The Epidemiology of Mood Disorders (original) (raw)

The epidemiological burden of major psychiatric disorders


Incidence: The number (frequency, rate, or proportion) of new healthrelated events in a defined population within a specified period of time [1] . Prevalence: The total number of individuals with a healthrelated event at a particular time/ period in a defined population [1] . Point prevalence: The proportion of individuals with the condition at a specified point in time. Period prevalence: The proportion of people with the condition at any point during a specified time period (e.g. annual prevalence or lifetime prevalence). Measures of effect: Measures of effect summarize the strength of the relationship between an exposure and outcome, showing the amount of change a particular exposure has in the frequency or risk of the outcome [2, 3]. Measures of effect are used to compare the frequency of an outcome between two groups in relative or absolute terms [2] . Common relative effect measures include odds ratios and relative risks. Absolute effect measures include risk differences or ‘n...


ESTUDIO PRELIMINARY WORLD’ MENTAL HEALTH VERSION IV ABSTRAI TITULO I Implement Cog-CI Assisted Medicinal (CAM) for Professionals in General Health and Mental Health especially in underserved areas. I Introduction From, our collaboration, this large-meta- analysis of scientific data, about six thousand articles, reports, experiences, clinical as RCT, experimental and research in geographical areas, nations and international national and especially in terms of specialties and lesions learned in various clinical, epidemiological and specific disorders of multiple disciplines mentioned fields; usually sourced from specialized institutions (Bibliography. Annex VIII and VII, and 18 numerals about 1778 cites) based on medical evidence in mental health status; for studding actual situation. Without neglecting any line, paragraph. II] This led us to study this entire Report of the Pre -Analysis and Systems Theory and establish resources and existing data (Appendix I) to thereby be able to know that data and resources we have at the moment and what resources we will need, research, develop and implement based on Cogn - Medicine and Telemedicine in telecommunication site or in sub - served areas. II) Develop and implement a telecommunication system with existing digital resources and research to help professionals to handle a larger number of existing Mental Disorders and include educational methods of the same digital techniques; with pragmatic view of digital technical interaction and human resources or Human Computer Interaction Power to Medicine (Cog-HCI -CAM) III] Cognition and Human Computer Interface. (Cog-HCI.) Actually beginning trial applies in various fields of clinical medicine consultation. As we will see to eradicate the scourge of most universal pandemic that is about fifty to seven percent (60 %) greater than the sum of all biological chronic diseases. (Ronald C. Kessler and colleagues 2005) (Ronald C. Kessler and colleagues 2005 Lifetime Prevalence and Age -of- Onset Distributions of DSM -IV Disorders in the National Comorbidity Survey Replication) (Annex VII, Numeral 13. Epidemiology.). Additional the link to the World Health Organization (WHO) in Abstract part II) do not give the huge citations because as you can see disturbs exposure while making your number, occupy much space. (There have been 120 pages of Annex VII and much more don’t cited over several hundred) Why because the bibliographic citations are classified by topics in annexes. This really has been with the intension to highlight many fields of science that could be together in a single profession; but in a sense they can be treated as a specialty by reality grounds must be treated by multiple science teams; because we have to do this preliminary study Vision Systems Project, where nothing is isolated. In second we doing synopsis Abstrac II, to see overview general aspects we have to work. 1) Abstract. In this give an idea of techniques to develop and / or consolidate existing knowledge in other fields. 2) Abstrac II We address the issue of Prevention & Education for Multi - Contextual Human Relations; (See: Score and Annex II) Paragraph VIII) Preconception levels, antenatal, post-natal, children, school, university, Pre, special education, continuing education, up to maturity ( Preferably parents, families , educators and collective sets. 3) Investigate and develop advanced technologies and " pop " to the fields of Mental Health people. 4) Investigate and evaluate existing systems (Annex I) Overall Health of existing technologies and the possibility of scalability. A preliminary outline of necessary data is published at the end of this Abstract I. III] In presenting this thesis and objectives, we suggest some possible methods and arguments; Abstract explained in Part II (Tittle II) in summary and references, reports, bibliographies and accredited scientific articles that demonstrate the Universal Pandemic and not cited all but a part. (18 Paragraphs: Annex VII), Because if we write all be over 600 pages) given the substantial literature reviewed. Infer and deduce, from logic and scientific knowledge, and argued from the reports of the numerous citations directly related and institutions - World origin, International, Regional and National - with very extensive experience in General Health and very Mental Health especially where natural concern and persistently work; And we conclude that we have lived with Major Mental Universal Pandemic. (Annex IV and VII with Paragraphs 18 Citation) [02] Equally there is a Pandemic Pre- Historic Toxic-Drug. (See: Annex IV and Numeral 17 quotes, Annex VII) (Jean Louis Brau 1974.) (Antonio Escohotado.1989.) (Frank Dikötter Lars Peter Laamann; Xun Zhou.2004) (Lydia Mez -Mangold 1984.) Properly cited according to international standards in each Numeral. (WHO. Expert Committee on Drug Dependence. Sixteenth report. Technical report series. No. 407. Geneva) all citations are in ANNEX VII proper cited. V] A Pre - Pandemic Historica motivations of our Human Irrationality. (Novel Eric Kendal. April. 1999.) (See Annex IV) (Arnold Toynbee.1955.) (Diamond Jared. 2112.) (J. Roberts. 2013) (Arthur Demarest. 1988. ) ( E. Gibbon . 1878, 2nd eds, vol 4 1909 ) (John P Ogalde et al. 2009) Even existing. See more in numeral 17). On history some quotes that deduce or infer, factual historic it is not from Mental Health Humane and expression from Eric Kendal Novel, 1999 and 2000, about “motivations of our Human Irrationality.” This is from Psiquiatric and historians are not psychiatric. We have not "fallen into account"; embedded in our occupations and our bustling through life and “Stigma and Superstition" that almost took as an "unconscious archetype" in our minds. (Annex. IV, Part 3 ) Those it is how a book “Horror by History” by Juan Liscano, Historian and poet. 1971. We cannot nothing to talk about how man young, never see this reality; if we don’t work about mental health and reading history, we to never take account those point view. But if we go slowly reading little phrases in history; we want to say how (DC Hillman. 2008. Op. Ct.); “… This tradition of drug use have largely unwritten history by scholars and historians, who have contributed their own moral perspectives to texts...” To the point of thinking that could alter states of consciousness, have generated new ways of thinking ... ““…Formal Moral Judgment in Superior aesthetic art, literature, philosophy and ancient development thinking humanity.... This last are write in XVIII AND XIX Siècle, By Kant and Tolstoy. Those write history from morals point view; maybe don’ts see our proper birth of our psycho-culture individual case of each writer. In Gibbons we see clearing the beginning that sentence I Gibbon "licentious fury was the first symptom and the first cause of the decline of the Roman Empire… " Gibbon: The Romans adopted these drugs for recreational use and licentious due to the ease of obtaining them through trade ... there was a disastrous period of time before and after the fall…” VI] Just to forward some reference data, a few prestigious institutions, the United Nations (UN ) such as the World Health Organization; (WHO ), the World Organization of Family Doctors WONCA ; in WHO [\_health/policy/int/icidh/whodas/index.html\] [ gabriel.ivbijaro @ ] ) and numerous important other organizations, regional or country, dealing vehement, Universal Pandemic as statistics give a very high percentage - up forty percent ( Estimated as estimated world average : 40% by down.) of the global population - in all countries of our globe - high , medium-high. Medium-low and low income "per capita ". (About 2,400 millions.) Almost no exceptions in high-income or low countries, with figures of around forty ( 40 %) to fifty ( 50 %) percent of the population in many regions and countries - there are exceptions - but not stop be the most startling and amazing Universal Pandemic, greater than 50 %the sum of all chronic biological diseases. But if you read the report from WHO, 60 % those going to PHP. Source WHO. We may infer that mental health is mayor pandemic over 60 %. (Kessler and colleagues 2005 and others.) (See: Bibliography in Annex V and VII, Paragraph 7) and Stressful Contextual Factors; even illegal, hidden and secret drug with little statistics, odds increase (see Annex IV) (Moises Nain. 2006) Definition of Mental Health, therefore, in the normal human: Part II: Abstract II Numeral IV] 60 % in primary level; (PHS) the people going for biologic illness, but true is somatoform; addition before data, sum more losses, these are around Trillion (Quadrillion colloquially) global annual $; (See Annex VII, Numeral -13.) About the several times what over Gross World Product, (GPI.) 60 Billion. (Trillions in colloquial language. ) (GPI Bank ®) In another sense, an estimated one hundred and more million, figures of necessary, only psychiatrists, Neurologists and psychologists.. VIII] Posterior examined in another meta- analysis "State Of Digital Art” - for the use of healthcare professionals - with tips and techniques emerging Cogn.-HCl, MRS -I Online , MAASS joint venture with Humana , HHMM - Fused , and Cog- HCI and ACM ( Computer Assisted Medical. ) in ACP (Assists Computing in Psychiatry or psychology.) etc. (See: Dating Annex VII, Number 5). Acknowledgments. We did not have any economic support. However, those props enthusiasm that we receive; independent of human benefit the end, we were encouraged in this lengthy task. Do not have commitments to anyone or partners.


ESTUDIO PRELIMINARY WORLD’ MENTAL HEALTH VERSION IV ABSTRAI TITULO I Implement Cog-CI Assisted Medicinal (CAM) for Professionals in General Health and Mental Health especially in underserved areas. I Introduction From, our collaboration, this large-meta- analysis of scientific data, about six thousand articles, reports, experiences, clinical as RCT, experimental and research in geographical areas, nations and international national and especially in terms of specialties and lesions learned in various clinical, epidemiological and specific disorders of multiple disciplines mentioned fields; usually sourced from specialized institutions (Bibliography. Annex VIII and VII, and 18 numerals about 1778 cites) based on medical evidence in mental health status; for studding actual situation. Without neglecting any line, paragraph. II] This led us to study this entire Report of the Pre -Analysis and Systems Theory and establish resources and existing data (Appendix I) to thereby be able to know that data and resources we have at the moment and what resources we will need, research, develop and implement based on Cogn - Medicine and Telemedicine in telecommunication site or in sub - served areas. II) Develop and implement a telecommunication system with existing digital resources and research to help professionals to handle a larger number of existing Mental Disorders and include educational methods of the same digital techniques; with pragmatic view of digital technical interaction and human resources or Human Computer Interaction Power to Medicine (Cog-HCI -CAM) III] Cognition and Human Computer Interface. (Cog-HCI.) Actually beginning trial applies in various fields of clinical medicine consultation. As we will see to eradicate the scourge of most universal pandemic that is about fifty to seven percent (60 %) greater than the sum of all biological chronic diseases. (Ronald C. Kessler and colleagues 2005) (Ronald C. Kessler and colleagues 2005 Lifetime Prevalence and Age -of- Onset Distributions of DSM -IV Disorders in the National Comorbidity Survey Replication) (Annex VII, Numeral 13. Epidemiology.). Additional the link to the World Health Organization (WHO) in Abstract part II) do not give the huge citations because as you can see disturbs exposure while making your number, occupy much space. (There have been 120 pages of Annex VII and much more don’t cited over several hundred) Why because the bibliographic citations are classified by topics in annexes. This really has been with the intension to highlight many fields of science that could be together in a single profession; but in a sense they can be treated as a specialty by reality grounds must be treated by multiple science teams; because we have to do this preliminary study Vision Systems Project, where nothing is isolated. In second we doing synopsis Abstrac II, to see overview general aspects we have to work. 1) Abstract. In this give an idea of techniques to develop and / or consolidate existing knowledge in other fields. 2) Abstrac II We address the issue of Prevention & Education for Multi - Contextual Human Relations; (See: Score and Annex II) Paragraph VIII) Preconception levels, antenatal, post-natal, children, school, university, Pre, special education, continuing education, up to maturity ( Preferably parents, families , educators and collective sets. 3) Investigate and develop advanced technologies and " pop " to the fields of Mental Health people. 4) Investigate and evaluate existing systems (Annex I) Overall Health of existing technologies and the possibility of scalability. A preliminary outline of necessary data is published at the end of this Abstract I. III] In presenting this thesis and objectives, we suggest some possible methods and arguments; Abstract explained in Part II (Tittle II) in summary and references, reports, bibliographies and accredited scientific articles that demonstrate the Universal Pandemic and not cited all but a part. (18 Paragraphs: Annex VII), Because if we write all be over 600 pages) given the substantial literature reviewed. Infer and deduce, from logic and scientific knowledge, and argued from the reports of the numerous citations directly related and institutions - World origin, International, Regional and National - with very extensive experience in General Health and very Mental Health especially where natural concern and persistently work; And we conclude that we have lived with Major Mental Universal Pandemic. (Annex IV and VII with Paragraphs 18 Citation) [02] Equally there is a Pandemic Pre- Historic Toxic-Drug. (See: Annex IV and Numeral 17 quotes, Annex VII) (Jean Louis Brau 1974.) (Antonio Escohotado.1989.) (Frank Dikötter Lars Peter Laamann; Xun Zhou.2004) (Lydia Mez -Mangold 1984.) Properly cited according to international standards in each Numeral. (WHO. Expert Committee on Drug Dependence. Sixteenth report. Technical report series. No. 407. Geneva) all citations are in ANNEX VII proper cited. V] A Pre - Pandemic Historica motivations of our Human Irrationality. (Novel Eric Kendal. April. 1999.) (See Annex IV) (Arnold Toynbee.1955.) (Diamond Jared. 2112.) (J. Roberts. 2013) (Arthur Demarest. 1988. ) ( E. Gibbon . 1878, 2nd eds, vol 4 1909 ) (John P Ogalde et al. 2009) Even existing. See more in numeral 17). On history some quotes that deduce or infer, factual historic it is not from Mental Health Humane and expression from Eric Kendal Novel, 1999 and 2000, about “motivations of our Human Irrationality.” This is from Psiquiatric and historians are not psychiatric. We have not "fallen into account"; embedded in our occupations and our bustling through life and “Stigma and Superstition" that almost took as an "unconscious archetype" in our minds. (Annex. IV, Part 3 ) Those it is how a book “Horror by History” by Juan Liscano, Historian and poet. 1971. We cannot nothing to talk about how man young, never see this reality; if we don’t work about mental health and reading history, we to never take account those point view. But if we go slowly reading little phrases in history; we want to say how (DC Hillman. 2008. Op. Ct.); “… This tradition of drug use have largely unwritten history by scholars and historians, who have contributed their own moral perspectives to texts...” To the point of thinking that could alter states of consciousness, have generated new ways of thinking ... ““…Formal Moral Judgment in Superior aesthetic art, literature, philosophy and ancient development thinking humanity.... This last are write in XVIII AND XIX Siècle, By Kant and Tolstoy. Those write history from morals point view; maybe don’ts see our proper birth of our psycho-culture individual case of each writer. In Gibbons we see clearing the beginning that sentence I Gibbon "licentious fury was the first symptom and the first cause of the decline of the Roman Empire… " Gibbon: The Romans adopted these drugs for recreational use and licentious due to the ease of obtaining them through trade ... there was a disastrous period of time before and after the fall…” VI] Just to forward some reference data, a few prestigious institutions, the United Nations (UN ) such as the World Health Organization; (WHO ), the World Organization of Family Doctors WONCA ; in WHO [\_health/policy/int/icidh/whodas/index.html\] [ gabriel.ivbijaro @ ] ) and numerous important other organizations, regional or country, dealing vehement, Universal Pandemic as statistics give a very high percentage - up forty percent ( Estimated as estimated world average : 40% by down.) of the global population - in all countries of our globe - high , medium-high. Medium-low and low income "per capita ". (About 2,400 millions.) Almost no exceptions in high-income or low countries, with figures of around forty ( 40 %) to fifty ( 50 %) percent of the population in many regions and countries - there are exceptions - but not stop be the most startling and amazing Universal Pandemic, greater than 50 %the sum of all chronic biological diseases. But if you read the report from WHO, 60 % those going to PHP. Source WHO. We may infer that mental health is mayor pandemic over 60 %. (Kessler and colleagues 2005 and others.) (See: Bibliography in Annex V and VII, Paragraph 7) and Stressful Contextual Factors; even illegal, hidden and secret drug with little statistics, odds increase (see Annex IV) (Moises Nain. 2006) Definition of Mental Health, therefore, in the normal human: Part II: Abstract II Numeral IV] 60 % in primary level; (PHS) the people going for biologic illness, but true is somatoform; addition before data, sum more losses, these are around Trillion (Quadrillion colloquially) global annual $; (See Annex VII, Numeral -13.) About the several times what over Gross World Product, (GPI.) 60 Billion. (Trillions in colloquial language. ) (GPI Bank ®) In another sense, an estimated one hundred and more million, figures of necessary, only psychiatrists, Neurologists and psychologists.. VIII] Posterior examined in another meta- analysis "State Of Digital Art” - for the use of healthcare professionals - with tips and techniques emerging Cogn.-HCl, MRS -I Online , MAASS joint venture with Humana , HHMM - Fused , and Cog- HCI and ACM ( Computer Assisted Medical. ) in ACP (Assists Computing in Psychiatry or psychology.) etc. (See: Dating Annex VII, Number 5). Acknowledgments. We did not have any economic support. However, those props enthusiasm that we receive; independent of human benefit the end, we were encouraged in this lengthy task. Do not have commitments to anyone or partners.

Studies on Psychiatric Disorders

Oxidative stress in applied basic research and clinical practice, 2015

The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specifi c statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. While the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication, neither the authors nor the editors nor the publisher can accept any legal responsibility for any errors or omissions that may be made. The publisher makes no warranty, express or implied, with respect to the material contained herein.

The role of statistics in psychiatry1

Psychological Medicine, 1985

The role of statistics in psychiatry 1 'If for medical journals the 1960s and 1970s seem likely to be remembered as the era when the importance of ethics was emphasised, the last 20 years of this century promise to be that of statistics.' (Lock, 1982.)