Determinants of Corporate Debt Maturity in Asia Pacific (original) (raw)

The Determinants of Corporate Debt Maturity for NSE-Listed Corporates

FIIB Business Review

The maturity structure of corporate debt is one of the significant financing choices that a firm must make simultaneously while deciding how to finance its operational and investment decisions. Even though the capital structure is one of the scrutinized topics of interest in the area of corporate finance literature, there are scarce studies investigating corporate debt maturity—even less so in the context of emerging markets. The choice of a suitable debt maturity structure is extremely relevant for firms as it can enable them to avoid mismatch by aligning assets in line with liabilities, address agency related problems, sidestep the ill effects of cost of capital and signal about the firms’ earning quality and value. The study investigates the firm-specific and macroeconomic determinants that are significant for a debt maturity structure of Indian corporate firms. A sample of 29 non-financial firms listed on the National Stock Exchange during the period 2008–2016 was taken to test ...

The Romanian Economic Journal The Determinants of Corporate debt maturity: a study on listed companies of Bombay Stock Exchange 500 index

The study was intented to identify the determinants of the debt maturity structure of listed firms in Bombay Stock Exchange 500 index. For the analysis we have taken 321 firms during the period 2002-2011, comprising of a panel model with fixed effects. We also used GMM (1991) and GMM (1998) estimates of our analysis. The result of robustness tests confirms that past year debt maturity, leverage and growth opportunities are directly determined the debt maturity of Indian firms. Liquidity, effective tax and rate prime lending rate are negatively determining the debt maturity of Indian companies.

Determinants of debt maturity structure for public and private debt securities in Malaysia and Singapore


This thesis attempts to meet four main objectives. Firstly, to examine the firm and country specific as determinants for debt maturity structure. Secondly, to examine worldwide governance indicators as new potential determinants for debt maturity structure. Thirdly, to examine factors that caused decision on debt maturity structure to be different across time and lastly, to examine determinants for adjustment of speed for debt maturity structure. All the aforesaid objectives are examined specifically on public and private debt securities in Malaysia and Singapore. The data for all the variables used in this study are collected from World Bank, Thomson Reuters Datastream, Bank Negara Malaysia, and Monetary Authority of Singapore over the period of 1996 to 2016. Altogether data of this study consist of 1,157 listed firms in Malaysia and Singapore. Two-step system generalized method of moment are employed in this study so that the four main objectives of this study are achieved. This s...

Financial constraints, corporate debt maturity and firm performance: the case of firms in Southeast Asian countries

Afro-Asian J. of Finance and Accounting, 2020

This paper aims to examine the (nonlinear) link between debt maturity structure and firm performance in five Southeast Asian emerging markets. This nonlinearity could be the cause of the inconsistency in the extant findings on the impact of debt maturity on firm performance. Our research provides evidence supporting a nonlinear relationship between debt maturity structure and firm performance. The results further show that financially constrained firms are more susceptible to liquidity risk when constrained firms are heavily financed by short-term debt, while when these firms employ much long-term debt the agency cost of debt becomes more worrisome. Therefore, compared to unconstrained peers, financially constrained firms are more likely to benefit from the use of long-term debt at short debt maturity structure, but are more prone to be suffering from long-term debt use when the latter firms are already at long debt maturity structure.

Corporate Debt Maturity - An international comparison of firm debt maturity choices


This paper explores the determinants of debt maturity for a sample of 3306 non-financial listed firms from thirteen European countries (twelve countries of Euro Zone and United Kingdom) in 2011. According to literature, two sets of explanatory variables are included: (i) characteristics of firms and (ii) institutional environment. The firm-level variables are growth opportunities, size, tax, firm value volatility, quality, rating, assets maturity and leverage. The model also includes independent country-level variables about term structure and volatility of interest rates, efficiency and type of legal system, banking sector size, turnover and size of stock market. Overall, our results confirm prior literature predictions about the influence of firm-level variables on firm debt maturity, with the exception of tax and growth opportunities. The results also suggest that the type of legal system has a significant impact on debt maturity and the higher the size of banking system in the e...

The determinants of corporate debt maturity structure: A case study of Pakistan


This paper investigates the determinants of the maturity structure of Czech corporate debt. A theoretical section provides an overview of contemporary theories on corporate debt maturity structure. An empirical section describes an econometric model that shows that long-term debt increases with company size and leverage and asset maturity. The impact of growth options, collateralizable assets, corporate-tax rate, and company-level volatility proves statistically insignificant. Finally, the paper discusses the limitations of the results in terms of data, variables, and determinants.

Firm and Country Determinants of Debt Maturity. International Evidence

SSRN Electronic Journal, 2014

This paper analyzes the effect of firm-and country-level determinants on debt maturity structure and how this effect varies across countries. Results for 39 countries indicate that firm-level variables such as asset maturity, size, firm quality and leverage affect debt maturity structure. While the efficiency of the legal system and the bank concentration show a positive relationship with debt maturity, the degree of investor protection and the weight of banks in the economy have a negative effect on firm debt maturity. However, these firm-and country-level determinants vary according to firm size, institutional and legal environment, and banking structure of the country. The higher the level of legal efficiency, the higher the fulfillment of the agency cost and signaling hypotheses and the lower the validity of the matching hypothesis.


Vizyoner Dergisi, 2020

The study contributes to the literature by examining the firm-and country-specific determinants of the debt maturity structures in developing countries. The sample panel data set comprises of 3981 firms from 30 countries for 8 years from 2011 to 2018. Countries are selected among developing and transition economies based on data availability. A multilevel modelling methodology is employed in order to decompose the determinants of debt maturity. Variance components analysis revealed that country-level and firm-level are the causes of 15% and 50% of the total variability in debt maturity structures, respectively. Asset maturity, firm quality, firm size, leverage and growth opportunity are detected as firm-specific determinants of debt maturity. Besides, it is found that bank concentration and stock market development are also effective on the debt maturity structures of firms. ÖZ Bu çalışma, gelişmekte olan ülkelerdeki firmaların borç vade yapılarının firma ve ülkeye özgü belirleyicilerini inceleyerek literatüre katkıda bulunmaktadır. Kullanılan panel veri seti, 2011'den 2018'e kadar 8 yıl boyunca 30 ülkeden 3981 firmayı kapsamaktadır. Çalışma kapsamına alınan ülkeler, verilerin ulaşılabilirliğine bağlı olarak gelişmekte olan ekonomiler ve geçiş ekonomileri arasından seçilmiştir. Borç vade yapılarının ülkeye ve firmaya özgü belirleyicilerini ayrıştırmak için çok düzeyli (hiyerarşik) bir modelleme yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Varyans bileşenleri analizi sonucunda borç vade yapılarındaki toplam değişkenliğin sırasıyla% 15 ve% 50'sinin ülke ve firma düzeyindeki faktörlerden kaynaklandığı bulgulanmıştır. Aktif vade yapısı, firma kalitesi, firma büyüklüğü, kaldıraç oranı ve büyüme imkânı değişkenleri, borç vade yapısının firmaya özel belirleyicileri olarak tespit edilmiştir. Bunlara ek olarak banka yoğunlaşması ve borsa gelişmişliğinin de firmaların borç vade yapılarını etkilediği gözlemlenmiştir.