Thermal and Spectral Studies of Light Lanthanide Complexes with 2-CHLORO-5-NITROBENZOIC Acid (original) (raw)

1999, Indian journal of chemistry. Sect. A: Inorganic, physical, theoretical & analytical

Complexes of2-chloro-5-nitrobenzoic acid with light lanthanides of the general formula: Ln(C 7 H,N0 4 CI),.2H 2 0 , where Ln=La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu and Gd have been synthesized and characteri zed by elemental analysis, IR spectra, thermogravimetri c studies and Xray diffraction measurements. Thei r solubili ties in water at 293K have been also determined. A survey of literature shows that complexes of 2-chl oro-5-nitrobenzoic ac id with various metal ions have not been prepared and investi gated in solid state. 2-Chl oro-5-nitrobenzoates of li ght lanthanides (La, Ce, Pr, Nd , Sm, Eu, Gd) have not been sy nthesized in solid state nor have th ey been studied in solution. Therefore, in thi s note we present the sy nthes is of 2-chl oro-5nitrobenzoates of li ght lanth an ide in solid state and their characteri zation by elemental analysis, IR spectral data, thermogravimetric stud ies and X-ray di ffrac ti on measurements. The solubil ities of these compl exes were determ ined in water at 293K. Their determination is va luable because it can give informati on about the practical use of 2-chl oro-5-nitrobenzoic ac id for separat ion of rare earth elements by ex tracti on or ion-exchange chromatograph ic meth ods.