Ermenautica Elhaik (original) (raw)
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Ermenautica Routes: an anthropology of the sea from the sea. Introduction
Archivio antropologico mediterraneo, 2023
Nel 2021 con Ermenautica Saperi in rotta. Dai mari condivisi i segreti della convivenza 2 , insieme ad alcune colleghe 3 , studenti e marinaie, avevamo per la prima volta provato a dar forma scritta all'idea di connettere le ricerche sul mare e dal mare con le riflessioni sulla condivisione sviluppatesi all'interno di alcuni filoni dell'antropologia economica contemporanea 4. Il libro rappresenta uno dei punti di arrivo di un percorso avviatosi due anni prima, quando la lettura delle particolari vicende politiche aveva spinto coloro che da lì a breve avrebbero contribuito alla nascita del progetto Ermenautica ad "agire" e a collocarsi in vario modo in un Mediterraneo Meridionale sempre più narrato come "la rotta migratoria più pericolosa al mondo".
Life on board ship and cultural intimacy. Notes from the Central Mediterranean
Archivio antropologico mediterraneo, 2023
In this essay, I offer reflections that emerged from my ethnographic research on board search and rescue ships in the Central Mediterranean between 2019 and 2021. I previously outlined the theoretical and epistemological foundations for these thoughts, initially in the context of the project “Ermenautica. Saperi in Rotta” at Sapienza - University of Rome and later as part of my doctoral studies in anthropology at the University of Turin. Today, different “currents” – cultural, political, and symbolic – cross the Mediterranean. When they meet aboard seagoing vessels, these currents construct a highly diverse range of shared spaces. Exploring both the macro-structure and some of the micro-practices that constitute these spaces, I attempt to point up some of the contradictions – between humanitarian logic and activist demands, between efficiency and processes of dehumanization, between formal rationality and the unpredictability of events – that arise in the construction of a sense of belonging on board a large SAR ship.
Archivio Antropologico Mediterraneo, 2023
The article follows the ongoing transformation of genomic science into an industry – dedicated to the systematic extraction, abstraction and manipulation of genetic material – and considers the new types of oceanic exploration that genomic research both presupposes and fosters. We argue that emergent practices of ocean bioprospecting are sparking new ways of thinking, living and exploiting marine ecosystems as «genomic mines». We chart the recent history of genomic bioprospecting operations in the global ocean – focusing on the Sorcerer II expedition (2004-2006) and the Tara Oceans project (2009-2013) – and recount the rise of the «ocean genome» as an object of knowledge and a target of extractivist practices. Finally, we theorize the peculiar global mobility of bioprospecting vessels as constituting a practice of social construction of the ocean: a peculiar form of scientific navigation, which is already engendering new social uses of marine biodiversity, new strategies of capital accumulation, as well as innovative representations of ocean ecosystems.
Archivio antropologico mediterraneo, 2023
L'articolo traccia la trasformazione della genomica in un'industria dedicata all’estrazione, astrazione e manipolazione di materiale genetico e si sofferma sui nuovi tipi di esplorazione oceanica che quest’industria presuppone e promuove. Ci soffermiamo in particolare sulla storia recente delle spedizioni scientifiche di bioprospezione in alto mare, concentrando la nostra attenzione sulle vicende della Sorcerer II e della Tara Oceans, ed evidenziando l’avvento dell’ocean genome come oggetto di studio e target estrattivo. Infine, l’articolo interpreta la mobilità delle navi scientifiche impiegate nel campionamento genomico e meta-genomico come una praxis nautica sui generis: una forma di navigazione estrattiva che sta già generando nuovi usi degli spazi marini, nuove strategie di accumulazione e nuove rappresentazioni degli spazi oceanici. Le pratiche di bioprospezione oceanica stimolano nuovi modi di pensare, esperienziare ed estrarre valore dalle profondità marine.
Archivio antropologico mediterraneo
«"Pourquoi navigue-t-on?" […] "Je navigue parce que c'est mon devoir […] nous ne pouvons laisser nos pirogues disparaitre à nouveau"» (Galenon 2021: 162-163). De la Mer Méditerranée à l'Océan Pacifique. Un itinéraire possible pour l'anthropologie des mers 1 Cet article s'inscrit dans un riche cadre de réflexion théorique sur les mers et les océans. Dans l'histoire de l'anthropologie, de nombreux courants se sont mesurés sur le sujet, en développant différentes méthodes et pratiques de recherche. La mer a été au centre des investigations qui ont concerné les représentations (Mack 2011), les récits de vie, les pratiques d'incorporation (Merleau-Ponty 2003; Phelan 2007: 1-25), la dimension expérientielle et sentimentale qui y est liée. De nombreuses approches ethnographiques et, plus généralement, dans le domaine des sciences sociales-de l'"anthropologie de la Méditerranée" à celle de la "mer" en passant par les "island studies", les "cultural studies" et les "postcolonial studies"-prouvent que la mer est au centre de dynamiques politiques complexes à révéler; elle n'est pas un espace neutre Sur les traces de Tupaia entre Tahiti, Ra'iātea et Nouvelle-Zélande. L'hérita...
On board deep sea mining An ocean based perspective
Archivio antropologico mediterraneo, 2022
Today, the extraction of minerals from the seabed is increasingly seen as the new frontier in the push to transition to a “low-carbon economy” that requires larger quantities of metals. It therefore becomes anthropologically salient to ask: what are the political, epistemological, ecological, and economic consequences of a mining future that promises to be bound up with autonomous machines and increasingly sophisticated technologies? How does engagement with mining change when extraction takes place in the deep sea? How does our relationship with the ocean change? In this article I go virtually ‘on board’ DSM, as a first theoretical step towards designing innovative research on this emergent sector.
The Love Trap. Romanticization practices of the Italian generations of the 90s
Cozza, F., 2023g, The Love Trap. Romanticization practices of the Italian generations of the 90s, in «Archivio Antropologico Mediterraneo», n. 25, 2, 2023
Drawing from material collected during two ethnographic investigations conducted in Rome and Lazio, I will focus on the experience of love triggered by relationships with human beings and archaeological remains. I aim to show how these activities give rise to a romantic experience in a context that paradoxically regards love as a fictional and unreliable reality. Utilizing Ernesto De Martino’s conceptual framework, I describe that for the transitional generation born around 1990, caught between precariousness and the triumphant narratives of their predecessors, romantic discourse serves as a shield against existential annihilation by the uncontrollable forces of the universe. It also serves as a means to attain a distinctive identity validated by Italian tradition and heritage. However, while love offers a stable and trustworthy refuge, it can also render individuals powerless to change their life situation and cope with a lack of future. prospects.
Archivio Antropologico Mediterraneo, 2023
In questo articolo esamino il mutamento, innescato dall’esperienza della mobilità transnazionale, cui riti e pratiche devozionali attivati dai singalesi cattolici nella città di Messina vanno incontro mediante l’inclusione di figure sante conosciute e introdotte nei repertori devozionali in seguito alla migrazione. Da questa prospettiva, i processi di costruzione della santità alla base di tali costellazioni rituali, utili per una riflessione sulla vernacolarizzazione del discorso religioso nei terreni post-coloniali della Chiesa “multiculturale” in Occidente, verranno analizzati nell’interazione che li lega ai rapporti di potere ecclesiali, all’esperienza quotidiana del sacro e alle traiettorie esistenziali-biografiche degli attori religiosi. I singalesi cattolici di nazionalità srilankese residenti nella città di Messina costituiscono una presenza ormai pienamente radicata nel paesaggio migratorio locale e negli anni hanno progressivamente istituzionalizzato la loro appartenenza religiosa a partire da relazioni stabili (ma soggette a continua negoziazione) con la diocesi messinese. Attingendo a un lavoro di ricerca etnografico realizzato negli ultimi due anni e focalizzato sui processi di home-making perseguiti in migrazione attraverso pratiche e attività di tipo rituale, prendo in considerazione due esempi di pratiche rituali incentrate su figure sante incontrate e conosciute nell’esperienza della mobilità (come Sant’Elia) o verso le quali la devozione non è consolidata nei contesti di provenienza in Sri Lanka, essendo invece alimentata dalla Chiesa messinese (come San Giacomo), comprendendole all’interno del contesto complessivo delle relazioni sociali e politiche entro le quali maturano repertori culturali e idiomi devozionali. In this article I examine changes occurring in rituals and devotional practices enacted by Sinhala Catholics living in Messina (Sicily) and including new saint figures in their devotional repertoires in the wake of transnational mobility. For this reason, processes of construction of sainthood at the core of these ritual systems, very useful to reflect upon the vernacularization of religious discourses along the post-colonial trajectories of western “multicultural” Church, will be analyzed looking at the interactions connecting them to ecclesial powers, the daily experience of the sacred, and religious actors’ existential and biographical paths. Sinhala Catholics living in Messina are now deeply grounded in the local migration landscape. In the last years they have been progressively institutionalized their religious belonging through stable connections (although subject to continuous negotiation) with Messina’s Catholic diocese. Drawing on an ethnographic research focused on home-making processes activated through ritual practices and activities, I will take into account two examples of ritual complexes that are centered on saint figures that the Sinhalese meet and discover during their transnational mobility (as in the case of Saint Elia) or towards whom devotion is not so much rooted in Sri Lanka, being rather fed by the Messina’s Church (as in the case of Saint James). In both cases, these “saints of the others” must be placed and understood in the context of social and political relations within which devotional idioms and cultural repertoires take shape.