On the Preference Relations with Negatively Transitive Asymmetric Part. I (original) (raw)
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Given a loset I, every surjective map p: A ---> I endows the set A with a structure of preordered set by "replacing" the elements of I with their inverse images via p considered as "bubbles" (sets endowed with an equivalence relation), lifting the structure of loset on A, and "agglutinating" this structure with the bubbles. Every bubbling A of a structure of loset I is a structure of preordered set A (not necessarily complete) whose preorder has negatively transitive asymmetric part and every such structure on a given set A can be obtained by bubbling up of certain structure of a loset I, intrinsically encoded in A. In other words, the difference between linearity and negative transitivity is constituted of bubbles. As a consequence of this characterization, under certain natural topological conditions on the preordered set A furnished with its interval topology, the existence of a continuous generalized utility function on A is proved.
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Throughout the proof, we will denote RC by R to simplify the notation. (That is, for any x and y in X, we have {x} = C{x, y} iff x R y, and {x, y} = C{x, y} iff x R y.) Consequently, C ⊆ R and ∼C ⊆ R. We will use these facts below as a matter of routine. Also, when % ∈ P(C), we write M(S) = MAX(S,%) for any S ∈ X. First, we borrow the following results, each corresponds to Lemma A.5, Claim 1, and Claim 3, from the proof of Theorem 5.3. We note that the proofs of these results do not rely on the assumption that the choice correspondence C is nonempty-valued.
Continuous representation of a preference relation on a connected topological space
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Representing preferences with nontransitive indifference by a single real-valued function
Journal of Mathematical Economics, 1995
Let + be an interval order on a topological space (X, r), and let x < L y if and only if [y<z~x+z], and x+2' y if and only if [z <x * z + y]. Then <t and <t" are complete preorders. In the particular case when 4 is a semiorder, let x <t!. y if and only if x.<* _ ~1 and x<"* y. Then 4% is a complete preorder, too. We present sufficient conditions for the existence of continuous utility functions representing < t , -X 2 * and <'1 , by using the notion of strong separability of a preference relation, which was introduced by Chateauneuf (Journal of Mathemarical Economics, 1987, 16, 139-146). Finally, we discuss the existence of a pair of continuous functions u, u representing a strongly separable interval order + on a measurable topological space (X, T, CL, A).