A Study of Otological Manifestations of Temporal Bone Fractures (original) (raw)

A study of temporal bone fractures

Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, 2008

Many young adults are now killed and injured in accidents than from another causes. More than 75% of these injuries are to the head, and the ear being the most frequently injured sensory organ of the body. Temporal bone or basilar skull fractures are extremely common in any head injury. Injuries to the temporal bone may be considered in three groups: Those affecting the external auditory meatus (extralabyranthine fractures), those largely affecting middle ear cleft (tympanolabyranthine) and those affecting the internal ear (labyrinthine fractures). Many injuries, however, involve all these structures .The sudden onset of facial paralysis, vertigo and hearing impairment after a head injury is a matter of great concern for the patients and clinicians. Presence of cerebrospinal fl uid leak (CSF Otorrhoea) can be a challenge for both the neurosurgeons and otologists. We hereby present 86 patients of temporal bone fractures who presented in the departments of emergency, Neurosurgery or ENT of Himalayan Institute of Medical Sciences, Dehradun during last 10 years (1996-2006).

Temporal bone fractures

The American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 1995

The diagnosis and monitoring of patients presenting to an emergency department with blunt temporal bone fracture and complications requiring acute management were reviewed for a four-month period. Of 104 trauma patients with closed head injury, 15 patients were diagnosed with temporal bone fracture, 12 of whom survived their injuries. Four patients developed cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) otorrhea and two patients developed facial nerve paralysis; all patients had resolution of complications with conservative management. Significant shortcomings in the initial evaluation and monitoring of patients with temporal bone fracture were identified. Specific and thorough facial nerve examinations were not initially conducted on temporal bone fracture patients and subsequent inpatient monitoring for facial nerve paralysis and CSF otorrhea was incomplete. The outcome of temporal bone fracture is discussed. This article reminds the emergency physician of the importance of initial diagnosis and documentation of temporal bone fractures. (Am J Emerg Meal 1995;13:211-

Management of complication from temporal bone fractures

European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, 2011

The objective of the study is to review clinical findings and outcomes in patients with temporal bone fractures, and to show an incidence and management of complications. It is the retrospective clinical study and the study took place at tertiary referral center. Fifty-two patients with temporal bone fractures. Data were collected from patients' charts and clinical review. Patients were classified into five groups according to the CT scan. The primary endpoint of study was to show management of possible complication from temporal bone fractures and to analyze association with intracranial injuries. The second endpoint was to show incompleteness of traditionally classification of fracture type. Of the 52 patients with 54 fractures, 27 (50%) had longitudinal fractures, 4 (7.4%) had transverse fractures, 17 (31.5%) had temporal squamamastoid fractures, 4 (7.4%) had mixed fractures and 2 (3.7%) had isolated meatal fracture. Fifty-eight percent of patients had at least one intracranial pathologic finding, of which 11% had two or more. Persistent conductive hearing loss was noted in 8 of 16 affected patients. The facial paralysis occurred in seven patients. One patient had benign paroxysmal positional vertigo developed 3 weeks after injury. In conclusion, rarely temporal bone fractures are isolated injures. The squama-mastoid fracture in most cases associated with intracranial injuries. Coordination between the neurosurgeon and otologist is essential in the care of such patients. Further large studies will be done to give a more complete classification of temporal bone fractures which will include all fracture patterns and predict clinical outcome.

Head injury patients having Longitudinal Fracture of Temporal Boneassociated with middle ear cavity injury and its clinical importance: A Prospective study

Introduction: One of the most complex Head injury is involvement of the skull base fractures of different types with varying degree of severity. Vital structures in the temporal bone are bluntly ignored at the time of emergency trauma centre management. The Middle ear cavity, Facial cannel & Otic capsules are the vital structure to be counted & taken care of. Missing of diagnosis of the vital structure injury may lead to future complication like deaf, facial palsy & neurologogical symptoms. 1 Aim and objectives: To Study the Temporal bone fracture in Head injury patients associated with the common vital structures injuries of the Temporal bone directly or indirectly. and Manipur. The patients were accessed properly and were given the first line management. According to their stability and fitness for further investigation, the patients were subject to CT Scan Head and Neck at the earliest. Conclusion: Temporal bone fracture, especially longitudinal fracture involving mastoid, Petrous & extending to the body of sphenoid usually involves the middle ear cavity with different degree of fracture & dislocation of the osicles. Thus a hidden fracture of middle ear cavity can be predicted by seeing the longitudinal fracture of the temporal bones involving the mastoid, petrous & body of sphenoid.

Patterns and incidence of temporal bone fractures

IP innovative publication pvt. ltd, 2019

Introduction: Temporal bone has a complex anatomy, divided into five bony divisions, which include squamous part, petrous bone, tympanic part, mastoid process, and styloid process. This contains cranial nerves V, VI, VII, and VIII and vascular structures such as the internal carotid and middle meningeal arteries, the sigmoid sinus, and the jugular bulb. It also harbors the sensorineural and membranous structures of the inner ear. The most common cause of temporal bone fractures is high energy blunt head trauma. For the assessment of temporal fractures, cranial CT is a fundamental and initial diagnostic modality. Complications of temporal bone fractures include facial nerve palsy, cerebrospinal fluid leakage, conductive hearing loss, sensorineural hearing loss, and vertigo. These fractures are divided into longitudinal and transverse based on whether the fracture line is passing parallel to or perpendicular to petrous bone respectively. Materials and Methods: This was a cross-sectional study done at Dr. PSIMS & RF, Gannavaram, Andhra Pradesh. The study period was between January 2015 to December 2018, done on Siemens 16 Slice CT machine with the patients' age ranging from 18 to 70 years who underwent CT brain in view of Road traffic accidents.

Temporal bone fractures: evaluation of 77 patients and a management algorithm

Turkish Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 2012

Temporal kemik kırığı olan hastalarda etyoloji, otolaringolojik semptom ve bulguların radyolojik değerlendirmeleri, tedavi yaklaşımları ve sonuçlar değerlendirildi. GEREÇ VE YÖNTEM Yetmiş yedi temporal kemik kırığı olgusu, yaş, cinsiyet, kırığın yeri, kırığın etyolojisi ve kanlı otore, timpanik membran perforasyonu, serebrospinal otore, işitme kaybı, hemotimpanum, fasiyal ve diğer kraniyal sinir paralizilerinin varlığı ve bilgisayarlı tomografi sonuçları yönünden geriye dönük olarak değerlendirildi. BULGULAR Olgularda kırıkların %55'i trafik kazası sonucu meydana gelmişti ve çoğunluğu erkekti (%76,6). Otolaringolojik bulgular sıklık sırası ile erken dönem iletim tipi işitme kaybı (%65,8), kanlı otore (%61,2), hemotimpanum (%58,5), timpanik membran perforasyonu (%25,6), fasiyal sinir paralizisi (%12,3), serebrospinal otore (%8,5) ve sensörinöral işitme kaybı (%5,4) idi. Kırıkların çoğu petroz (%65,8) ve uzunlamasına tip (%51,2) idi. SONUÇ Bu araştırmada 77 temporal kemik kırığı hastasında sıklık sırası ile otolaringolojik bulguları ve tedavi yaklaşımımızı literatür bulguları ile karşılaştırıp tartıştık. Temporal kırıklarda sistematik bir değerlendirme ve tedavi için bir algoritma oluşturduk. Anahtar Sözcükler: Kafa travması; maksillofasiyal yaralanma; temporal kemik. BACKGROUND We aimed to evaluate the etiologies, otolaryngological features, radiological findings, management strategies, and outcomes of temporal bone fractures. METHODS Seventy-seven temporal bone fracture cases were retrospectively evaluated for age and gender distribution, side of the fracture, etiology of injuries, the presence of blood otorrhea, tympanic membrane perforation, cerebrospinal fluid otorrhea, hearing loss, hemotympanum, and facial or other cranial nerve palsies, and computerized tomography reports. RESULTS Nearly 55% of the cases were caused by traffic accidents and were predominantly male (76.6%). Otolaryngological presentations in order to frequency were early conductive hearing loss (65.8%), blood otorrhea (61.2%), hemotympanum (58.5%), tympanic membrane perforation (25.6%), facial nerve paralysis (12.3%), cerebrospinal fluid otorrhea (8.5%), and sensorineural hearing loss (5.4%). Most of the fractures were petrous (65.8%) and longitudinal type (51.2%). CONCLUSION In this research, otolaryngological findings in order of frequency and treatment approaches were compared with literature findings and discussed in 77 temporal bone fracture cases. We formed a management algorithm for the systematic evaluation and treatment of temporal fractures.

Temporal Bone Fracture Causing Superior Semicircular Canal Dehiscence

Case Reports in Otolaryngology, 2014

Importance. Superior semicircular canal dehiscence (SCD) is a third window lesion of the inner ear causing symptoms of vertigo, autophony, tinnitus, and hearing loss. A "two-hit" hypothesis has traditionally been proposed, whereby thinly developed bone overlying the superior canal is disrupted by a sudden change in intracranial pressure. Although the symptoms of SCD may be precipitated by head injury, no previous reports have described a temporal bone fracture directly causing SCD. Observations. Two patients sustained temporal bone fractures after closed head trauma, and developed unilateral otologic symptoms consistent with SCD. In each instance, computed tomography imaging revealed fractures extending through the bony roof of the superior semicircular canal. Conclusions and Relevance. Temporal bone fractures, which are largely treated nonoperatively, have not previously been reported to cause SCD. As it is a potentially treatable entity, SCD resulting from temporal bone fracture must be recognized as a possibility and diagnosed promptly if present.

The Risk of Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo After Head Trauma

The Laryngoscope, 2021

Objectives: Head trauma may cause dislodgement of otoconia and development of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). The risk of developing BPPV is expected to be highest shortly after the trauma, then decrease and approach the risk seen in the general population. The aim of this study was to estimate the risk-time curve of BPPV development after head trauma.