Akibat Hukum Terhadap Wanprestasi Dalam Perjanjian Dibawah Tangan Atas Jual Beli Tanah Dan Bangunan Berdasarkan Pasal 1320 Kuhperdata (original) (raw)
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Pemanfaatan kawasan sempadan pantai sebagai usaha di wilayah Desa Senteluk Kecamatan Batulayar serinkali menimbulkan konflik, khususnya antara pihak pengelola dan pihak yang merasa memiliki tanah melalui hubungan sewa. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Kedudukan hukum lahan atau objek perjanjian sewa yang berada dalam kawasan sempadan pantai. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian hukum normatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pertama, lahan atau objek dalam perjanjian sewa menyewa lahan atau tanah yang ada di Tanjung Bias dapat dikaji dalam dua persfektif. Persfektif pertama, jika dikaji dari peraturan perundang-undangan maka kawasan tersebut merupakan kawasan sempadan pantai yang seharusnya dikuasai oleh negara. Persfektif kedua, kawasan sempadan pantai tersebut dapat juga dianggap merupakan milik pribadi dilihat dari bukti autentik atau sertifikat hak atas tanah yang dimiliki oleh pemilik tanah. Put...
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The Juris
Agreement by the parties as a basis for the legal relationship of the agreements that have been approved, which give rise to rights and obligations of the parties. With the expected agreement all of what has been agreed to function normally, but in practice in certain circumstances the exchange of achievement does not always work as it should so that it appears what is called a default. Default is: "A situation where a debtor (debt) does not fulfill or implement the achievements as stipulated in an agreement". A person is declared in default because: Absolutely not meet achievement; achievements which are not perfect; Late meet achievement; and do what is in the agreement are forbidden to do. Default cause problems, such as: When a debtor is declared in default, what the result of a default and how efforts for settlement of default may provide protection for the parties. In order to create what is the purpose of making the agreement, needed a solution that could provide pr...
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The facts on the ground are that there are still many cases of motorbikes being confiscated and forcibly taken by the seller and/or financing. This study aims to determine the legal settlement of debtors who default. The research method used is normative legal research. with a statutory approach. This study involves literature review and documentation, followed by qualitative analysis based on primary (laws) and secondary legal materials (libraries and scientific journals). The results show that the form of settlement of the default is confiscation of vehicles by using a power of attorney to withdraw/confiscate the object of fiduciary security which has been signed by the debtor himself and the original minutes of handover to Financing employees who specifically handle withdrawals of collateral objects
Akibat Hukum Wanprestasi Serta Upaya Hukum Wanprestasi Berdasarkan Undang-Undang Yang Berlaku
The Juris, 2022
In civil law, regarding agreements, the rights and obligations of the parties to the agreement have been regulated. The party giving the loan is called the creditor and the party receiving the loan is called the debtor. The creditor has the right to achieve, the debtor has the obligation to realize his achievements. However, in reality, the legal relationship between the two creditors and debtors, especially in terms of agreements, often encounters problems, resulting in default. Default itself is an event of failure in which a person does not comply with performance or failure to carry out obligations properly, causing loss to one of the parties concerned. This paper aims to explain what must be done in the event of default in an agreement.
AL-MANHAJ: Jurnal Hukum dan Pranata Sosial Islam
Property sale and purchase transactions such as flats are transactions with large nominal values. The related parties must make a binding sale and purchase agreement as a means of legal protection for both parties in the event of a default against PPJB made by a notary so that the letter becomes official and safe. This study aims to determine the causal factors, and the legal protection of default of the sale and purchase binding deed (PPJB) of the apartment made by a notary. In addition, PPJB is also a letter made by a notary and as legal protection for consumers and is officially made by a notary.
Penyelesaian Sengketa Akibat Wanprestasi pada Peralihan Hak Atas Tanah
Reslaj : Religion Education Social Laa Roiba Journal
This research examines the study of the settlement of disputes due to default in the transfer of land rights, namely in decision Number: 80/B/2022/PT.TUN.SBY. The research method used is normative juridical study, namely research studies based on legal sources such as laws and regulations, and expert opinions to research studies related to the title chosen by the researcher. The results of this research are that it is known that disputes on the transfer of land rights can occur due to many things, including negligence that occurs as a result of someone's failure to fulfill the contents of the agreement or contract, which is called default. The result of the decision Number: 80/B/2022/PT.TUN.SBY is the rejection of the lawsuit from the plaintiffs as a result of the time for serving the lawsuit exceeding 90 days, namely as stated in Law No. 9 of 2004. It is known that the plaintiff filed an administrative lawsuit in court more than 1 year after the previous lawsuit was decided. Th...
Pemutusan Perjanjian Pemborongan Bangunan Secara Sepihak Akibat Wanprestasi
The default is one of the problems in implementing the agreement. One of the default problems occurred in the building contract agreement between PT. Cipta Maju Property and Hadi Ferdiansyah. PT. Cipta Maju Property as bouwheer decided the agreement unilaterally and sued Hadi Ferdiansyah as the contractor. Based on the analysis carried out, the unilateral termination of the agreement carried out by bouwheer's party that it has been valid and in accordance with applicable regulations. Whereas the result of the default that must be borne by the contractor is the termination of the agreement accompanied by compensation. Unilateral termination of the building contract agreement also has legal consequences for the contracting party to leave the job and is willing to transfer the work to a third party.