Sworn testimony of the model evidence: Gaussian Mixture Importance (GAME) sampling (original) (raw)
2017, Water Resources Research
What is the ''best'' model? The answer to this question lies in part in the eyes of the beholder, nevertheless a good model must blend rigorous theory with redeeming qualities such as parsimony and quality of fit. Model selection is used to make inferences, via weighted averaging, from a set of K candidate models, M k ; k5ð1;. .. ; KÞ, and help identify which model is most supported by the observed data, Y5ðỹ 1 ;. .. ;ỹ n Þ. Here, we introduce a new and robust estimator of the model evidence, pðỸjM k Þ, which acts as normalizing constant in the denominator of Bayes' theorem and provides a single quantitative measure of relative support for each hypothesis that integrates model accuracy, uncertainty, and complexity. However, pðỸjM k Þ is analytically intractable for most practical modeling problems. Our method, coined GAussian Mixture importancE (GAME) sampling, uses bridge sampling of a mixture distribution fitted to samples of the posterior model parameter distribution derived from MCMC simulation. We benchmark the accuracy and reliability of GAME sampling by application to a diverse set of multivariate target distributions (up to 100 dimensions) with known values of pðỸjM k Þ and to hypothesis testing using numerical modeling of the rainfall-runoff transformation of the Leaf River watershed in Mississippi, USA. These case studies demonstrate that GAME sampling provides robust and unbiased estimates of the evidence at a relatively small computational cost outperforming commonly used estimators. The GAME sampler is implemented in the MATLAB package of DREAM and simplifies considerably scientific inquiry through hypothesis testing and model selection. Plain Language Summary Science is an iterative process for learning and discovery in which competing ideas about how nature works are evaluated against observations. The translation of each hypothesis to a computational model requires specification of system boundaries, inputs and outputs, state variables, physical/behavioral laws, and material properties; this is difficult and subjective, particularly in the face of incomplete knowledge of the governing spatiotemporal processes and insufficient observed data. To guard against the use of an inadequate model, statisticians advise selecting the ''best'' model among a set of candidate ones where each might be equally plausible and justifiable a priori. Bayesian model selection uses probability theory to select among competing hypotheses; the key variable is the Bayesian model evidence, which provides a single quantitative measure of relative support for each hypothesis that integrates model accuracy, uncertainty, and complexity. Bayesian model selection has not entered into mainstream use in Earth systems modeling due to the lack of general-purpose methods to reliably estimate the evidence. Here, we introduce a new method, called GAussian Mixture importancE (GAME) sampling. We demonstrate GAME power and usefulness for hypothesis testing using benchmark experiments with known target and numerical modeling of the rainfall-runoff transformation of the Leaf River watershed (Mississippi, USA).