CPH: A Compact Representation for Hierarchical Meshes Generated by Primal Refinement (original) (raw)
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A multi-resolution topological representation for non-manifold meshes
Computer-Aided Design, 2004
We address the problem of representing and processing 3D objects, described through simplicial meshes, which consist of parts of mixed dimensions, and with a non-manifold topology, at different levels of detail. First, we describe a multi-resolution model, that we call a nonmanifold multi-tessellation (NMT), and we consider the selective refinement query, which is at the heart of several analysis operations on multi-resolution meshes. Next, we focus on a specific instance of a NMT, generated by simplifying simplicial meshes based on vertex-pair contraction, and we describe a compact data structure for encoding such a model. We also propose a new data structure for two-dimensional simplicial meshes, capable of representing both connectivity and adjacency information with a small memory overhead, which is used to describe the mesh extracted from an NMT through selective refinement. Finally, we present algorithms to efficiently perform updates on such a data structure. q
Selectively refinable subdivision meshes
We introduce RGB triangulations, an extension of red-green triangulations that can support selective refinement over subdivision meshes generated through quadrisection of triangles. Our purpose is to define a mechanism based on local operators that act on subdivision meshes while supporting operations similar to those available in Continuous Level Of Detail models. Our mechanism permits to take an adaptive mesh at intermediate level of subdivision and process it through both refinement and coarsening operations, by remaining consistent with an underlying Loop subdivision scheme. Our method does not require any hierarchical data structure, being based just on color codes and level numbers assigned to elements of a mesh, which can be encoded in a standard topological data structure with a small overhead.
A Mesh Data Structure for Rendering and Subdivision
Generating subdivision surfaces from polygonal meshes requires the complete topological information of the original mesh, in order to find the neighbouring faces, and vertices used in the subdivision computations. Normally, winged-edge type data-structures are used to maintain such information about a mesh. For rendering meshes, most of the topological information is irrelevant, and winged-edge type data-structures are inefficient due to their extensive use of dynamical data structures. A standard approach is the extraction of a rendering mesh from the winged-edge type data structure, thereby increasing the memory footprint significantly. We introduce a mesh data-structure that is efficient for both tasks: creating subdivision surfaces as well as fast rendering. The new data structure maintains full topological information in an efficient and easily accessible manner, with all information necessary for rendering optimally suited for current graphics hardware. This is possible by dis...
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques in Australasia and South East Asia, GRAPHITE '03, 2003
This paper introduces a concise and responsiveness data structure, called AIF (Adjacency and Incidence Framework), for multiresolution meshes, as well as a new simplification algorithm based on the planarity of neighboring faces. It is an optimal data structure for polygonal meshes, manifold and non-manifold, which means that a minimal number of direct and indirect accesses are required to retrieve adjacency and incidence information from it. These querying tools are necessary for dynamic multiresolution meshing algorithms (e.g. refinement and simplification operations). AIF is an orientable, but not oriented, data structure, i.e. an orientation can be topologically induced as needed in many computer graphics and geometric modelling applications. On the other hand, the simplification algorithm proposed in this paper is "memoryless" in the sense that only the current approximation counts to compute the next one; no information about the original shape or previous approximations is considered.
CHE: A scalable topological data structure for triangular meshes
This work introduces a scalable topological data structure for manifold triangular meshes called Compact Half-Edge (CHE). It provides a high degree of scalability, since it is able to optimize the memory consumption / execution time ratio for different applications and data by using features of its different levels. An object-oriented API using class inheritance and virtual instantiation enables a unique
View-Dependent Refinement of Multiresolution Meshes With Subdivision Connectivity
Proceedings of the …, 2003
We present a view-dependent level-of-detail algorithm for triangle meshes with subdivision connectivity. The algorithm is more suitable for textured meshes of arbitrary topology than existing progressive mesh-based schemes. It begins with a wavelet decomposition of the mesh, and, per frame, finds a partial sum of wavelets necessary for high-quality renderings from that frame's viewpoint. We present a screen-space error metric that measures both geometric and texture deviation and tends to outperform prior error metrics developed for progressive meshes. In addition, wavelets that lie outside the view frustum or in backfacing areas are eliminated. The algorithm takes advantage of frame-to-frame coherence for improved performance and supports geomorphs for smooth transitions between levels of detail.
Large Mesh Simplification Using Processing Sequences
In this paper we show how out-of-core mesh processing techniques can be adapted to perform their computations based on the new processing sequence paradigm, using mesh simplification as an example. We believe that this processing concept will also prove useful for other tasks, such as parameterization, remeshing, or smoothing, for which currently only in-core solutions exist. A processing sequence represents a mesh as a particular interleaved ordering of indexed triangles and vertices. This representation allows streaming very large meshes through main memory while maintaining information about the visitation status of edges and vertices. At any time, only a small portion of the mesh is kept in-core, with the bulk of the mesh data residing on disk. Mesh access is restricted to a fixed traversal order, but full connectivity and geometry information is available for the active elements of the traversal. This provides seamless and highly efficient out-of-core access to very large meshes for algorithms that can adapt their computations to this fixed ordering. The two abstractions that are naturally supported by this representation are boundary-based and buffer-based processing. We illustrate both abstractions by adapting two different simplification methods to perform their computation using a prototype of our mesh processing sequence API. Both algorithms benefit from using processing sequences in terms of improved quality, more efficient execution, and smaller memory footprints.
Zipper: A Compact Connectivity Data Structure for Triangle Meshes
We propose Zipper, a compact representation of incidence and adjacency for manifold triangle meshes with fixed connectivity. Zipper uses on average only 6 bits per triangle, can be constructed in linear space and time, and supports all standard random-access and mesh traversal operators in constant time. Similarly to the previously proposed LR (Laced Ring) approach, the Zipper construction reorders vertices and triangles along a nearly Hamiltonian cycle called the ring. The 4.4x storage reduction of Zipper over LR results from three contributions: (1) For most triangles, Zipper stores a 2-bit delta (plus three additional bits) rather than a full 32-bit reference. (2) Zipper modifies the ring to reduce the number of exceptional triangles. (3) Zipper encodes the remaining exceptional triangles using 2.5x less storage. In spite of these large savings in storage, we show that Zipper off ers comparable performance to LR and other data structures in mesh processing applications. Zipper may also serve as a compact indexed format for rendering meshes, and hence is valuable even in applications that do not require adjacency information.
Efficient Generating And Processing Of Large-Scale Unstructured Meshes
Unstructured meshes are used in a variety of disciplines to represent simulations and experimental data. Scientists who want to increase accuracy of simulations by increasing resolution must also increase the size of the resulting dataset. However, generating and processing a extremely large unstructured meshes remains a barrier. Researchers have published many parallel Delaunay triangulation (DT) algorithms, often focusing on partitioning the initial mesh domain, so that each rectangular partition can be triangulated in parallel. However, the common problems for this method is how to merge all triangulated partitions into a single domain-wide mesh or the significant cost for communication the sub-region borders. We devised a novel algorithm-Triangulation of Independent Partitions in Parallel (TIPP) to deal with very large DT problems without requiring inter-processor communication while still guaranteeing the Delaunay criteria. The core of the algorithm is to find a set of independent partitions such that the circumcircles of triangles in one partition do not enclose any vertex in other partitions. For this reason, this set of independent partitions can be triangulated in parallel without affecting each other. The results of mesh generation is the large unstructured meshes including vertex index and vertex coordinate files which introduce a new challenge-locality. Partitioning unstructured meshes to improve locality is a key part of our own approach. Elements that were widely scattered in the original dataset are grouped together, speeding data access. For further improve unstructured mesh partitioning, we also described our new approach Direct Load which mitigates the challenges of unstructured meshes by maximizing the proportion of useful data retrieved during each read from disk, which in turn reduces the total number of read operations, boosting performance.
Flexible Representation of Computational Meshes
A new representation of computational meshes is proposed in terms of a covering relation defined by discrete topological objects we call sieves. Fields over a mesh are handled locally by using the notion of refinement, dual to covering, and are later reassembled. In this approach fields are modeled by sections of a fiber bundle over a sieve. This approach cleanly separates the topology of the mesh from its geometry and other value-storage mechanisms. With these abstractions, finite element calculations are expressed using algorithms that are independent of mesh dimension, global topology, element shapes, and the finite element itself. Extensions and other applications are discussed.