Parallel Ordered-Access Machine Computational Model and Architecture (original) (raw)
Related papers
Hardware Support for Dynamic Access Ordering: Performance of Some Design Options
Memory bandwidth is rapidly becoming the performance bottleneck in the application of high performance microprocessors to vector-like algorithms, including the "grand challenge" scientific problems. Caching is not the sole solution for these applications due to the poor temporal and spatial locality of their data accesses. Moreover, the nature of memories themselves has changed. Achieving greater bandwidth requires exploiting the characteristics of memory components "on the other side of the cache" -they should not be treated as uniform access-time RAM. This paper describes the use of hardware-assisted access ordering on a uniprocessor system. Our technique combines compile-time detection of memory access patterns with a memory subsystem that decouples the order of requests generated by the processor from that issued to the memory system. This decoupling permits the requests to be issued in an order that optimizes use of the memory system. We present numerous simulation results showing significant speedup on important scientific kernels.
Design and evaluation of dynamic access ordering hardware
Proceedings of the 10th international conference on Supercomputing - ICS '96, 1996
Memory bandwidth is rapidly becoming the limiting performance factor for many applications, particularly for streaming computations such as scientific vector processing or multimedia (de)compression. Although these computations lack the temporal locality of reference that makes caches effective, they have predictable access patterns. Since most modern DRAM components support modes that make it possible to perform some access sequences faster than others, the predictability of the stream accesses makes it possible to reorder them to get better memory performance. We describe and evaluate a Stream Memory Controller system that combines compile-time detection of streams with execution-time selection of the access order and issue. The technique is practical to implement, using existing compiler technology and requiring only a modest amount of special-purpose hardware. With our prototype system, we have observed performance improvements by factors of 13 over normal caching.
Experimental implementation of dynamic access ordering
Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences HICSS-94, 1994
As microprocessor speeds increase, memory bandwidth is rapidly becoming the performance bottleneck in the execution of vector-like algorithms. Although caching provides adequate performance for many problems, caching alone is an insufficient solution for vector applications with poor temporal and spatial locality. Moreover, the nature of memories themselves has changed. Current DRAM components should not be treated as uniform access-time RAM: achieving greater bandwidth requires exploiting the characteristics of components at every level of the memory hierarchy. This paper describes hardware-assisted access ordering and our hardware development effort to build a Stream Memory Controller (SMC) that implements the technique for a commercially available high-performance microprocessor, the Intel i860. Our strategy augments caching by combining compile-time detection of memory access patterns with a memory subsystem that decouples the order of requests generated by the processor from that issued to the memory system. This decoupling permits requests to be issued in an order that optimizes use of the memory system.
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Sorting is procedure of arranging elements from a collection in ascending or descending order. For example, a list of names could be arranged in sorted order alphabetically based on first character in telephone book. A list of states could be sorted by population by area. So, all members are necessary have knowledge of effective sorting method to deal with this problem with in an indefinite period. Some number of developed algorithms that were able to benefit from having a sorted list .In this paper, proposed algorithm is an enhanced sorting technique over power some disadvantage of traditional sorting algorithms by utilizing dynamic memory allocations properly. Proposed algorithm is contrast with current algorithms by using some aspects.
Algorithmic foundations for a parallel vector access memory system
Proceedings of the twelfth annual ACM symposium on Parallel algorithms and architectures - SPAA '00, 2000
This paper presents mathematical foundations for the design of a memory controller subcomponent that helps to bridge the processor/memory performance gap for applications with strided access patterns. The Parallel Vector Access (PVA) unit exploits the regularity of vectors or streams to access them efficiently in parallel on a multi-bank SDRAM memory system. The PVA unit performs scatter/gather operations so that only the elements accessed by the application are transmitted across the system bus. Vector operations are broadcast in parallel to all memory banks, each of which implements an efficient algorithm to determine which vector elements it holds. Earlier performance evaluations have demonstrated that our PVA implementation loads elements up to 32.8 times faster than a conventional memory system and 3.3 times faster than a pipelined vector unit, without hurting the performance of normal cache-line fills. Here we present the underlying PVA algorithms for both word interleaved and cache-line interleaved memory systems.
Evaluation of Dynamic Access Ordering Hardware
Memory bandwidth is rapidly becoming the limiting performance factor for many applica- tions, particularly for streaming computations - such as scientific vector processing or mul- timedia (de)compression - that lack the locality of reference that makes caching effective. We describe and evaluate a system that addresses the memory bandwidth problem for this class of computations by dynamically reordering stream accesses to exploit memory system architecture and device features. The technique is practical to implement, using existing compiler technology and requiring only a modest amount of special-purpose hardware. With our prototype system, we have observed performance improvements by over 200% over normal caching.
Advanced Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing
Shared memory systems form a major category of multiprocessors. In this category, all processors share a global memory. Communication between tasks running on different processors is performed through writing to and reading from the global memory. All interprocessor coordination and synchronization is also accomplished via the global memory. A shared memory computer system consists of a set of independent processors, a set of memory modules, and an interconnection network as shown in Figure 4.1. Two main problems need to be addressed when designing a shared memory system: performance degradation due to contention, and coherence problems. Performance degradation might happen when multiple processors are trying to access the shared memory simultaneously. A typical design might use caches to solve the contention problem. However, having multiple copies of data, spread throughout the caches, might lead to a coherence problem. The copies in the caches are coherent if they are all equal to the same value. However, if one of the processors writes over the value of one of the copies, then the copy becomes inconsistent because it no longer equals the value of the other copies. In this chapter we study a variety of shared memory systems and their solutions of the cache coherence problem.