Legal regulation of the Croatian Medical Journal: model for small academic journals (original) (raw)
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National vs. international journals: views of medical professionals in Croatia
Learned Publishing, 2009
Scholarly journals, especially in non-English-speaking countries, may perform very different functions depending on whether they are published for national or international audiences. A total of 466 academic physicians and non-academic general practitioners in Croatia were surveyed on their knowledge about two Croatian medical journals: Liječnički vjesnik (published in Croatian) and Croatian Medical Journal (published in English). The physicians 3 were also surveyed about the importance of all national and international journals published in Croatia, and the types of articles they think should be published in these journals. More respondents rated national (n=329, 72.6%) than international journals (n=275, 63.5%, P<0.001, Wilcoxon test) as very important for the medical profession. On the other hand, publishing in international journals was more often rated as important than publishing in national journals (n=184, 42.5% vs. n=125, 27.8%; P<0.001, Wilcoxon test). Guidelines for clinical practice were rated as the most important publication item in national journals, and original scientific articles in international journals.
Scientific biomedical journals in Croatia
Croatian medical journal, 2002
To assess the current situation in biomedical journal publishing in Croatia, according to the journals editorial and publishing characteristics. A survey questionnaire with 38 questions was sent to the editors-in-chief of 43 biomedical journals in Croatia. Thirty-seven journals were analyzed. In 2000, there were 14 general and 23 specialized biomedical journals in Croatia. Twenty-five journals received financial support from the government. Six journals were indexed in MEDLINE, with two of them also in Current Contents, 20 in other bibliographic databases, and 11 were not indexed at all. Twelve journals published articles in English, 11 in Croatian, and 14 in either English or Croatian. Only 9 journals were available on-line: 5 offered abstracts only and 4 offered full-text articles. There were more indexed than non-indexed journals that were financially supported by the government (p=0.031) and published in English or either English or Croatian (p=0.011). Indexed journals published...
Journal publishing in digital era: STM scientific journals in Croatia
This paper presents findings from the research of 87 journals in the fields of science, technology and medicine in Croatia. Journal publishing is a very demanding job and journal editors and editorial teams are facing many challenges such as insufficient financial support to the journal, low quality of article manuscripts, badly formatted article manuscripts, lack of help to the editor, etc. while doing their job. Journal editorial teams are doing their best to overcome these problems in order to facilitate transformation of scientific journals from paper based to electronic versions and to participate actively in scientific communication paradigm shift.
Development and Progress of Balkan Medical Journal
Balkan Medical Journal, 2017
According to Journal Citation Report by Clarivate Analytics (1), the impact factor (IF) of Balkan Medical Journal arose 1.083 in 2016, which reflects 114% increase compared to the last year. This impressive progress has also changed the place from category Q4 to Q3, made Balkan Medical Journal ranked 94 th among 154 general medical journals in globe and the most prestigious one in Turkey (Table 1). This increase in IF, motivated us to make a brief analysis about the citations of the journal and its sources. We have observed that, 61% of all citations (which our journal had been referred since its integration to SCI-Expanded) appeared between January 2016 and May 2017. This analysis helped us to focus on and evaluate sources of citations. Between January 2016 and May 3, 2017, Balkan Medical Journal had been cited 338 times by 275 journals from 32 countries (2). During this period, types of cited-articles published in the journal are shown in Figure 1. Among these; 70% are original articles, 19% are invited reviews, 7% are letters, 3% are editorial materials and remaining 1% are the others. As a summary, 89% of cited-articles consist of original articles and invited reviews. Another topic we wonder is the IFs of journals which Balkan Medical Journal is cited. Among 275, 229 of IFs obtained from Web of Science database which was released in 2015 (2). The average IF in 2015 of these journals is 2.0±1.8 (range: 0.09-21.3). While 34.9% of the journals in which Balkan Medical Journal is cited have an IF that varies between 1-1.9, the percentage of the journals which have an IF of ≥2 is 40,7% (Figure 2).
There are in Croatia 241 journals appearing at least twice a year. They make for about 2/3 of those periodic publications whose contents are recorded in the Croatian Bibliography. Series B, contributions in journals and proceedings. Their scientific communicability (sci.comm.) was evaluated by four indicators: peer review, language, timeliness/regularity, and foreign authorship; journals from the natural and applied-technical sciences (NT) faired considerably better than those from the social sciences and humanities (SH). This dichotomy was also apparent in the 1990 to 1995 comparison. Although there were no dramatic changes, the sci. comm. did improve, and more so for the NT-journals. New SH-journals more frequently appeared and ceased. Hence, the criteria for decision making in science policy must not be identical for all types of journals. The results of the sci. comm. evaluation by our method is congruent with the coverage of Croatian journals in the international secondary info...