Feasibility Analysis of Tofu Agroindustry Business (Case Study of Sederhana Tofu Factory in Bukit Peninjauan I Village, Sukaraja District, Seluma Regency, Bengkulu Province) (original) (raw)

Feasibility Studies on the Tofu Industry

Journal of Industrial Engineering Management

Feasibility analysis is carried out in order to ascertain whether a business activity is feasible based on several aspects. In general, the aspects analyzed are technical feasibility, market feasibility, management feasibility, financial feasibility, legal feasibility and social feasibility. The financial analysis is carried out with several criteria in the form of Net Present Value (NPV), Break Even Point (BEP) and Payback Period (PP) and risk analysis. The total value of income earned per month is Rp. 80,228,000. The value of the investment interest rate is 11.4%. The analysis is carried out based on the calculation of NPV, BEP and Pacback Period so that the data knows whether this industry can be declared feasible or not. After calculating the tofu industry, the NPV value of Rp. 217,587,161. Based on this, it can be seen that this industry can provide a net income in 10 years of Rp. 217,587,161. Because the NPV value is greater than zero, this industry is declared feasible to run because it is positive. the total cost of production is Rp. 53,934,985 per month and the principal return for the selling price is Rp. 2020 per unit. Meanwhile, from the calculation of the Payback Period value in the tofu industry, it was obtained for 3.87 years, this value indicates that the business can return capital before the age of the project is over and this makes this industry also feasible to run. In risk analysis, the highest risk is on equipment and business permits. there is not any yet. Risk parameters, the equipment used is still traditional, if you want to improve, you can replace some equipment using a more automatic machine because the work process is carried out without using a division of tasks and it is better to immediately arrange for a business license.

The Processing of Industrial Tofu Dreg Waste into Animal Feed in Sumurrejo Village, Semarang


Tofu is famous as a favorite, healthy, nutritious and cheap food in Indonesia. The tofu industry has been growing rapidly in this country in the form of household scale businesses or MSME (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises). Among the tofu MSME centers in Semarang is the one in Sumurrejo Village, Gunungpati District. Sumurrejo village has various business potentials that are capable of driving the community’s economy, especially the entrepreneurship of tofu and tempeh MSMEs, as well as dairy and beef cattle farming. The MSMEs in this area are growing rapidly and able to improve the economy of the local community. In spite of this positive impact, the existence of tofu industry also has a negative effect since its waste causes environmental pollution problems. One of them is tofu dreg waste which can cause pollution to the environment due to its bad smell, organic matters content, and putrefaction potential. One effort to overcome this problem is to process the tofu dreg waste in...

Evaluation of the Tofu Craftsman Small and Medium Industry Development Program in Serang City, Banten 2020

Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi: Media Pengembangan Ilmu dan Praktek Administrasi , 2023

This research focuses on the tofu industry sector development program in Lopang Village. One of the problems studied in this study is that the DinkopUKMPerindag of Serang City does not provide information to tofu craftsmen about the training that will be held. This research aims to evaluate the Small and Medium Industry Development Program (Case Study of Tofu Craftsmen in Lopang Village) using the CIPP theory by Daniel Stufflebeam. This research uses descriptive qualitative methods by analyzing the results of interviews, observations, interviews, documentation and document studies. The results of this study indicate that the SMI development program case study of Tofu Craftsmen in Lopang Village has not fully run well. The evaluation includes i) context, the program does not solve the problem according to the needs of tofu craftsmen; ii) input, mentoring activities are still carried out accidentally; iii) process, there are still some obstacles, iv) product, it has not achieved the program objectives of improving the quality and quantity of tofu products.

Recovery of Energy and Materials From Small Scale Tofu Processing Industries in Indonesia

IGI Global, 2022

Tofu factories are spread across Indonesia as tofu is a cheap source of protein and favorite food for almost all population groups. Most tofu producers are micro/small business owners. In addition to soybeans, clean water is the most important input to produce tofu curd. It will generate a large amount of wastewater and solid waste, which still contains significant amounts of easily biodegradable organic matter. There are often complaints and protests from the public about the pollution in air and water in the area from the discharged waste. Tofu producers know about this, but their limited income and capital force them to ignore the environmental issues. The potential of tofu waste treatment technologies to produce new products or clean materials that can be fed back into the production process is discussed and reviewed to ensure all input materials in the tofu process can be used optimally and efficiently in a closed-loop production process. And it could be implemented easily and economically by the factories.

A Cost-Driven Method for Determining the Optimum Selling Price in Tofu Production on the Household-Scale Tofu Agroindustry: A Case Study in Mataram, Indonesia

International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning

The determination of the cost of production is a necessity for every entrepreneur to establish the cost of the goods sold. The methods commonly used are the Cost Structure method, the Activity-Based Costing method, and the Volume Cost Profit method. The solution proposed in this article is a cost-driven method which is considered simpler in determining the optimal selling price for the tofu agroindustry on a household scale. This study aims to analyze the correlational relationship between raw material costs, firewood costs and labor wages with production, and to find a cost-driven formulation by modifying the Volume Cost Profit method. The research was conducted in the tofu agro-industry center in Kekalik Jaya Village, Sekarbela District and in Abianbadan Baru Village, Sandubaya District with the number of respondents 40 units of tofu agro-industry selected by the accidental proportional sampling method consisting of 27 agro-industry units in Kekalik Jaya sub-district and 13 agro-i...

Tofu Production Based on Local Variety Soybean

The local varieties of soybean can be used as an alternative of raw material in tofu production because it has high protein content. The textural properties and taste were determined by type of coagulant. The objectives of this research were to : 1) examine the influence of soybean varieties on the coagulant and protein content of tofu 2) examine the influence of coagulant type on the sensory properties of tofu; 3) determine the physical, chemical and sensory properties of selected tofu. The research used Randomized Completely Block Design (RCBD). Two factors examined were: 1) soybean varieties consist of Rajabasa, Tidar, Mitani, and Import; 2) types of coagulant consist of calcium sulfate, acetic acid, whey and citric acid. The analyzed physicochemical properties were protein content, coagulant, hardness level, water content and ash content. The analyzed sensory properties were color, aroma, tenderness, acid taste, bitter taste, and overall acceptability level. Data were analyzed b...

Cost Driven Strategies in Effort to Sustainability of Tofu Agro Industry Business: The Case in Covid-19 Pandemic Situation in Mataram City, Indonesia

International Journal of Innovative Research and Development

The method used in calculating the cost of productions is the full costing method and the variable costing method. In the main study, a new alternative is proposed, namely is a cost driven method by the calculation of the price of tofu production. The goal to be achieved is to find out the cost of production of tofu and the opportunity to apply it using the formula for the ratio of the cost of production, as a comparison is the cost of production using the breakeven point price method. The cost of tofu production is IDR41,621.21 / board using the cost determination method and IDR26,801.04 / board using the breakeven point price method. The ratio of the cost of production using the cost driven method to the break-even point method is 1.55, meaning that the cost-driven method is likely to be applied in the calculation of the cost of tofu production as a new alternative in addition to using the full costing and variable costing methods. In the Covid-19 pandemic situation, the tofu agro-industry business provides benefits for entrepreneurs, so it can be used as a strategy to ensure efforts to maintain the sustainability of the tofu agro-industry business.

Accompaniment in Managing Tofu Waste into Nuggets as an Efforts to Increase Income

Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Madani (JPMM)

Tofu SMEs located in Pomahan Village, Pulung District, Ponorogo are extraordinary assets that need to be developed. In the production process, it produces tofu dregs. This tofu dregs waste has not been used properly. In fact, if used properly, this tofu dregs can increase income as well as open up new fields for those who want to be entrepreneurs. In this service, the researcher offers an innovation from tofu dregs waste into nuggets. The Nugget innovations offered are not only made from tofu dregs, but also with a mixture of Moringa leaves, purslane leaves, carrots and eggs which are rich in vitamins and protein. The approach taken is the Asset Based Community-Driven Development (ABCD) approach by exploring several assets owned by the Pomahan Village community. This service assistance is carried out starting from the process of observing tofu production, utilizing tofu dregs, the nugget production process, packaging to marketing. The purpose of this assistance is proper waste manag...