skeletal and surrounding soft tissue structures, which stimulates new bone formation parallel to the vector of distraction. At present study it is aimed to examine biomechanic effects of monofocal distraction osteogenesis by the method of finite elements. Material and Methods: In our study, monofocal distraction osteogenesis examined to treat mandibular deficiencies. A 3-dimensional model of totally dentate mandibular bone of young man was used as the basis of a mandibular finite element model in this study. The 3D image of the mandible was imported into MSC Mentat (MSC Software Corporation, CA, USA) version 2005 for pre-processing and modeling. Stress patterns of the bony tissues of fixation materials were calculated as well. Von Mises Stress, Maximum Principle Stress and Minimum Principle Stress values in Mega Pascal were used to compare the stresses of the bony tissues and fixation materials. Results: It is revealed that Von Mises Stress, Maximum Tension Stress and Minimum Tension Stresses focused around first screws of plates in both segments in Monofocal distraction. Conclusion: In monofocal distraction technique when screws are evaluated for Von Mises stresses, it was observed that very low level stresses occured on last 2 screws in model. In this respect it was seen that last 2 screws were unnecessary.

Pars İyel Endoprotez Artroplasti̇si̇nde İnkli̇nasyon Açisinin Ve Kemi̇k Çi̇mentosu İlavesi̇ni̇n Geri̇lme Dağilimina Etki̇si̇

ZET Bu çalışmada, insan femurunun hasarı neticesinde gerçekleştirilen parsiyel endoprotez artroplastisinde, inklinasyon (kollodiafizer) açısının ve kemik çimentosu (polimetilmetakrilat) ilavesinin femur ve implant üzerindeki gerilme dağılımına etkisi sayısal olarak araştırılmıştır. İmplant malzemesi olarak ülkemizde ve dünyada sıklıkla tercih edilen Ti6Al4V seçilmiştir. Sayısal çalışmada SolidWorks 2010 programı kullanılarak femurun ve implantın katı modeli oluşturulmuş daha sonra bu model ANSYS Workbench 12.0 kullanılarak 120, 125, 130, 135 ve 140° olmak üzere 5 farklı inklinasyon açısı için kemik çimentolu (polimetilmetakrilat) ve kemik çimentosuz olarak gerilme analizleri gerçekleştirilmiştir. Modellerin tamamında anteversion açısı 12.5° olarak kabul edilmiştir. Sonuçta inklinasyon açısı artışı ve kemik çimentosu ilavesinin femur ve implant üzerinde meydana gelen gerilme değerlerini azalttığı tespit edilmiştir.

Mandibulada uygulanan monofokal distraksiyon osteogenezisinin biyomekanik etkilerinin

DergiPark (Istanbul University), 2013

Purpose: Distraction osteogenesis is the biologic process of new bone formation between bone segments that are gradually separated by incremental traction. The traction generates tension on the skeletal and surrounding soft tissue structures, which stimulates new bone formation parallel to the vector of distraction. At present study it is aimed to examine biomechanic effects of monofocal distraction osteogenesis by the method of finite elements. Material and Methods: In our study, monofocal distraction osteogenesis examined to treat mandibular deficiencies. A 3-dimensional model of totally dentate mandibular bone of young man was used as the basis of a mandibular finite element model in this study. The 3D image of the mandible was imported into MSC Mentat (MSC Software Corporation, CA, USA) version 2005 for pre-processing and modeling. Stress patterns of the bony tissues of fixation materials were calculated as well. Von Mises Stress, Maximum Principle Stress and Minimum Principle Stress values in Mega Pascal were used to compare the stresses of the bony tissues and fixation materials. Results: It is revealed that Von Mises Stress, Maximum Tension Stress and Minimum Tension Stresses focused around first screws of plates in both segments in Monofocal distraction. Conclusion: In monofocal distraction technique when screws are evaluated for Von Mises stresses, it was observed that very low level stresses occured on last 2 screws in model. In this respect it was seen that last 2 screws were unnecessary.

Mandi̇bular Defektli̇ Hastalarin Proteti̇k Rehabi̇li̇tasyonunda Farkli Tedavi̇ Seçenekleri̇ : İki̇ Olgu Sunumu

Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, 2016

Maxillofacial defects may be caused by congenital, acquired and developmental factors. Traumatic injuries or congenital malformations may cause soft and hard tissue defects resulting in the loss of alveolar bone and attached mucosa. Restoring the defective area presents a challenge for clinicians. The prosthetic rehabilitation of 2 patients with mandibular dentoalveolar defects with 2 different prosthetic designs is presented. In the first patient, the defect area was restored with tooth-supported fixed dental prostheses; in the second patient, the defected area was restored with removable dental prostheses. The esthetic and functional requirements of the patients were fulfilled.

Mandibulada Gelişen Kondroblastik Osteosarkom: Olgu Raporu ve Güncel Literatür ile Karşılaştırılması

Osmangazi Journal of Medicine, 2020

Osteosarkom, cogu adelosan hastalarin uzun kemiklerinde gorulen, neoplastik kemik olusumu ile karakterize malign bir tumordur. Klinik ve radyolojik olarak osteonekroz, fibro-osseoz lezyonlar ile ayirici tanilarinin yapilmasi onemlidir. Bu bildiride, mandibulada gomulu dis cevresinde primer olarak gelisen kondroblastik tipte osteosarkom olgusunun, erken ve gec donem klinik ve radyolojik bulgularinin sunumu ve guncel literaturde yayinlanmis benzer vakalarin derlenerek paylasilmasi amaclanmaktadir. Agri ve dudakta karincalanma sikayetiyle basvuran hastanin agiz ici muayenesinde dis cekim soketlerinde solid sislik bulundugu gorulmus, radyolojik muayenede skleroz ve radyoopak odaklar izlenmistir. Alinan biyopsi sonucu lezyon histopatolojik olarak kondroblastik tip osteosarkom olarak tanimlanmistir. Hastaya hemi-mandibulektomi ile es zamanli rekonstruksiyon uygulandi. Hasta 3,5 yil suresince, 1. yilda nuks nedeniyle tekrar opere edildi, takiplerine devam edilmektedir. Cene kemiklerinde go...