Features and Problems of the Anti-Crisis Management of the Enterprise Under Conditions of Uncertainty and the Increasing Impact of Forced Labor Migration of the Population Caused by the War of the Russian Federation Against Ukraine and the Processes of Eu (original) (raw)
2024, Včenì zapiski Unìversitetu "KROK"/Včenì zapiski unìversitetu "KROK"
The purpose of the article is to study the peculiarities of anti-crisis management of the enterprise in conditions of uncertainty and the strengthening of the influence of forced labor migration of the population caused by the war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, and to identify the main problems of its provision in the conditions of European integration. The article defines the essence of anti-crisis management of the enterprise and forced labor migration of the population, investigates the peculiarities and reveals the main problems of anti-crisis management of the enterprise under the influence of modern factors of uncertainty, instability and the war of Russia against Ukraine, as a result of which the processes of forced labor migration of the population became more active. It was established that the essence of anti-crisis management is manifested in the implementation of a set of special measures aimed at prevention, prevention and countermeasures against crisis situations that arise at the enterprise and are caused by the destabilizing influence of factors of the external and internal environment. It was found that forced labor migration has a significant destabilizing effect on the activities of enterprises and unbalances their management mechanisms. The uncontrollability of the processes of forced labor migration during the period of military resistance to Russia's armed aggression against Ukraine and the intensification of the chaotic movement of the population in conditions of danger to its life and health have been proven. A significant destructive effect of forced labor migration on the functioning of business in Ukraine and on the activities of enterprises of various forms of ownership was revealed. The need to form a complex of anti-crisis measures aimed at solving the problems of forced labor migration, attracting highly qualified workers and reducing the risks of the financial and economic activity of enterprises has been proved. The main areas of improvement of anti-crisis management of the enterprise in conditions of uncertainty and strengthening of the influence of forced labor migration of the population are proposed. In order to minimize the risks of increasing forced labor migration, the need to: review and improve labor market regulation mechanisms and prevent the departure of highly qualified workers outside of Ukraine is substantiated; stimulation of the economic activity of enterprises and their attraction of innovations; reducing the tax burden on business entities during the war; improvement of migration policy; ensuring countermeasures against illegal employment.
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