Владислав Безпалько, Сергій Шаменков, Полотно «Сандомирський рокош 1606 року» із зібрання Національного музею історії України: до проблеми авторства та датування , Науковий вісник Національного музею історії України: № 8 (2022): Науковий вісник Національного музею історії України (original) (raw)
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TWO SCYTHIAN PLAQUES FROM SERHII KREITON’S COLLECTION OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM OF THE HISTORY OF UKRAINE The article is dedicated to two bronze plates of the Scythian period from the collection of the National Museum of the History of Ukraine. They came to the museum from the collection of Serhii Kreiton in the spring of 1920. Serhii Kreiton was a military man, one of the founders of the Kyiv Military Historical Museum, which existed in 1911–1919. His archaeological collection is probably associated with this museum, which included items from the Stone Age to the Middle Ages. The plaques represent figured images of isolated rear parts of animals. One of them (inventory number B 2279; fig. 1, 1) is a part of an ungulate, the second (inventory number B 2587; fig. 2, 1) is a part of a predatory creature. They have certain analogies that allow dating them to the second half of the 5th century BCE. Both plaques were part of the decoration of a horse’s bridle. They were part of a set of items that represented a detachable image of a fantastic animal.
Стаття присвячена атрибуції двох срібних корон, що зберігаються в Скарбниці Національного музею історії України. Завдяки світлині 1878 р., зробленої фотографом Міхалом Ґреймом, достовірно встановлено їх походження з Вірменського собору в м. Кам’янець-Подільському. Проводиться аналіз художніх особливостей виробів, який дозволив датувати їх виготовлення кінцем ХVII ст. Аналізуються історичні умови появи шат ікони Богородиці, частиною яких були корони, та самої ікони. Завдяки фото стала можливою атрибуція й скіпетра, який також був частиною шат, а нині зберігається в фондах Національного заповідника «Києво-Печерська лавра».
The article gives an initial description of an antique pendant with a cameo found in the Khmelnytsky region depicting a healthy triad: Hygeia — the goddess of recovery, Asclepius — her father — a doctor admitted to the Olympic celestials, and his son Telesphorus — the god who was «responsible» for healing and recovering. The composition of the plot is analyzed, as well as iconography and styles. The discovery of a pendant in the confluence of the Middle Dniester and the Southern Bug can tell us not only that the cult of the triad of healing gods spread to the northeast of the Danube Limes. It also forces another update of the circle of questions, those related to the presence among local barbarian tribes of bearers of ancient traditions and elements of the Ancient worldview. A pendant with the image of Hygeia, Telesphorus and Asclepius may complete the statistics of finds of Greco-Roman and Eastern cults in the area of the spread of Chernyakhiv culture in the specified territory. The pendant with the image of the healthy triad is of extraordinary historical, artistic and religious interest as a monument of ancient glyptics, microplastics, epigraphy, and magical protection practices. It complements the next page in the history and development of medicine in Southeast Europe.
Стаття вводить до наукового обігу надгробок виявлений на старому кладовищі в с. Лівобережна Сокілка Кобеляцької громади Полтавського району. Наводяться обміри й топографія пам’ятки, аналізуються генеалогічні джерела сотенного містечка Сокілка, за якими зроблено спробу встановити особу похованого. Ключові слова: Полтавський полк, Сокілка, козаки, некрополістика, генеалогія.
Lion and Panther (Openwork Plates from Melitopol Burial-Mound) The article deals with the openwork plates proceeds from Melitopol burial-mound with the image of confrontation of lion and panther. The images and style features of the composition are analyzed in details. Confrontation scenes are compared with scenes of attack / laceration of two predators on ungulates animals. The patterns of communication of predators and their victims, as well as a pair of predators are identified. There is revealed a hierarchy of predators (griffin — lion — panther), which probably is related to different areas of the mythological universe. Panther in this hierarchy appears as a predator that is firstly associated with the theme of death, while the scene of attack / laceration generally expresses the theme of sacrifice. Items decorated with attack / laceration scenes images had a special ritual and sacred meaning and linked to the mythological context of the altar and the world axis. It is assumed that openwork plates from Melitopol burial-mound were part of the decoration of the hat and symbolized the idea of overcoming death through sacrifice.
Polidovych Yurii, 2019
Yu. B. Polidovych PRECIOUS ITEMS FROM THE SHUMEIKO BARROW The paper deals to the finds from the barrow near the Shumeiko farm in the Sula river basin (now Sumy region of Ukraine) which was excavated by Sergei Mazaraki in 1899. Objects of Scythian culture were found in the mound: weapons, horse bridles, and vessels. Mikhail Rostovtsev mistakenly attributed to these finds the fragment of ancient Greek kylix of the end of the 6th century BC. Modern researchers date the barrow assemblage near the Shumeiko farm to the first half of the 6th century BC (Igor Bruyako, Denis Grechko, Denis Topal, Oleksandr Shelekhan). Sergey Polin attributes it to Early Scythian time. In the paper three precious items from the barrow are described in detail. This is a sword, the handle of which is plaqued with gold. The ancient craftsman used the granulation technique for decoration. Not only the ancient Greek jewelers used this technique. The masters of Urartu applied it as well. It was used in the decoration of the sword from the Kelermes barrow in the Kuban region, as well as on various adornments. The iron sword has an original shape and belongs to the Shumeiko type (according to Denis Topal, Oleksandr Shelekhan). Such swords were most common in the first half of the 6th century BC. The scabbard was decorated by the gold plate with images of animals and the gold tip. The analysis shows that the images of wild goats and predators are made in the early Scythian animal style. The sheath tip also corresponds to the early Scythian tradition and finds analogies in the Pre-Scythian time. On the contrary, at a later time (the end of the 6th — beginning of the 5th century BC), according to other principles (barrow No 6 near the Oleksandrivka village, Gostra Mogyla near the Tomakovka village) the tips of the scabbard were made. Near the sword the gold plate in the form of a running hare was found. It was made in the Scythian animal style. This plate was probably part of the sheath decor and adorned a side leather ledge that helped to attach the scabbard to the belt. A preliminary conclusion is made about the belonging of precious items from the Shumeiko barrow to the Kelermes horizon of antiquities of the Early Scythian culture.