Başkent Üniversitesi Bağlıca Yerleşkesinin Ankara Florası (original) (raw)

Deveboynu Yarımadası ve Çevresi Florası (Gevaş-Van/Türkiye)


Deveboynu yarimadasi ve cevresinin florasi bu calismada sunulmustur. Arastirma alani kareleme sistemine gore B9 karesi icerisindedir. 2001-2003 yillari arasinda gerceklestirilen bu arastirma esnasinda 1602 vaskuler bitki ornegi toplanmistir. Toplanan orneklerin teshisi sonucu 297 cins ve 68 familyaya ait toplam 742 takson belirlenmistir. Bu taksonlardan 50 tanesi endemik olup toplam takson sayisina orani % 6.74‟dur. Bitkicografyasi analizine gore, 350 takson (%47.17) Iran-Turan elementi, 37 takson (%4.98) Avrupa-Sibirya elementi (Oksin elementi dahil), 35 takson (%4.71) Akdeniz elementi ve 320 takson (%43.12) cok bolgeli veya bitkicografyasi bolgesi bilinmeyen taksonlardir. En cok taksona sahip 3 familya: Asteraceae (111), Fabaceae (65) ve Brassicaceae (59) iken, en cok taksona sahip ilk 3 cins ise su sekilde siralanmistir: Astragalus (25), Centaurea (14) ve Silene (13).

Türkiye’nin Astragalus angustifolius subsp. angustifolius Birliklerinin Floristik, Fitososyolojik ve Ekolojik Özellikleri Üzerine Bir Araştırma

DergiPark (Istanbul University), 2010

In this study the floristical, phytosociological and phytoecological structure of some Turkish Astragalus angustifolius subsp. angustifolius associations were investigated. A. angustifolius subsp. angustifolius associations have 314 taxa floristically. Number of the endemic taxa in A. angustifolius subsp. angustifolius associations is 59 (18.78 %). Phytogeographically a major part of the taxa in A. angustifolius subsp. angustifolius associations are Irano-Turanian elements (61) followed by the Mediterranean (43) and Euro-Siberian (25). The biggest five families in the importance order are as follow: "Lamiaceae, Asteraceae, Poaceae, Caryophyllaceae ve Fabaceae". A. angustifolius subsp. angustifolius associations are usually spreaded between 1050-2350 m. on different bedrocks (limestone, volcanic, volcanic limestone, limestone-dolomite, serpentine, granite, mica schist-flaser gneiss, andesite) and soils (brown soil, brown forest soil, organic soil, brown forest soil without limestone, litozolic soil) in Turkey. The inclination of A. angustifolius subsp. angustifolius associations is approximately 10 0-60 0 and the general coverage is 30-100 %. The associations usually prefer S-SE and E sides of the mountains. When the studies examined it was seen that, A. angustifolius subsp. angustifolius associations in Turkey were classified into "Daphno-Festucetae" and "Astragalo-Brometea" lass, "Onobrychido armenae-Thymetalia leucostomi", "Astragalo-Brometalia"and "Daphno-Festucetalia" order, "Phlomido armeniacae-Astragalion microcephali" alliance.

Ankara Üniversitesi Beşevler 10. Yıl Kampüs Alanı Karayosunları (Ankara-Türkiye)


Bu calisma, 2019 yilinda Ankara Universitesi Besevler 10. Yil Kampusu’ndeki cesitli kentsel habitatlardan toplanan karayosunu orneklerine dayanmaktadir. Kampus alanindan toplanan 94 briyofit orneginin teshis calismalari sonucunda 7 familya ve 17 cinse ait toplam 28 tur tespit edilmistir. Bunlardan altisi B7 karesi icin yeni kayittir. Pottiaceae (9 tur) ve Orthotrichaceae (6 tur), kampus alanindaki en buyuk iki familyadir.

Kayışdağı (İstanbul/Türkiye)'nın florası ve çevre floralar ile karşılaştırılması


This study is concerned with the flora of Kayışdağı and Yeditepe University 26 Ağustos Campus, which are located in district of Ataşehir, İstanbul. According to our field studies and literature screening, a total number of 476 taxa which consist of 262 genera from 73 families grow in the area. The highest number of taxa belongs to the familiy Asteraceae (65; 13.7%). It is followed by the families Fabaceae (63; 13.2%) and Poaceae (46; 9.7%). Besides, Trifolium L. (19; 4.0%) is the genus with the highest number of taxa which is followed by Ranunculus L. (11; 2.3%), Vicia L. (8; 1.7%) and Lathyrus L. (8; 1.7%). The phytogeographical regions of 175 (36.76%) taxa in the research field could be identified. The distribution of these taxa in the phytogeographical regions are as follows; Mediterranean element (105; 22.06%), Euro-Siberian element (67; 14.07%), Irano-Turanian element (3; 0.63%). 11 numbers (%2.31) of endemic and 3 numbers of rare taxa were identified in the research field. Moreover, the threat categories of these plants according to IUCN were added to the floristic list. The results of our research are compared with the studied neighboring areas in means of phytogeographic element rates and endemism. Also taxa similarity is compared by Jaccard similarity index.

The Flora of Bağlıca Campus of Başkent University (Ankara)

This paper describes a floristic study on Bağlıca Campus area of Başkent University in Ankara province. 779 vascular plant specimens were collected between 2008 March and 2009 August in 26 field trips. 373 species, 382 taxa of natural plants belonging to 216 genera and 51 families were determined, which of 63 taxa are endemic to Turkey (16.5%). Except for these, 45 taxa are detected as cultivated plants. The distribution of the phytogeographical elements is as follows: Irano – Turanian 119 taxa (31.2%), Mediterranean 20 taxa (5.2%), Euro – Siberian 15 taxa (3.9%), pluriregional or phytogeographically unknown 228 taxa (59.7%). As a result of present paper, the three largest families are Asteraceae with 52 taxa (13.6%), Fabaceae with 44 taxa (11.5%) and Lamiaceae with 33 taxa (8.6%). The largest three genera are Astragalus with 19 taxa (5.0%), Salvia with 11 taxa (2.9%) and Centaurea with 10 taxa (2.6%). The results of our research are compared with the studied neighbouring areas by m...

Tuber aestivum Vittad. (yazlık trüf) aşılanmış bazı Quercus fidanlarında mikoriza oranlarının belirlenmesi


Truf yetistiriciligi, ozellikle kirsal ekonomiyi canlandirmakta onemli bir faaliyet olmasinin yani sira, turizm ve diger sektorlere olan katkisindan dolayi oldukca onemlidir. Bu calismada, Tuber aestivum Vittad. (yaz trufu) gelisimi icin en uygun mese turunun belirlenmesi ve truf bahcesi kurulumu icin rehber olmak amaclanmistir. Calismada Quercus robur L., Q. ilex L., Q. coccifera L. turlerinin tohumlari cimlendirilip, elde edilen fidanlar biyolojik cesitliligimizin onemli bir parcasi olan truf mantari turlerinden T. aestivum ile asilanmistir. Asilanmis fidanlarin 15 aylik gelisim sureci sonunda koklerdeki mikoriza sayimlari yapilmistir. Yapilan sayimlar sonucunda mikorizali kok orani (PT) Q. robur L. da 0,93; Q. coccifera L. da 0,91; Q. ilex L. de 0,90 bulunmustur. Kontamine kok orani (PC) ise Q. robur L. da 0,28; Q. ilex L. de 0,29; Q. coccifera L. da ise 0,30 olarak tespit edilmistir. Bu sonuclara gore mikorizal gelisimin en yuksek oldugu mese turu Q. robur’dur.

Eskişehir’deki jipsli ve marnlı toprakların florası

Istanbul University - DergiPark, 2018

The investigation area covers areas with gypsum and marl soils located within the borders of Eskişehir. According to Davis' squaring system, a large part of the research area is located on the B3 surface. 1750 samples were collected from the research area between 2012 and 2015 for the determination of floran. The APG III system was monitored while preparing the floristic list. As a result of the diagnoses made; 354 genus belonging to 72 families, 673 species and total 738 taxa were identified. Of the plant samples that were diagnosed, 738 taxa belong to the Spermatophyta divisosus. 42% (5,6%) of the total taxa in the area are Mediterranean, 152 (20.6%) Iranian-Turanian, 38 (5.1%) Euro-Siberian element, 27 (3.6%) E. Mediterranean elements and 478 (64,7%) are multi-regional or phytogeographic regions of unknown taxa. 129 (17.5%) endemic taxa were found in the research area.

Ayçiçeği (Helianthus annus L.) Bitki Yoğunluğu ve Biyo Gübrelemenin Bazı Morfolojik Özellikleri, Tohum Verimi ve Verim Unsurlarına Etkisi


Bu calisma, Sana'a Universitesi Ziraat Fakultesine ait arastirma ciftliginde 2012 ve 2013 yillarinda yurutulmustur. Amac, iki bitki yogunlugunun (5.55, 11.11 bitki m 2-1 ) ve uc seviyedeki Bio- Gubre uygulamasinin (0, 2, 4 litre ha -1 ) tohum verimi ve Aycicegi bitkisinin Kultivar bilesenleri (Cultivar Euroflor) uzerine etkisini arastirmaktir. Deneme sonuclari, bitki yogunlugunun incelenen karakterler uzerinde fakli etkide bulundugunu gostermistir. Birinci ve ikinci yillarda bas agirligi ve tohumluk yag icerigi (%) dusuk bitki yogunlugunda (5.55 bitki m 2-1 ) onemli olcude daha yuksekken, 2012 sezonunda yuksek bitki yogunlugu (11.11 bitki m 2-1 ), tohum yagi ve yag verimi uzerinde pozitif ve belirgin bicimde etkili olmustur. Sonuclar, 2012 yilinda 4 L ha-1 biyo-gubre duzeyinin, diger biyo-gubre duzeylerine gore (0 ve 2 L ha -1 ) tohum verimi, bas tohum agirligi, tohum sayisi / bitki, bas capi, tohum yagi (%) ve yag verimini onemli derecede artirdigini gostermistir. Ikinci yilda ...

The genus Astrantia L. in Turkey: morphology and anatomy

Acta Botanica Croatica, 2003

The genus Astrantia L. is a perennial plant which belongs to the Umbelliferae family and is represented by only A. maxima Pallas which has two subspecies (subsp. maxima and subsp. haradjianii (Grintz.) Rech. fil.) in Turkey. Subsp. haradjianii is endemic and very common. In this study, Astrantia specimens were collected from different localities and investigated for morphological and anatomical differences. The morphological features of various organs of the plant are described in detail. According to our morphological results, subsp. maxima is bigger than subsp. haradjianii. Bracteoles are large, coloured, surface shapes and length of bracteoles are significant diagnostic characters to separate the subspecies. Inflorescence is simple umbel and fruit oblong-cylindrical. In anatomical studies, the transverse section of the stem and leaf were examined. The stem is almost round, ribbed and the arrangement of vascular bundles has diagnostic value. The number of bundles and rays are different in the subspecies. Leaf is bifacial.

A new species of Astragalus (Fabaceae) from Turkey

Turkish Journal of Botany, 2013

Introduction In the Flora of Turkey, Fabaceae (Leguminosae) is one of the largest families in terms of species number, after Asteraceae (Vural et al., 2008). It includes annual or perennial plants, herbs, trees, and shrubs. Fabaceae is recognized by usually stipulate, bipinnate, simply pinnate, digitate, trifoliolate, or simple leaves; actinomorphic or zygomorphic, hypogynous or sometimes perigynous flowers; and legume or lomentum as fruits (Davis et al., 1970). The genus Astragalus L. (Fabaceae) is one of the largest genera of vascular plants, with 2500-3000 taxa and more than 250 sections (Karamian and Ranjbar 2005). The genus Astragalus belongs to the tribe Astragaleae of Papilionoideae in Fabaceae. It is distributed mainly in arid and semiarid mountainous regions of the northern hemisphere and South America. The genus is most diverse in southwest Asia (Akpulat and Çelik, 2007). Iran, with 750 species, is one of the centers of diversity of the genus (Ghahremani-nejad, 2005). The genus is divided into 64 sections and represented by 475 taxa including 202 endemic species in the Flora of Turkey, with the majority occurring in the Irano-Turanian region (Karaman Erkul et al., 2015). The new species belongs to the sect. Malacothrix Bunge and seems to be distinct among the Turkish species. According to Podlech and Zarre (2013), the sect. Malacothrix is represented by approximately 25 species in Turkey and, in this section, 12 species are endemic to Turkey. Astragalus sect. Malacothrix, represented by 90 species in Iran, is one of the largest sections within the genus (Podlech et al., 2010). Bunge (1868) placed the section together with seven other sections into the subgenus Hypoglottis Bunge. All members of the subgenus share similar morphological characters such as dense capitate or spike-like inflorescences (Ranjbar and Mahmoudian, 2012). This new species was collected from Bingöl Province, East Anatolia in Turkey between 2012 and 2014. The holotype specimen was deposited at Mustafa Kemal University in Hatay, Turkey, while isotypes were deposited at Bingöl University herbarium in Bingöl and ANK herbarium in Ankara. The specimens of the new species were cross-checked with material housed at various herbaria (ANK, GAZI). Consulted keys (Chamberlain and Matthews, 1969; Podlech, 1999; Podlech and Zarre, 2013) failed to identify this specimen. The studies showed that these specimens are representatives of a species new to science (Figures 1A and 1B). 2. Materials and methods The specimens reported here were collected from Bingöl Province (Turkey). The collected specimens were dried and flowers preserved in 70% ethanol for further studies. The flower and leaf measurements were performed on fresh and alcohol preserved materials. The pollen grains were measured under light microscopy and from nonacetolyzed samples, and prepared according to the Wodehouse method (Wodehouse, 1935). The long axis