Consumer’s Personality Traits and Knowledge-sharing Behavior on Shoppertainment Platforms: The Mediating Role of Subjective Well-being and Trust (original) (raw)

Research on influencing mechanism of big five personality traits on customers online purchase intention: a mediating role of trust

International Journal of Electronic Business, 2021

This study aims to examine the direct association between the big five personality traits and customers' online purchase intention. Further, we also explore the mediating role of trust. Data were collected from 278 online customers in Pakistan through a self-administered questionnaire. Partial-least square based structural equation modelling was employed to test the hypotheses. Findings show that the big five personality traits, both directly and through the mediation of trust, influence customers' online purchase intention. The results further reveal that the big five personality traits have a positive and significant impact on the trust of online customers. Another notable finding of this research is that, except for neuroticism, all other personality traits directly effect customers' online purchase intention. The theoretical and practical contributions of this study are also given at the end.

The effect of personality traits on collaborative consumption participation

Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 2020

The advancement of digital technology has refined the way traditional business operates. The new business model of collaborative consumption is not only novel, but potential customers are reluctant to participate. Who, then, is actually interested in embracing this new approach? To provide empirical evidence, this study attempts to examine the effects of the Big Five personality traits: agreeableness, neuroticism, extraversion, openness, and conscientiousness, on the propensity to participate in collaborative consumption. Drawing on the Student Behavior Survey 2019/2020 of 386 university students in Malaysia, we find that personality is not a strong predictor of collaborative consumption. In short, agreeableness increases the likelihood of participating in collaborative consumption and openness exhibits a negative effect; other traits have no effect.

A Proposed Model of the Influence of Personality Trait Dimensions on Knowledge Sharing Behaviour


To enhance the understanding of the important role of individual factors toward knowledge sharing in the organizations, this study aims to propose the personality factors that could influence people’s willingness to share knowledge and their actual knowledge sharing behaviour. Based on the theoretical support derived from the big five personality theory, we proposed that the five personality trait dimensions namely agreeableness, openness, neuroticism, extraversion and conscientiousness would influence individuals’ willingness to share knowledge and their actual knowledge sharing behaviour. To empirically validate our proposed research model, we suggest that the structural equation modelling using the Amos software could be a suitable technique for future studies that may intend to examine this proposed research model. Researchers can improve this proposed model in different cultural context and could also add other individual factors to suite their study objectives. I. I"TRODU...

Personality Based Psychological Antecedents of Consumers' Trust in E-Commerce


trust is one of the main determinants of the success of e%retailers and much research has dealt with website features triggering consumer trust to them. Another stream of research focuses on the psychological antecedents to online trust; i.e., what ''happens'' in the consumer's mind before or while a person decides to trust an e%retailer? So far, each effort has focused on only a few selected aspects of this trust formation process. Only few studies have attempted to identify major personality based psychological antecedents of trust. Our work identified the relative importance of the personality based psychological antecedents of trust in technology adoption and e%re tailing. We develop a model that incorporates the Big Five personality traits (Extraversion, Neuroticism, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness and Openness to experience), the most widely accepted framework for personality research in psychology, as well as determinants of trust in our model. We empiric...

Do Personality Traits and Shopping Motivations Affect Social Commerce Adoption Intentions? Evidence from an Emerging Market

Journal of Internet Commerce, 2019

Social commerce has become a hot topic since the beginning of Web 2.0 era; however, relevant research is scarce in emerging economies. This study aims to fill this research gap and answer the main research question of “what type of relevant personality traits and shopping motivations affect social commerce adoption intentions”. The research model was developed upon personality traits (openness to experience, need for uniqueness and buying impulsiveness) that are deemed to be relevant to online shopping and social media use. An online questionnaire was conducted on social media users. A total of 269 valid questionnaires were analyzed via structural equation modeling to test for the proposed relationships, majority of which emerged as non-linear. The findings highlight the significance of socialization motives in addition to utilitarian and hedonic shopping motives on social commerce adoption intentions. Openness to experience emerged as a significant trait that has an indirect effect on social commerce adoption intentions. Age and education materialized as significant demographics influencing shopping motivations in a social commerce setting.

The Mediation Effect of Online Shopping Habits on Personality Traits and Intention to Recommend; the Covid-19 Effect

International Journal of Business and Society

The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has transformed conventional buying to online shopping habits. Despite the importance of customers’ future behaviour, insufficient studies have highlighted the role of online shopping habits on the intention to recommend. The study investigated how the Big Five Personality Traits (BFPT) influence online shopping habits, the relationship between habit and intention to recommend, and the habit as a mediator by applying the convenience sampling method. A total of 347 usable data were collected online and analysed using structural equation modelling with the Smart Partial Least Squares (Smart PLS) software. The study found that agreeableness, conscientiousness, extraversion, and neuroticism positively affect online shopping habits, but not openness. Furthermore, online shopping habits positively impact the intention to recommend and mediate the relationship between the BFPT and the intention to recommend. The study also provides valuable information fo...



The research paper focuses on biggest online industry of India which estimates approx US 75.6billionsinyear2014,andisexpectedgrowtolevelofUS75.6 billions in year 2014, and is expected grow to level of US 75.6billionsinyear2014,andisexpectedgrowtolevelofUS156 billions in next 2 years. The organized apparel market is much lower than un-organised market but growing at faster rate comparatively in past 5 years. The growth of industry is fostered by both online and offline models of apparel retailing in India. Because of Internet penetration across the country, tier II and tier III cities are significantly contributing for its climbing the preference of consumers in e-commerce market in India. Due to lack of availability and limited choices growth rate for online apparel orders are coming from Tier II and Tier III cities comparing it with metros and cosmopolitan cities in India. Online apparel industry is expected to grow at a CAGR of approx 13% in next 10-year period. Factors which are responsible for low growth of online apparel industry in India, lie outside the control e-commerce retailers. The researchers had observed the factors responsible to influence the consumers to adopt online channel for buying apparel, include consumer characteristics, technology, government influence and the economy. The research paper focuses to explore the impact of personality traits on motives of buying apparel from online model in India. Online consumers were surveyed with the help of structured questionnaire to get the Big Five Personality Index (BFI score) and being analyzed with AMOS factor reduction modeling. The results show that consumers buying apparel from online channel possesses extraversion as dominating characteristics and are motivated by Perceived Usefulness, Enjoyment, Information Availability, Privacy and Trust factors for adopting online channel.

Do the Big Five Personality Factors affect knowledge sharing behaviour? A study of Malaysian universities

This study aims to develop an integrative understanding of the Big Five Personality (BFP) factors supporting or inhibiting individuals' online entertainment knowledge sharing behaviours. Survey data are collected from 255 university students from two Malaysian universities. As hypothesised, structural equation modelling shows that extraversion and neuroticism are positively related to the attitude towards knowledge sharing. Openness to experience is found to have an inverse relationship with the attitude towards knowledge sharing. Subjective norm is positively related to the attitude towards knowledge sharing. Both attitude towards knowledge sharing and subjective norm are found to be independently and significantly related to the intention to share knowledge, which significantly influences the knowledge sharing behaviour. The research model proposed in the present study is useful to other researchers seeking to understand the personality factors that influence the knowledge sha...

The Mediating Role of Trust in the Relationship Between Online Shopping Experience and Consumer's Shopping Values


Millennials have a lifestyle that is different from previous generations. Millennial Generation lives and grows together with rapid technological growth and currently dominates the population in Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to empirically determine the factors that influence the millennial generation's loyalty to mobile banking applications. Elements used to analyze the millennial generation's loyalty are corporate image, application security, word of mouth (WoM), and trust. Data collected through questionnaires from a sample of 395mobile banking users in Indonesia. The study uses structural equation modeling (SEM) to test the hypotheses with Amos 24 as the analysis tool. The results of the study proved that all predictions are proven significant. The trust in mobile banking mediates the effects of corporate image, application security, and word of mouth on millennial's loyalty. The respondent of the research was millennial mobile banking users in Indonesia. Therefore, the model should be replicated among other mobile banking users in other countries. Banks have to maintain an excellent corporate image and get a positive transmission because, in this digitalization era, information can spread very quickly between friends, relatives, family, or through the internet, digital media, and social media. Banking also needs to include a guaranteed level of application security in the mobile banking application provided to gain the trust of users and be able to foster and increase their loyalty. However, there are still other factors that can influence millennial's loyalty to a mobile banking application.

A Study of Digital Tourism Experiences Revealing the Mediating Role of Digital Trust in the Relationship Between Personality Traits and Technology Acceptance: Turkiye Example

Journal of Gastronomy Hospitality and Travel (JOGHAT)

This study investigates the impact of personality traits and the role of digital trust in the acceptance of digital applications and services utilized in tourism experiences. Data were collected from 417 persons in Turkiye via an online survey during July-September 2021. The convenience sample method was used for data collection and the hypotheses were tested via statistical approaches according to the findings of the SEM. The limitations of this study are the time constraints in reaching people willing to answer the survey part of the study, and the limited number of studies on the concept of digital trust in the literature. Given that technological acceptance and trust fluctuate from person to person, and since digitalization will become more prevalent in our lives, it is expected that the digital trust factor will be important factor for adoption to use digital applications and services. This study offers building digital trust in their customers to organizations trying to capture the process of digital change and transformation with the help of various digital technologies and applications. Since no studies were found in the related literature that investigate whether digital trust has a role in mediating the relationship between personality traits and technology acceptance, this study can be important to provide light on future developments.