Non-central limit theorems for non-linear functional of Gaussian fields (original) (raw)
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CLT and other limit theorems for functionals of Gaussian processes
Zeitschrift für Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und verwandte Gebiete, 1985
Conditions for the CLT for non-linear functionals of stationary Gaussian sequences are discussed, with special references to the borderline between the CLT and the non-CLT. Examples of the non-CLT for such functionals with the norming factor t/N are given.
Spectral central limit theorem for additive functionals of isotropic and stationary Gaussian fields
arXiv (Cornell University), 2022
Let B = (B x) x∈R d be a collection of N (0, 1) random variables forming a real-valued continuous stationary Gaussian field on R d , and set C(x − y) = E[B x B y ]. Let ϕ : R → R be such that E ϕ(N) 2 < ∞ with N ∼ N (0, 1), let R be the Hermite rank of ϕ, and consider Y t = tD ϕ(B x)dx, t > 0 with D ⊂ R d compact. Since the pioneering works from the 80s by Breuer, Dobrushin, Major, Rosenblatt, Taqqu and others, central and noncentral limit theorems for Y t have been constantly refined, extended and applied to an increasing number of diverse situations, to such an extent that it has become a field of research in its own right. The common belief, representing the intuition that specialists in the subject have developed over the last four decades, is that as t → ∞ the fluctuations of Y t around its mean are, in general (i.e. except possibly in very special cases), Gaussian when B has short memory, and non Gaussian when B has long memory and R ≥ 2. We show in this paper that this intuition forged over the last forty years can be wrong, and not only marginally or in critical cases. We will indeed bring to light a variety of situations where Y t admits Gaussian fluctuations in a long memory context. To achieve this goal, we state and prove a spectral central limit theorem, which extends the conclusion of the celebrated Breuer-Major theorem to situations where C ∈ L R (R d). Our main mathematical tools are the Malliavin-Stein method and Fourier analysis techniques.
Non-central limit theorems for random fields subordinated to gamma-correlated random fields
Bernoulli, 2017
A reduction theorem is proved for functionals of Gamma-correlated random fields with long-range dependence in d-dimensional space. In the particular case of a nonlinear function of a chi-squared random field with Laguerre rank equal to one, we apply the Karhunen-Loéve expansion and the Fredholm determinant formula to obtain the characteristic function of its Rosenblatt-type limit distribution. When the Laguerre rank equals one and two, we obtain the multiple Wiener-Itô stochastic integral representation of the limit distribution. In both cases, an infinite series representation in terms of independent random variables is constructed for the limit random variables.
Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 1989
Let X=(X,, t CR) be a stationary Gaussian process on (R, .F, P) with time-shift operators ( CJ,, s E R) and let H(X) = L'(f), u(X), P) denote the space of square-integrable functionals of X. Say that Y t H(X) with EY =O satisfies the Central Limit Theorem (CLT) if A family of martingales (Z,(t), t 2 0) is exhibited for which 2, ("c) = Z,, and martingale techniques and results are used to provide suficient conditions on X and Y for the CLT. These conditions are then shown to be necessary for slightly more restrictive central limit behavior of Y.
A general moment bound for sums of products of Gaussian vector's functions extending the moment bound in Taqqu (1977, Lemma 4.5) is established. A general central limit theorem for triangular arrays of nonlinear functionals of multidimensional non-stationary Gaussian sequences is proved. This theorem extends the previous results of Breuer and Major (1981), Arcones (1994) and others. A Berry-Esseen-type bound in the above-mentioned central limit theorem is derived following Nourdin, . Two applications of the above results are discussed. The first one refers to the asymptotic behavior of a roughness statistic for continuous-time Gaussian processes and the second one is a central limit theorem satisfied by long memory locally stationary process.
On rate of convergence in non-central limit theorems
Bernoulli, 2019
The main result of this paper is the rate of convergence to Hermitetype distributions in non-central limit theorems. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first result in the literature on rates of convergence of functionals of random fields to Hermite-type distributions with ranks greater than 2. The results were obtained under rather general assumptions on the spectral densities of random fields. These assumptions are even weaker than in the known convergence results for the case of Rosenblatt distributions. Additionally, Lévy concentration functions for Hermite-type distributions were investigated. 1. Introduction. This research will focus on the rate of convergence of local functionals of real-valued homogeneous random fields with longrange dependence. Non-linear integral functionals on bounded sets of R d are studied. These functionals are important statistical tools in various fields of application, for example, image analysis, cosmology, finance, and geology. It was shown in [10], [34] and [35] that these functionals can produce non-Gaussian limits and require normalizing coefficients different from those in central limit theorems. Since many modern statistical models are now designed to deal with non-Gaussian data, non-central limit theory is gaining more and more popularity. Some novel results using different models and asymptotic distributions were obtained during the past few years, see [1], [6], [22], [30], [34] and references therein. Despite such development of the asymptotic theory, only a few of 1 Supported in part under Australian Research Council's Discovery Projects funding scheme (project number DP160101366) 2 Supported in part by project MTM2012-32674 (co-funded with FEDER) of the DGI, MINECO, and under Cardiff Incoming Visiting Fellowship Scheme and International Collaboration Seedcorn Fund 3 Supported in part by the La Trobe University DRP Grant in Mathematical and Computing Sciences MSC 2010 subject classifications: Primary 60G60; secondary 60F05, 60G12
Spectral covariance and limit theorems for random fields with infinite variance
Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 2017
In the paper, we continue to investigate measures of dependence for random variables with infinite variance. For random variables with regularly varying tails, we introduce a general class of such measures, which includes the codifference and the spectral covariance. In particular, we investigate the α-spectral covariance, a new measure from this general class, for linear random fields with infinite second moment. Under some conditions on the filter of a linear random field, we investigate asymptotic properties of the α-spectral covariance for linear random fields with infinite variance. We also provide an application of spectral covariances for limit theorems for stationary and associated random fields with infinite variance.
Limit results on finite-dimensional gaussian random fields
Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 2006
In this paper, we establish some limit results on Cs6rg6-1~v~sz-type increments combined with moduli of continuity for finite-dimensional Gaussian random fields under explicit conditions, via estimating upper bounds of large deviation probabilities on suprema of the finite-dimensional Gaussian random fields. (~) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Limit theorems for statistical functionals with applications to dimension estimation
dim haus (E) ≤ dim − box (E) and dim pack (E) ≤ dim + box (E) for any bounded set E ∈ R d and dim haus (F) ≤ dim pack (F) Hamann [24] to dependent observations. Keller [35] extended the method of Grasberger and Procaccia [22] to The first part of this thesis solves a problem originating from the work of Keller [35]. Note that µ(B(x, ε)) can always be estimated byμ(B(x, ε)), whereμ is the empirical probability measure of independent identically distributed random variables. It is evident thatμ(B(x, ε)) = 0 if no observation falls into B(x, ε) hence logμ(B(x, ε)) does not make sense at all. This was pointed by Keller [35]. One of purposes of this work is to show how such procedure is meaningful if enough data is available to fall into B(x, ε). The second part of the dissertation deals with a different but related problem. In the late 1980's Brosamler [8] and Schatte [46] independently proved a new type of limit theorems. This type of statements extends the classical central limit theorem to a pathwise version and is therefore called the almost sure central limit Philipp [38] gave a general condition for the validity of (1) so that a large class of dependent sequences satisfies the ASCLT. Later Peligrad and Shao [44] proved (1) directly for associated, strongly mixing and ρ-mixing sequences under the same conditions that assure the usual central limit theorem. Statements of type (1) with some non-normal limiting distribution function G are usually called almost sure (or pointwise) limit theorems (ASLT). The first result in this field belongs to Peligrad and Révész [43]. They showed that a weak convergence of properly normalized and centered partial sum of i.i.d. random variables to a limiting α-stable distribution G α (0 < α < 2) implies the corresponding ASLT. Analogous result was proved by Berkes and Dehling [5] for the normal limiting distribution. Thus for i.i.d. random variables, almost sure limit theorems are weaker results than corresponding classical limit theorems. Moreover, Berkes, Dehling and Móri [6] provided counterexamples which show that the reverse is not valid. An excellent survey on this topic can be found in Berkes [3] as well as in Atlagh and Weber [1]. Recently Berkes and Csáki [4] obtained a general result in the almost sure limit theory. They used it to prove almost sure versions of several classical limit theorems. In particular they proved the ASLT for U-statistics under finite second moment of the kernel.