Islamic Republic of Iran and International Committee of Military Medicine: A New Horizon Toward Our Global Role (original) (raw)

How ICRC was established and continued its service to date amidst barriers and giving solutions


In the absence of a serious implementation mechanism in the Geneva Conventions, much of the leading responsibility for promoting their observance of the Conventions falls upon the International Committee of the Red Cross, the 150-year-old institution that is a sui generis hybrid between a Swiss non-governmental organization and an international organization. With its secretariat in Geneva and delegations throughout the world, the ICRC is, in many conflicts, the most direct voice for the Conventions. The central role of the ICRC pre-dates the Conventions, for the ICRC has been the driving force behind the codification of international humanitarian law since the mid nineteenth century. The ICRC is an independent, neutral organization ensuring humanitarian protection and assistance for victims of armed conflict and other situations of violence. The Geneva Conventions, like their predecessors, contemplate, or even assign, certain responsibilities to the ICRC. Yet there is an enormous gap between the discrete and ultimately limited role of the ICRC under the Conventions and its actual operations, accepted as legitimate by most states and non-state actors which will discussed through this paper. Today, the bulk of ICRC activities are not even mentioned in the Conventions, and the legal duty on states to cooperate with the ICRC is highly circumscribed. Rather, the institution has, in its long existence, succeeded in bypassing a weak treaty mandate through a process and identity characterized by discretion and flexibility. The ICRC is part of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement along with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and 190 National Societies. By winning three Nobel Prizes ICRC have honored as one of the oldest and most prestige movements in the world. So, ICRC can be identified as the main humanitarian organization in the world specially in the times where IHL is applicable. In this paper I would like to discuss about how ICRC established and continued its humanitarian activities despite barriers it faces in modern world by giving solutions.

International Organisations and International Relations

Without the international agencies, the world would be chaotic and a lot of conflicts would be worsened and get out of control. Although the role of the UN was criticized by many organizations by its failure of certain late developments especially in the case of Gulf war, we must look at the whole picture to see that the UN is facing a huge problem because of lack of funds, non-respect of the commitment of certain member states, and the mechanism of veto rights that give certain nations more power than the others, the UN and its agencies are fundamental in regulating the world as it is and have created a huge difference in protecting human rights, nation rights, and maintaining peace for most countries. The series of negotiations for better trade exchanges, international conference on world issues, regional forum between member states, world federations of professional bodies are all signs for a better harmonization of rules conducting to the maintenance of peace though a sustainable policy which is profitable to all nations.

International Organization and Health/Disease

Oxford Research Encyclopedia of International Studies, 2017

Patterns of health and disease have been relevant to international studies for as long as human populations have migrated across large territorial spaces. After World War II, international health cooperation was accepted as a key function of the newly established United Nations system, with the creation of the World Health Organization (WHO) as the UN specialized agency for health alongside other UN bodies. However, social science scholarship paid little attention to the perceived technical field of health, and thus international health organizations, until the 1970s. The limited scholarship produced during the postwar period was largely by those engaged with international health organizations and was primarily descriptive of technical and legal issues. It was not until debates emerged about the role and effectiveness of WHO, beginning in the 1980s, that scholars began considering the politics of international health cooperation. The adoption of the Declaration of Alma Ata, List of ...

The International Organization

This paper uses history, various organizations and a test case to show how International organizations like Intergovernmental Organizations and Non-Governmental Organizations work in the international system and help form international law. The question discussed is where these institutions are of a value or a detraction to the international system and if they are a help or a detracting factor in International Law. Using the history of these organizations and the history of international law in regards to institutions and how institutions have developed over time in reaction to various world events. Institutional qualities and failures are noted as well. IGO’s limited effectiveness and the private agenda based policies of the NGOs are also discussed and how that affects international law.