Badania poligraficzne w Polsce (original) (raw)
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Wszystkie dane o liczebnościach prób obejmują przypadki, które znalazły się w bazie danych, a nie wszystkie przypadki przebadane; część przebadanych przypadków nie została wprowadzona do bazy danych lub z niej usunięta ze względu na wadliwie wypełnione ankiety lub problemy związane z identyfikacją gospodarstw i respondentów indywidualnych. Wielkości dotyczące liczby gospodarstw i ich członków z poprzednich rund różnią się nieznacznie od tych, które podano w raportach
Krakowskie Studia z Historii Państwa i Prawa
Files of Polish Regional Courts as Sources for Research on Selected Examples of Postwar (1945-1950) Crime The study of postwar crime is becoming more and more popular among Polish researchers. The basic source for conducting this kind of research is criminal files, primarily those of the regional courts operating in the years 1945-1950. The author calls attention to both statutory and actual restrictions on access to source materials. He also notes how using other, non-official sources or witness accounts in this type of research will not always be appropriate. He postulates that research on postwar crime in Poland should be designed primarily as research on crime in the juridical sense. The author also indicates that research on postwar crime has many points in common with the so-called historical criminology.
State Police in the Second Republic of Poland
law and order organizations kept evolving to result in the formation of a centrally controlled police force. This author discusses the functioning of the organizations and units which maintained public safety under the conditions that prevailed at the time. The paper shows how these different services interacted with each other during the period of 1918/1919 in the context of the political and legal transformations the country was undergoing. The novel character of this presentation lies in its use of contemporary sources, in conjunction with archival documents from the second decade of the 20 th century, including laws passed, trade publications, diaries, to study developments in police work.
Wyzwania Polityki Naukowej w Polsce
Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa, 2016
Po wstępnej charakterystyce stanu nauki i szkolnictwa wyższego artykuł omawia podstawowe ich misje (cywilizacyjna, edukacyjna, społeczna) oraz wyznaczone cele wspierania nauki w Polsce. Następnie prezentuje problemy, które uwidoczniły się zwłaszcza przy staraniach o międzynarodowe projekty badawcze, oraz działania odnoszące się do nich, a realizowane przez powołane w tym celu instytucje, jak NCN oraz NCBIR. Słowa kluczowe: polityka naukowa, wsparcie nauki, stan nauki Challenges of Science Policy in Poland Abstract. After the initial characteristics of the state of science and higher education in Poland the paper discusses the general missions (increasing civilization level, educational and social impact) and the aims of science support in Poland. Next, the problems are outlined that surfaced in applications for international research projects, and activities supporting such applications carried out by institutions established for this purpose, such as NCN and NCBIR.
Tak zwani „tutejsi” na Polesiu jako zagadnienie polityczne w Polsce w latach 1921–1939
Sprawy Narodowościowe, 2013
So-called ‘tutejsi’ in Polesia as a political issue in Poland, 1921–1939This article is an attempt to present the problem of repercussions of the assumption made in the Second Polish Republic that in Polesia there was a compact several hundred thousand group of people that do not have a modern national consciousness. In the interwar period this group was commonly referred to as ‘tutejsi.’ The issue is examined from three perspectives. The first is to reconstruct the position taken in this case by the Polish science, especially the authors gathered around the Institute for Nationalities Affairs (Instytut Badań Spraw Narodowościowych). The second part of the article presents opinions functioning about so-called ‘tutejsi’ in the Polish public opinion. The difference between points of view arising in the 1920s and ’30s is exposed here. The third part focuses on the actions taken by the Polish authorities. In the first half of the ’20s an assumption was formulated that in Polesia this gr...
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