Double vaulted tomb in St. Luke’s Bay near Jelsa / Dvojna grobnica na svod u uvali Sv. Luke kod Jelse (original) (raw)

Arheološka istraživanja crkve sv. Luke u Kučićima u omiškom zaleđu u svjetlu pitanja ... /Archaeological research of the church of St. Luke in Kučiće in the Omiš hinterland in the light of the early history of the village, Starohrvatska prosvjeta, III. s., 47/2000., Split, 2020., 631-651

In the summer of 2016, Kučiće, a village in the hinterland of Omiš, was the site of archaeological research of the church of St. Luke, erected in its present appearance in the mid-18th century and extended in the second half of the 19th century. The village was mentioned in documents from the 13th and 14th centuries, and the church in sources from 1620, during the Ottoman rule, which reliably referred to a medieval structure on the location of the existing church. The research within the church revealed the foundations of a small-sized single-nave Gothic church with a shallow rectangular apse. It is dated to the period from the mid-14th century to the mid-15th century, which further eliminates the assumptions concerning the location of the Kučiće parish church at Mijovilišće. We should allow for the possibility that a segment of the wall of the tomb chamber in front of the sanctuary represents the remnant of the semicircular apse of an earlier, Romanesque church.

Rimski grobni spomenik s lokaliteta Stari grad u Ivancu / Roman tombstone from the Stari grad site in Ivanec

Prilozi Instituta za arheologiju u Zagrebu, 28, 147 - 168., 2012

Archaeological excavations, carried out since 1998 by the Institute of Archaeology in Stari Grad in the centre of Ivanec, have established long-term human presence at the site, from prehistoric and Roman times to the middle of the 20th century. Among other things excavated in the courtyard of the local Renaissance and Baroque fort were a Romanesque and a Gothic church where burials continued into the 17th century. During the 1998 campaign, a fragment of a Roman tombstone, made from local limestone and decorated with human figures carved in relief on the front and side surfaces, was found as a spolium in the walls of the Gothic church. This text publishes the find for the first time and provides a comprehensive analysis of its iconography, formal typology, dating and the social circumstances in which it came into being. Although, due to its incompleteness, the original appearance of the tombstone remains unknown, we presume it was a corner stone of a tomb or a so-called grave pillar (Grabpfeiler), and date it back to the 3rd century. Along with other items (ceramics, brick, bone, glass), this find provides our first evidence of a Roman settlement on the territory of Ivanec. / U arheološkim istraživanjima koje Institut za arheologiju od 1998. provodi na Starome gradu u središtu Ivanca, utvrđena je dugotrajna naseljenost tog lokaliteta od prapovijesnog i rimskog razdoblja do polovine 20. stoljeća. U dvorištu tamošnjeg renesansno-baroknog kaštela istražene su, između ostalog, romanička i gotička crkva s kontinuitetom ukapanja do u 17. stoljeće. U kampanji 1998., u zidovima gotičke crkve kao spolij je zatečen ulomak rimskog grobnog spomenika načinjenog od lokalnog vapnenca, ukrašenog reljefnim ljudskim likovima na prednjoj i bočnoj plohi. U ovome radu taj se nalaz objavljuje po prvi put i obrađuje cjelovito s obzirom na ikonografiju i formalnu tipologiju te datiranje i društvene okolnosti nastanka. S obzirom na necjelovitost, izvorni izgled spomenika ostaje nepoznat, ali se on pretpostavljeno rekonstruira kao ugaoni blok grobne građevine ili tzv. grobnog stupa (Grabpfeiler) te se datira u 3. stoljeće. Zajedno s drugim predmetima (keramika, opeka, kost, staklo), taj je nalaz prvo svjedočanstvo o rimskodobnom naselju na području Ivanca.

Ostaci ranokršćanske crkve na Groblju sv. Ive u Livnu Remains of an Early Christian church at Groblje sv. Ive, Livno

Glasnik Zemaljskog muzeja BiH u Sarajevu, 2023

Groblje svetog Ive (St. John’s cemetery) in Livno is a multi-layered sacral and sepulchral site on which archaeological excavations were conducted in 1991, 1993 and 1994. Material evidence demonstrates the presence of a Roman necropolis, the remains of an Early Christian church with vaulted tombs, a cemetery in use from the Early Middle Ages to the Early Modern period, and the ruins of a Franciscan monastery of St. John the Baptist dating to the first quarter of the 14th century AD. Due to the complexity of the archaeological site in question, the earliest Christian artifacts were the least preserved. The Early Christian cultural layer has never been analysed in its entirety, and neither have the vast majority of poorly preserved architectural artefacts. Based on the architectural elements unearthed, it is possible to partially define the south-western and southern portions of the church, including its narthex and pre-narthex, as well as the southern chambers belonging to the annex, and a central nave. The eastern and south-eastern architectural components have been completely obliterated.

Children’s graves from the archaeological site Rivine – Crkvina in Bosnia and Herzegovina / Dječji grobovi s lokaliteta Rivine – Crkvina u Bosni i Hercegovini

Starohrvatska prosvjeta 48, 2021

The site Rivine–Crkvina by Stolac, Bosnia and Herzegovina, seems at first glance a fairly rustic Late Antique archaeological site located in the interior of the Roman province of Dalmatia. However, quite to the contrary, it is full of distinctive features that are not easy to understand or explain. One of these features is the children’s graves in the west or mainly southwest part of the church, which in many ways are consistent with the usual practice of children’s burials in this period. An interesting feature of the site is the organisation of the graves of adults in their immediate vicinity, which, from all the evidence, were created later. They were dated by C14 and as a terminus postquem non provide an outline chronology of the whole Late Antique phase of the site. Položaj Rivine – Crkvina kod Stolca (BiH) na prvi se pogled doima kao poprilicno rustican kasnoanticki arheološki lokalitet smješten u unu trašnjosti rimske provincije Dalmacije. Nasuprot tomu, on je zapravo pun osobitosti koje nije jednostavno razumjeti i objasniti. Jedna od tih osobi tosti jesu djecji grobovi na zapadnom, odnosno pretežito jugozapadnom dijelu crkve, koji u mnogocemu isto tako odgovaraju uobicajenoj praksi ukapanja djece u tom razdoblju. Zanimljivost lokaliteta je i organizacija grobova odraslih osoba u njihovoj neposrednoj blizini, koji su po svemu sudeci nastali nešto kasnije. Oni su datirani metodom 14C i kao terminus post quem non daju okvirnu kronologiju cjelokupne kasnoanticke faze lokaliteta.

Kramarškov grob z Legna / The Kramaršek grave from Legen (uploaded 18. 2. 2016)

Soklič je v muzeju razlagau: »To je slika na les, Apolonij se klanja Kleopatri, 1624, veste, tule v vitrini imamo iz ilirskih grobou sulico, tule je glinasta peč (Je še zdej tam.), tu v škafu pa imam ilirskega poglavarja (Je blo na pou notər peska pa mal ene koščice ožgane.) … to je ilirski poglavar.« No in drugič so pa spet prišli turisti in je spet reko: »No, vite, gospoda moja, tu not so eni skrivni predalčki. Tu not je dama mela nakit, da ga roparji niso našli. To je pa špacirštok -to je za sablo.« In jo je potegno vən pa takole malo demonstrirau: »No, vite, gospoda moja, tu mam pa ilirskega poglavarja …« Je pa tja pogledo, pa škafa ni blo več. In, seveda, je šla gospodinja na dopust, je pa ena druga prəšla. »Barbara!!« jo je klicau, »poslušte, ke pa je ta škaf?« »O, gospod dekan, vete kaj (Je bla pa pedantna pa prah pobrisala vse …), to sn pa jəz dol na gnojski kup nesla, sn misla, da je kako smetje not!« »No, vite, gospoda moja, tako je moj ilirski poglavar ta zadnjo pot na smetišču našu!« (Verdinek 2002, 188-189)