A Neurastenia em Portugal, apogeu e declínio (original) (raw)

Abordagem e Registo da Anafilaxia em Portugal

Acta Médica Portuguesa, 2015

Anaphylaxis has a growing incidence, especially in children. It represents a medical emergency and its successful therapy depends on early and proper intervention. Intramuscular epinephrine, with dose adjustment according to weight and age, is the drug of choice for anaphylaxis treatment. After resolution of the acute reaction, the patient should be kept under clinical surveillance for 6 to 24 hours, due to possible biphasic reactions. Prescription of an epinephrine auto-injectable device should be considered in all patients with diagnosed or suspected anaphylaxis; additionally these patients should always be referred to an Immunoallergy consultation, to perform adequate investigation and management in order to reduce future risk. All anaphylaxis episodes must be recorded in The Portuguese Catalogue of Allergies and other Adverse Reactions (Catálogo Português de Alergias e outras Reações Adversas, CPARA), which represents a fundamental tool to share clinical information within the Health System. The present manuscript intends to disclose the most recent Portuguese guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of anaphylaxis, making its clinical approach more effective and homogeneous, and to promote the use of The Portuguese Catalogue of Allergies and other Adverse Reactions as an essential tool to register and share information on anaphylaxis in Portugal.

O recasamento em Portugal

Resumo Identificar tendências do fenómeno do recasamento em Portugal, nas duas últimas décadas, constitui o objectivo principal deste artigo. Para essa identificação contribuiu o conhecimento da amplitude do próprio fenómeno, isto é, a percentagem de recasamentos no total dos casamentos em Portugal, e ainda um conjunto de variáveis que permitiu conhecer a caracterização social dos protagonistas do recasamento, por um lado, e delinear a diversidade dos seus trajectos conjugais após um divórcio, por outro. Trata-se de variáveis tais como: a idade, a escolaridade, a profissão, o estado civil anterior ao recasamento, a duração do primeiro casamento, as coabitações, os filhos comuns e não comuns.

Niilismo e decadência


Page 1. leituras resenha © Filosofia e Educação (Online), ISSN 1984-9605 – Revista Digital do Paideia Volume 2, Número 2, Outubro de 2010 – Março de 2011 523 Niilismo e decadência Samuel Mendonça Professor da PUC-Campinas Igor Hideo Kato da Silva Graduando em Filosofia pela Unicamp FRANCO, Volpi. O Niilismo. São Paulo: Loyola, 1999.

Os paulistanos, “ianques do sul”, e a “doença moderna”, a neurastenia, nas primeiras décadas do século XX - História, Ciências, Saúde - Manguinhos 21/1 (2014), p. 169-180.

In a brief period of time the coffee boom, European immigration and the “atlanticization” of various sectors of life saw São Paulo transform from a small village into a thriving Atlantic metropolis. In the early decades of the twentieth century, observers described the city as Yankee City, due to its progress and activity. To what extent does neurasthenia, namely “the most modern and American of disorders”, tally with that image? After analysis of advertisements, scientific books and texts for the dissemination of science, as well as articles in journals, it can be stated that neurasthenia was prevalent and widespread. This work emphasizes the socio- cultural familiarity of São Paulo with the phenomenon of neurasthenia.

Sobre o grau de evolução da glaucónia. Alguns exemplos portugueses

Glaucony from recent sediments of the North Portuguese Continental Shelf and Miocene outcrops of the Penedo beach (Setúbal península - Lisbon area) were analysed and characterized by means of chemical analysis (electron microprobe) and morphological criteria, according lo Triplehorn's (1966) classification. Different granules are recognisable showing various glauconization stages, according to their K20 content. Two major granule populations are apparent, one of them reworked from an older source, displayins different physico-chemical or energetic conditions.