Bank sampah and waste management in urban Surabaya, Indonesia (original) (raw)
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Solid waste has been a problem in Indonesia, particularly in urban areas. This encouraged the establishment of Bank Sampah, a community-based waste management in many areas of Indonesia. Bank Sampah is expected to reduce solid waste up to 50%. This study investigates the interaction of social, ecological and political aspects in the case of Bank Sampah. Using Ostrom's multi-tier framework of analysis, the study compares and contrasts several Bank Sampah in Bandung to identify factors determining the sustainability of Bank Sampah.
Garbage was one of the environmental problems. As time goes by, garbage has become that cause new problems like water pollution, air pollution, flood and others. Most of people seeing garbage as unused items that cannot work and then system of garbage management by government did not function properly. Today begins to develop a sustainable garbage management with community role to managing garbage. One of the part of sustainable garbage management is garbage bank method. In sustainable garbage management method particularly with garbage bank must be adjusted and considered by environmental conditions local settlements in order to successful, the aspect related to housing components such as physical environment, economy, community, law, culture and the availability of utilities have an important relation in the development of sustainable garbage management. This research wants to know what is relationship between housing components and success of garbage bank method on sustainable garbage management, and the next step is identfy housing components and success of garbage bank in two area, RW IX Kelurahan Kadipiro and RW II Kelurahan Gajahan with scoring analyse and finally do the crosstab analyse to determine the relationship between both of them. The conclusion is a housing components with individual aspect such as nature, society, shell and network have important relation with the success of garbage bank method. This research is to identfy the housing components and success of garbage bank method in two case studies, so we can determine the relationship between both of them in RW
This study aims to analyze changes in the mindset of the public regarding the Waste Bank to the existence and practice of accounting in the Waste Bank. Viewing from the proof of transaction to the financial reporting. The object of this study was conducted at the Al-Hidayah Garbage Bank in East Jakarta. This type of research is qualitative with a phenomenological approach. Data collection techniques using interviews, observation, and documentation. The data sources used are primary data and secondary data. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that the existence of Al-Hidayah Garbage Bank can change people's mindset regarding waste. Garbage that used to be only disposed of without being treated, but now the community already understands how to manage waste properly, that is, the community can sort organic waste and non-organic waste. One of the impacts of good waste management is that it can add to people's income because waste has economic value and the AL...
Analysing the Correlation of Bank Sampah and Rural Environmental Government Concept
Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan (Program Studi Magister Ilmu Lingkungan, Program Pascasarjana Universitas Diponegoro), 2023
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis konsep bank sampah sebagai rural environmental governmment di Indonesia. Alasan awal untuk meneliti isu-isu ini didukung oleh pentingnya collaborative governance dalam pelaksanaan rural environmental governmment. Dalam hal ini, masyarakat desa dan bank sampah menjadi aktor utama yang terlibat pada konsep ini. Masyarakat desa yang menjalankan teknis bank sampah perlu diperkuat oleh pemerintah daerah dan pemangku kepentingan lainnya seperti swasta atau lembaga swadaya masyarakat. Perubahan perilaku yang seharusnya sudah ada di awal bank sampah ini dipecah menjadi beberapa tahapan yang juga perlu dilaksanakan oleh seluruh pemangku kepentingan. Dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan case study, peneliti memfokuskan pada bank sampah itu sendiri, partisipasi masyarakat, dan juga pemerintah lingkungan pedesaan di Indonesia dalam rangka mendukung pelaksanaan 3 R (reduce, reuse, and recycle) dan mendorong perubahan perilaku di masyarakat, bank sampah didirikan. Pemerintah perlu menetapkan regulasi yang ketat untuk kolaborasi pemangku kepentingan. Tata kelola lingkungan pedesaan dan pembangunan berkelanjutan berkaitan erat dengan keterlibatan desa serta aturan kebajikan dan aturan rakyat, bukan hanya dari sudut pandang pemerintah. Selain itu, dengan pemerintah daerah yang kuat dan perlindungan lingkungan, ada harapan bahwa peradaban ekologi Indonesia akan maju, terutama dengan penerapan bank sampah.
Waste Bank Management Assistance to Improve the Community Economy
This study aimed to determine the community's attractiveness in managing waste in Jombong Hamlet, Patent, Dukun, and Magelang. This activity aims to reduce the accumulation of household waste so that there is no disaster and to utilize the waste with the creations and innovations of the surrounding community. The methods used are observation, interviews, and documentation. With the PAR (Participatory Action Research) approach, the service team views the existence of a waste bank as an essential asset for the community. The results show that waste bank management benefits the surrounding community; the environment becomes comfortable, beautiful, and green. This study concludes that household waste can benefit from the social, economic, and environmental aspects that positively impact the Jombong Hamlet Waste Bank.
Waste Bank-Socio-Economic Empowerment Nexus in Indonesia: The Stance of Maqasid al-Shariʻah
Journal of Risk and Financial Management
With the rapid increase of waste throughout the country, the government of Indonesia has enacted regulations targeting waste reduction using religious sentiment. This is employed in Malang City’s “Waste Bank of Malang” (WBM). This study aims to analyze the impact of waste banks on socio-economic progress, and to assess their efficacy in accomplishing this objective from the Maqasid al-Shariʻah perspective. The research employs a descriptive qualitative approach and uses both primary and secondary data sources. This study found that the operation of WBM contributes considerably to the community’s economic and social well-being. Likewise, the WBM has successfully managed waste by reducing, reusing, and recycling it as it is collected from customers. The customers receive financial incentives from the waste bank in return for providing recycled waste to a specialized firm under a profit-sharing (PLS) contract. As per the findings of the study, the rationale of the waste bank aligns wit...
Waste Bank Application in Jelegong Village, Bandung District, Indonesia
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 2019
Jelegong Village is located on the banks of the Citarum River. This river has a high level of pollution caused by industrial and domestic waste. Garbage from Jelegong Village has the potential to pollute the Citarum River both directly and indirectly. The waste bank, a disaggregated waste trading place, is one of the technologies that can help to overcome the waste problem in the Hamlet 03 Jelegong Village. Before the waste bank is operated it is necessary to know the readiness of the community to operate it. This study aims to analyze the readiness of the people of the Hamlet 03 Jelegong Village towards the operation of the garbage bank using the KAP (Knowledge, Attitude, Practice) survey method. The questionnaire was distributed to 80 respondents to determine the level of knowledge, attitudes and daily behavior. Based on the results of the study it was found that the community of the Hamlet 03 Jelegong Village has a high level of knowledge (85%), a positive attitude (51.25%), and ...
International Journal Papier Public Review, 2021
This paper discusses the Determinant Factors Affecting the Implementation and Socio-Economic Impact of the Waste Bank Policy in Makassar City. This research method uses this type of research, namely descriptive qualitative. Several methods of data collection carried out are Interview, Observation and documentation. The results of the study indicate that this central Waste Bank has an obligation to pick up and purchase waste. because so far the Waste Banks that have been formed have collided in the pick-up and purchase areas of waste, so that the Central Garbage Bank is the answer to the problems that have been programmed by the Waste Bank. The average condition of landfills in Indonesia, including Makassar City, is no longer able to accommodate waste and will cause social problems. The economic function of the waste bank is to give a high value to the waste which was originally considered low, does not mean anything and is a big problem and burden for the government and its people
KnE Social Sciences
This study aimed to determine the socio-economic impact of the existence of the Kasturi Waste Bank in Karangasem, Gempol, Condongcatur, Yogyakarta. This was field research using a descriptive qualitative data analysis and a purposive sampling technique. The results showed that the existence of the Kasturi Waste Bank has a positive impact on increasing public awareness and concern for waste sorting and management, awareness of environmental hygiene thus improving the quality of public health, and awareness of inorganic waste utilization into valuable goods as well as organic waste utilization into eco-enzymes and compost. In addition, the existence of this waste bank also results in more efficient spending of the community and increases the income of the waste bank customers from waste saving transactions. The income is used to help meet the basic household needs and incidental needs, as well as for personal savings funds. Although the income from the waste transaction is not yet muc...
Journal on Biology and Instruction, 2022
Kehadiran lembaga bank sampah mampu mendorong masyarakat untuk memiliki kebiasaan memilah sampah serta mengubah paradigma bahwa sampah bernilai rupiah. Dengan adanya bank sampah, masyarakat dapat memperoleh penghasilan tambahan dari aktivitas menjual sampah. Kehadiran bank sampah juga berdampak pada aspek kebersihan lingkungan. Dalam studi ini, peneliti ingin mengetahui dampak lingkungan dari kehadiran bank sampah dan alokasi penghasilan tambahan yang didapatkan oleh masyarakat dari penjualan sampah yang telah dipilah. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah survey dengan melakukan wawancara terhadap pengurus bank sampah untuk mengetahui model pengelolaan. Wawancara juga dilakukan terhadap nasabah bank sampah untuk mendapatkan data mengenai jumlah sampah yang disetor dan alokasi keuangan nasabah. Jumlah nasabah yang ada di Dusun Krecekan sejumlah 19 orang. Analisis data dilakukan dengan metode statistic deskriptif untuk menggambarkan mekanisme pengelolaan bank sampah sekaligus porsi alokasi penghasilan tambahan masyarakat dari partisipasi dalam kegiatan bank sampah. Kehadiran bank sampah Krecekan Ngudi Resik merupakan hasil inisiasi dari masyarakat dengan didorong keinginan agar tercipta lingkungan yang bersih. Pengelolaan bank sampah yang baik menjadi kunci pokok eksistensi bank sampah secara berkelanjutan. Kehadiran dan dukungan tokoh masyarakat juga memegang peranan penting bagi keberlangsungan bank sampah. Bank sampah Krecekan Ngudi Resik telah memberikan pengaruh positif dalam aspek kebersihan lingkungan dan perekonomian masyarakat. Sebagian besar masyarakat yang menjadi nasabah (78,9%) mengalokasikan uang yang diperoleh dari kegiatan bank sampah untuk kebutuhan konsumsi.