Aquatic Insects Diversity and Water Quality of a Tropical Freshwater in Federal University of Education, Ondo, Nigeria (original) (raw)
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Water quality parameters and aquatic insect diversity in Aahoo stream, southwestern Nigeria
The Journal of Basic and Applied Zoology
Background: The role of water in the maintenance of an aquatic ecosystem is indispensable. In this study, aquatic insect biodiversity and the physico-chemical parameters of Aahoo stream, in southwestern Nigeria, were investigated from March to August 2017. Seven physico-chemical parameters were examined in six study sites. Results: There were significant effects (p < 0.0001) of flow rate (F 5, 12 = 2221.9), electrical conductivity (F 5, 12 = 276.3), air temperature (F 5, 12 = 110.3), water temperature (F 5, 12 = 55.5) and pH (F 5, 12 = 31.45) on the quantity of aquatic insects at the study sites in Aahoo stream. Dissolved oxygen (F 2, 12 = 7.82) also had a significant impact (p = 0.002) on the quantity of aquatic insects at the stream. Three aquatic insect orders, Diptera (most dominant), Odonata (median dominant) and Hemiptera (least dominant)], nine families and 12 genera were found occurring in the stream. Chironomus sp. (Chronomidae, 55.29%), Brachithemis sp. and Orthetrum sp. (Libellulidae, 21.84%) which are usually associated with polluted water showed the highest occurrence in the stream. Low values of diversity indices were observed across the six study sites, which suggest that the six sites were in unstable conditions. Site 5 has the richest (Simpson 1-D 0.77, Shannon H 1.81, Margalef 1.91) and best taxa distribution (Equitability J: 0.73), while site 3 was the poorest (Simpson 1-D 0.52 and Shannon H 1.31) and the least in taxa distribution (Equitability J 0.55). Conclusion: This study has provided information on the assemblage and copiousness of various aquatic insects as well as the physico-chemical parameters of Aahoo stream. It could therefore be concluded that the stream could be somewhat polluted and unsafe for human consumption without being properly treated.
Article History Keywords Physico-chemical parameter Insect composition Odonata Coleoptera Hemiptera Nwaniba. The physico-chemical parameters and aquatic insect composition, distribution and abundance of Nwaniba River in Akwa Ibom State were investigated from March to September, 2013. Surface water samples were collected for physico-chemical parameters and aquatic insect analysis from four (4) sampling stations according to standard methods. The results of the physico-chemical parameters were within The National Environmental Standards and Regulations Enforcement Agency (NESREA) recommended limits for aquatic life in the tropic. A total of 2130 insect individuals were collected consisting of 7 Orders and 14 families. The Order Odonata was the most abundant with 55.8% followed by Coleoptera (37.75%), Hemiptera (4.5%), Diptera (1.7%), Orthoptera (0.2%), Hymenoptera (0.09%) and Dermaptera with 0.05% percentage abundance. The absence of pollution sensitive taxa such as Ephemeroptera, pecoptera and Tricoptera (EPT) which are only found in clean water bodies indicates that Nwaniba River is relatively polluted. Contribution/ Originality: The paper contributes the first aquatic insect's diversity from the study area. There is no such study that has been carried out in the past; therefore, it will contribute into future studies.
Pollution status of a tropical forest river using aquatic insects as indicators
Aquatic insects inhabiting Okhuo River, in a tropical forest near Benin City, Southern Nigerian, were studied between January and December 2006 to determine the taxa composition, diversity, EPT index, relative proportions of the various groups and hence the pollution level of the waterbody. Three stations were selected and sampled monthly using the kick sampling technique. A total of 3235 individual aquatic insects belonging to 24 taxa distributed among 23 genera in six orders were collected. The insect orders occurred in the following order of dominance: Ephemeroptera > Odonata > Coleoptera > Diptera > Plecoptera > Tricoptera. Based on the diverse composition of the community dominated by organisms intolerant of organic enrichment, and the high diversity and EPT index, water quality in Okhuo River is not significantly degraded. Community composition varies seasonally, with a trend toward a declining proportion during the rainy season and increasing proportions during the dry season. Aquatic insect composition in Okhuo River compares favourably with those in similar, relatively undisturbed forest streams and rivers in Nigeria, but the diversity and proportional distribution of taxa vary considerably between streams.
Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management, 2020
Aquatic insects are species of significant importance to water bodies because they serve various purposes including nutrient cycling, vectors of pathogens and bioindicators of water quality. Analyzing their community structure is a veritable tool in studies of biodiversity and quality of limnetic ecosystems. Therefore, we investigaTed the health status of a pond in Benin City, Nigeria using insect’s abundance, composition, distribution and physicochemical parameters of the waterbody. Insects were sampled using sweep nets and identified to the species level while water samples were collected and analyzed using in-situ and ex-situ methods to determine the physicochemical properties in three sampling stations. The results of the physicochemical assessment of the water indicated that conditions did not differ widely between sites (P > 0.05) except for total alkalinity, and the recorded values were well within the ambient FMEnv permissible limits for surface water except for dissolv...
Composition and diversity of aquatic insects as influenced by anthropogenic activities in River Chanchaga, Niger State, Nigeria was investigated for a period of six months spanning from April through September, 2014 in three stations. Habitat and water quality were done using qualitative habitat evaluation index (QHEI) and America public health association (APHA) method of water analysis respectively. Aquatic insects were sampled with a kick net of about 250 μm mesh size. QHEI values in the three stations showed that the stations were moderately impaired with station 1 having the highest value (64.3%), while canopy cover of the three sampled stations were relatively poor. Physicochemical parameters values were within the maximum permissible limit of water quality variables by Federal Environmental Protection Agency (FEPA), Nigeria and Standard Organisation of Nigeria (SON) except dissolved oxygen and pH. A total of 6 orders, 16 families, 19 taxa and 101 individuals of aquatic insects were recorded during the study. The overall abundance, distribution and composition of aquatic insects were poor. Station 1 had the highest number of species composition (55) while station 3 had only 6 individuals of aquatic insects. Simpson dominance (D) and Shannon-weiner index were highest in station 1. Station 3 was more even in aquatic insect distribution (0.8965) while station 1 had the highest margalef richness index (d) of 4.969. The pollution sensitive species in the group of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera (EPT) were poorly represented or even absent in some case probably owing to the deteriorating state of the sampled stations as a result of various human activities. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) showed a very weak relationship between the insects’ abundance and distribution and environmental variables measured. Coelhydrus sp., Chlorostidae, Chironomus sp., Philodytes sp., Cordulidae and Neoperla sp. were strongly associated with axis 1 and this association was explained by dissolved oxygen, phosphate and water depth. Bray-curtis similarity index performed revealed that samples were more clustered by months than by stations. The research was able to provide a baseline study as a biomonitoring tool for the assessment of the integrity of water bodies in Niger State and Nigeria in general.
Aquatic insects are among the most directly affected and vulnerable organisms with respect to surface water pollution and used as bioindicators of water quality. The composition, distribution and diversity of aquatic insects in Owan River, southern Nigeria were assessed and influence of different physico-chemical factors were explored at four designated stations. Dissolved Oxygen (DO) (5.2 -7.8mgl -1 ) and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) (1.64-2.60 gl -1 ) showed that the river was slightly aerated. A total of 38 taxa comprising of 1896 individuals were recorded during the study. Station 3 accounted for the highest number of individuals while Station 1 had the lowest number of individuals (410). Order Diptera was the most ubiquitous insect taxa in the study with nine (9) species while order Plecoptera was sparingly represented by one (1) species Neoperla sp. Diversity index revealed that taxa richness (d) and diversity (H) were highest in Station 1 while Station 3 accounted for the lowest taxa richness and diversity. Ephemeroptera Plecoptera and Trichoptera (EPT) were highest in Station 3 and Station 1 had the least EPT value. Station 3 showed the lowest chironomid richness while Station 4 had the highest. The composition, distribution and diversity of aquatic insects in Owan River were affected by the nature of the streambed and physicochemical variables examined. Owan River can be said to be slightly clean water body rich in EPT organisms.
Journal of entomology and zoology studies, 2015
The Chakrashila Wildlife Sanctuary (latitude 26° 15' - 26° 26' N and longitude 90° 15' - 90° 20' E) is located in western Assam. This study is a part of biomonitoring programme of the sanctuary using aquatic insects of Bakuamari stream during 2011- 2012. The study revealed presence of 21 species of aquatic insects belonging to 14 families and 7 orders. Different diversity indices were worked out in all the seasons. The environmental variables of water were estimated by standard methods. Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient was computed to find out significant correlations between diversity and density of aquatic insects with the water variables. Biomonitoring Working Party score and the Average Score per Taxon were calculated to find the status of the water quality of the system. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) was used to infer the relationship between environmental variables and aquatic insect community structure. The influence of environmental variables in th...
Ecological status of a tropical river in Niger delta area of Nigeria, using aquatic insects
Freshwater ecosystems are the major source of water, being used for domestic, agricultural and industrial purposes. Water bodies are subjected to anthropogenic activities leading to degradation of the water quality. The aim of this study is to assess the health status of Isiokpo River. Aquatic insects were sampled from March to August 2017. Physico-chemical parameters were examined using standard laboratory procedures. A total of 21 taxa comprising of 543 individual insects were recovered. Stations 1, 2 and 3 recorded 53.41, 21.36 and 25.23% of the insect population respectively. A total of six Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera (EPT) species were recorded in the study. The %EPT was 28.57, 33.33 and 30.77% in station 1, 2 and 3 respectively. There were significant differences in the distribution of dissolved oxygen, phosphate, nitrates transparency, flow velocity, and total dissolved solids across the various stations (p<0.05). The reduced level of dissolved oxygen in stat...
Journal of Coastal Life Medicine, 2017
; The journal implements double-blind peer review practiced by specially invited international editorial board members. Objective: To assess water quality and diversity of aquatic insects relative to effluents discharge from resort centres in Ethiope River. Methods: Water samples collected from three study stations were analyzed using APHA methods while the kick sampling techniques were used for collection of aquatic insects. The obtained data were subjected to statistical analysis at significance level of 0.05. Results: Among the study stations, water temperature varied from 20 °C to 34 °C with a mean temperature of (26.17 ± 2.37) °C , while pH was recorded from 5.57 ± 0.18 to 5.94 ± 0.21. Statistically, water temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen and conductivity were significantly different (P < 0.05) among months. A total of 14 taxa comprising 300 individuals belonging to orders of Odonata, Coleoptera, Hemiptera, Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera and Diptera were recorded. There was significant difference in the overall insect diversity among the stations. Ephemeroptera was the largest and the most dominant order having 55.33% species, followed by the Odonata (15.33%), Coleoptera (9.67%) and Diptera (9.67%), Hemiptera (7%) and Plecoptera (3%). Shannon-Wiener and Evenness index were not significant (P > 0.05) in the stations. Conclusions: Significant relationships were recorded between water quality parameters and occurrence of Neoperla spio, Caenis horaria, Baetis and Chironomus species. The observed changes in aquatic insect composition were principally due to alteration in water quality. The weak correlation between aquatic insects and water quality can be attributed to functional adaptations to environmental changes. Aquatic insects have been proved to be good bioindicator of pollution and long-term monitoring of the aquatic insects is necessary for water quality evaluation in Ethiope River.
Journal of Sustainability …, 2011
The impact of human disturbance and agricultural activity on aquatic insect communities in two freshwater streams (Sungai Peres and Sungai Bubu) in Hulu Terengganu, Terengganu were studied. A total of 3409 individuals of aquatic insects representing 42 families from 9 orders were successfully collected from August until November 2006. No significant difference was detected for the total abundance of aquatic insects between Sungai Peres and Sungai Bubu (Mann-Whitney Test = -1.550, P = 0.121). However, total abundance of aquatic insects was significantly higher at the upstream stations than downstream stations in both streams (Kruskal-Wallis Test = 2.519, P = 0.012). Heptageniidae (Ephemeroptera), Perlidae (Plecoptera) and Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera) were the most abundant groups collected in both streams. The Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera (EPT) Index and EPT to Chironomidae ratio (EPT:C) showed that the pollution-sensitive group (EPT) were highly abundant and more diverse at the upstream stations, but higher numbers of pollution-tolerant taxa (Chironomidae) were found at the downstream stations in both streams. Unexpectedly, the Family Biotic Index (FBI), Biological Monitoring Work Party (BMWP) and Average Score Per Taxon (ASPT) indicated that the water quality of both streams varied from clean-to-excellent categories, even though both streams received pollutants from various anthropogenic activities. Width and pH of the streams were positively correlated with the total abundance of aquatic insects (Rwidth = 0.360, P = 0.014; RpH = 0.509, P = 0.003), whereas lower abundance of aquatic insects was found in more turbid water with high total suspended solids (TSS) in both streams (RTSS = -0.291, P = 0.050). This study shows that distribution of aquatic insect communities could provide useful bioindicators of the biomonitoring approach in relation to water physico-chemical parameters to assess, classify and compare the water quality of freshwater streams in Malaysia.