Resiliensi Istri Korban Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga Sepanjang Tujuh Tahun Pernikahan (original) (raw)

Dinamika Resiliensi Pada Istri yang Menjadi Korban Perselingkuhan Suami

Jurnal Kajian Ilmiah, 2021

Marriage is basically building a sacred bond in which there are two persons united with a commitment to living together for all time. Every couple crave a harmonious relationship, get warmth, and eternal affection. But sometimes the desired happiness can not be realized, because of the various problems that overshadow in the world of marriage one of which is infidelity. The study used a qualitative case study approach with 2 research subjects. Something that is unique in this study is when the phenomenon of infidelity involving a husband, but the household can still be maintained. The resilience mechanism found in wives who are victims of husband infidelity is the "reaching out" model, namely healing from trauma by searching for more positive life experiences. Keywords: Case studies, Infidelity, Resilience, Reaching Out Abstrak Pernikahan pada dasarnya adalah membangun sebuah ikatan suci dimana ada dua pribadi yang disatukan dengan komitmen hidup bersama sepanjang ma...

Gambaran Resiliensi pada Istri Korban Covid-19

Journal of Islamic and Contemporary Psychology (JICOP)

Covid-19 occurred in 2019-2021 made many deaths in around the world. Therefore, many families have lost their members. Losing family members will result in grief and role changes. This study aimed to reveal a picture of the resilience experienced by wives who lost their husbands died due to exposure to Covid-19. This study uses Qualitative method with a Phenomenological Strategy, involving a 29-year-old as a respondent or subject. The results show descriptions of a strong effort from subject as a wife which suffering a lost husband to get out of adiscard difficult situation. Self-esteem, spirituality, and positive emotions are factors owned by the wife to achieve a resilient itself. The external support factors as External factors that support are children's presence and support from people around, such as family and friends.

Resiliensi Istri Korban KDRT: Faktor Mempertahankan Keutuhan Keluarga

Ideas: Jurnal Pendidikan, Sosial, dan Budaya

This research begins with an incident related to the problem of domestic violence. The acts of violence that occur are dominated by wives as victims. Even though there is violence, the wife of the victim of domestic violence chooses to survive rather than divorce. The decision is because the wife has the ability to rise from adversity which is called resilience. The resilience that occurs in the wife is influenced by various internal and external factors. The purpose of this research is to describe the factors of surviving wives which can be explained thoroughly to help other women be able to and overcome problems in the family sphere. Using a qualitative approach with case study methods and data collection techniques used in the form of observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study stated that the wifes survival factor was caused by internal factors such as still having feelings, and spirituality and external factors such as children, negative community stig...

Kesejahteraan Psikologis Pada Istri Yang Mengalami Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga

JPPP - Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengukuran Psikologi

This research aims to know the psychological well-being reflections on intimate-partner-violence-suffering wives who end up in a divorce. Subjects used in this research are two persons. Characteristic samples in this research are women aged 20-30 years who are divorced and have offspring. Research type is in the form of Research Qualitative Case Study. Data intake is the interview and observation methods. This interview is not only conducted to the subjects, but also to the respective significant person who is assumed the nearest to the subjects. Based on the research, Subject I is recorded to have supporting factors to psychological well-beings which are social supports, reflected appraisals, behavioral self-perceptions and religiousness. On the other hand, Subject II is recorded to have supporting factors to psychological well-beings like social supports, social comparisons, reflected appraisals, behavioral self-perceptions, religiousness, marriage motivation, economic factors and...

Gambaran Resiliensi Perempuan Penyintas Kekerasan dalam Rumah Tangga

Psikodimensia: Kajian Ilmiah Psikologi, 2022

Kekerasan terhadap perempuan adalah tindakan yang melanggar hak asasi manusia. Salah satu bentuk kekerasan terhadap perempuan terjadi di lingkungan rumah tangga. Kekerasan dalam rumah tangga adalah perilaku yang dipelajari mencakup perbuatan, perkataan kasar kepada seseorang dengan adanya unsur ancaman, kekuatan, kekerasan fisik, seksual, ekonomi, emosional dan lisan. Responden dalam penelitian ini berjumlah empat orang penyintas yang direkomendasikan oleh lembaga bantuan hukum yang berfokus pada penanganan kasus terhadap perempuan dan anak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami gambaran resiliensi pada perempuan penyintas kekerasan dalam rumah tangga. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Data dalam penelitian ini diambil dengan teknik observasi dan wawancara mendalam. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa resiliensi muncul sebagai interaksi antara faktor risiko dan faktor protektif. Keempat responden mampu resilien dengan mengoptimalkan aspek dukungan sosial dan kemampuan adaptasi yang baik terhadap masalah yang dihadapi. Faktor protektif yang dimiliki oleh responden adalah hubungan yang dilandasi kepercayaan, tanggung jawab, inisiatif, pengembangan keterampilan diri, dan kemantapan identitas. Penelitian ini memiliki kebaruan terkait perspektif informan yang berasal dari pendamping perempuan korban kekerasan domestik. Kata kunci: Penyintas kekerasan dalam rumah tangga, perempuan, resiliensi

Komitmen Struktural : Dinamika Psikologis Pada Istri Korban KDRT (Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga) Yang Tetap Mempertahankan Perkawinan


This study aims to determine the psychological dynamics of the wife of victims of domestic violence who retain marriage related to the form of domestic violence, the impact of domestic violence, and factors affecting the wife retains the marriage seen from the description of his commitment. The type of this research is qualitative research with phenomenology approach. Data collection using observation and interview method. The results of the study indicate the violence committed by each husband from both subjects in the form of physical violence, psychic violence, and economic violence. The impact of violence such as physical injuries such as bruises and psychological disorders such as anxiety or stress. In addition, also affect the health as easily dizziness and weight loss. The main factor of the subject to keep the marriage is the child. Other than that. Another factor that affects the subject of survival is the subject's fear of a husband's threat and not the subject&#39...

Istriku, Pahlawanku: Dinamika Resiliensi dan Peran Istri dalam Keluarga yang Suaminya Sakit dan Tidak Bisa Bekerja Lagi


Penelitian ini bertujuan menggali proses resiliensi istri yang suaminya sakit dan tidak bisa bekerja, serta menghadapi peran baru sebagai caregiver dan pencari nafkah tunggal. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan desain fenomenologi. Informan penelitian berjumlah dua orang wanita dewasa madya yang suaminya sakit kronis sehingga mengalami kebutaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa informan memiliki kesadaran, penerimaan, dan komitmen untuk berjuang di awal suaminya sakit. Dalam perjuangannya, terdapat beberapa faktor risiko internal seperti kekhawatiran dan kelelahan dalam bekerja, serta faktor risiko eksternal seperti peran baru sebagai caregiver, pencari nafkah tunggal, kekhawatiran suami, dan prasangka oleh tetangga. Terdapat juga faktor protektif internal berupa ketangguhan yang juga mendukung resiliensi, dan faktor protektif eksternal, yaitu dukungan. Faktor protektif ketangguhan meliputi regulasi emosi, strategi koping, empati; aspek komitmen, seperti membantu orang lain; serta aspek tantangan, seperti tekun dan inisiatif. Informan juga mampu mengintegrasikan proses resiliensi keluarga, bersyukur, dan memiliki kesejahteraan yang baik.

Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Istri Sebagai Korban Atas Tindakan Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga

Solusi, 2022

Incidents of domestic violence often occur, but not many people seem to talk about it. The house that should be a place of refuge, often becomes a dangerous place for wives and children. There are various factors behind it, among others, because our society still does not consider the issue of domestic violence as a social problem, but rather an individual issue, which should not be intervened by outside parties. that according to the Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 23 of 2004 concerning the elimination of domestic violence, Article 16 paragraph (1) states that within twenty four hours from the time of knowing or receiving a report of domestic violence, the police must immediately provide temporary protection to the victim, while Article 16 paragraph (2) states that the temporary protection as referred to in paragraph (1) is given no later than seven days after the victim is received or handled.paling lama tujuh hari sejak korban doterima atau ditangani.

Kekerasan terhadap Istri dalam Lingkup Domestik

Fidei: Jurnal Teologi Sistematika dan Praktika, 2018

Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga (KDRT) menjadi diskusi aktual, dan umumnya korban adalah istri. Banyak hal yang perlu dilakukan dalam upaya meminimalkan Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga, dan salah satunya adalah dengan mengembangkan sikap Etis Kristen untuk menjawab masalah krusial ini. Makalah ini berbicara tentang bagaimana sikap Etika Kristen dalam menanggapi fenomena kekerasan terhadap istri, dan pada saat yang sama menawarkan jalan keluar untuk masalah ini.

Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Isteri Sebagai Korban Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga

Jurnal Yuridis, 2019

Wives who are victims of domestic violence must get legal protection in accordance with the mandate of Law Number 23 of 2004 concerning the Elimination of Domestic Violence. Article 10 of Law No. 23 of 2004 concerning the Elimination of Domestic Violence states that victims of domestic violence are entitled to protection from family, police, prosecutors, courts, advocates, social institutions, or other parties both temporarily and based on the stipulation of protection orders. from the court, health services in accordance with medical needs, handling specifically related to the confidentiality of victims, assistance by social workers and legal assistance at each level of the inspection process in accordance with statutory provisions and spiritual guidance services. The research methods conducted in this study are by using qualitative research methods through normative legal research. Qualitative normative research is research that refers to legal norms contained in legislation and court rulings as well as norms that live and develop in society, especially those related to the main issues to be discussed in this study.