Demonology and folk magic in the folklore of the inhabitants of Nasielsk (original) (raw)

Wiejskie struktury osadnicze i ich przemiany w czasie. Przykład Nowosielca na dawnym pograniczu polsko-rusko-litewskim

Przegląd Archeologiczny, 2021

the article discusses the results of archaeological-onomastic research carried out for the village of nowosielec, łosice dist., situated in the toczna river basin on the northern edge of poland's siedlce upland. archaeological analyses of the chronological and spatial development of this micro-regional settlement showed this oecumene to have been continuously viable from the younger phases of the early middle ages to modern times. a trace of the continuity of settlement is preserved as the very place-name Nowosielec = Nowe Sioło ('new Village'), which records memory of the existence of an older village. its onomastic base indicates that it derived from the old east slavic term seło, which formed the core of many toponyms along the eastern frontier of contemporary poland. the rise of the oldest settlement was probably related to the socioeconomic facilities of the nearby dzięcioły stronghold-identified as the pre-location centre of the region (medieval łosice). the example of nowosielec and two other local micro-regions where settlement processes show similar patterns, offer insight into the regional settlement regress dated to the 2nd half of the 13th century. results of the research carried out in the upper toczna river basin show that its cultural landscape radically changed not earlier than during the 14th-15th centuries and was not caused by a demographic decline. regional cultural continuity between the early medieval, late medieval, and modern times can be identified thanks to archaeological investigations and linguistic analysis of regional toponyms-in the case of microregions continuously functioning from the early middle ages till the modern periodderived from old russian apellatives and personal names. key words: cultural frontier, medieval polish-rus' frontier, medieval polish-lithuanian frontier, medieval settlement, early modern settlement, eastern slavonic toponyms, toponomastic research, settlement changes during the early and late middle ages zygmunt gałecki, katarzyna skrzyńska Wiejskie struktury osadnicze i ich przemiany W czasie: przykład nowosielca na dawnym pograniczu polsko-rusko-litewskim rural settlement structures and their changes oVer time. the example of the Village nowosielec on the former polish-rus'-lithuanian frontier wstęp Średniowieczne i wczesnonowożytne osadnictwo pogranicza mazowsza i północno-wschodniej małopolski z rusią halicko-włodzimierską, a następnie z litwą na terenie dorzecza środkowego Bugu stanowi temat podejmowany przez humanistów od blisko stu lat 1. problematyka ta pojawiła się jeszcze

Sacrifices among the Slavs: Between Archaeological Evidence and 19th Century Folklore


Wenska I. 2015. Sacrifices among the Slavs: Between Archeological Evidence and 19th Century Folklore. Analecta Archaeologica Ressoviensia 10, 271–312 This article discusses the subject of sacrifices among the Slavs using textual, archeological and ethnographic evidence. Although it is a well-known fact that there are not many textual sources concerning early medieval Slavic culture and religion, some aspects of their customs and rituals can be reconstructed by referring to folkloristic materials. According to many scholars, Slavic folk culture (especially that of Eastern Slavs) has preserved some traces of pre-Christian practices, but it is important to maintain a careful approach to ethnographic sources and avoid far-reaching interpretations of archeological evidence in their light. In spite of methodological difficulties, by critically combining different categories of sources it seems possible to offer new interpretations of Slavic beliefs.

Polish themes in the Masses by Jan A. Maklakiewicz and Tadeusz Maklakiewicz

Prace Naukowe Akademii im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie. Edukacja Muzyczna, 2016

The subject matter of the article is focused on two Masses with Polish text which, in accord- ance with the typology by Stanisław Dąbek, represent the type of the so-called Polish Mass – characteristic to the works of the Polish composers of the first half of the 20th century. The author of the article has chosen Masses representative for the Maklakiewicz brothers, whose works refer to the “Polish” dimension not only in the title or by the use of Polish text but also by national elements in the form of an idiom of the native folklore. The article analyses the Polish Mass by Jan A. Maklakiewicz, composed in 1944 and the Highland Mass by Tadeusz Maklakiewicz, composed in 1981 and dedicated to the Pope John Paul II.

Z badań nad budownictwem ludowym Kotliny Rabczańskiej

Prace Etnograficzne, 2017

Research on folk Architecture in the Rabka Valley Th e aim of the article is to briefl y describe the changes in the form of village buildings in the area of the Rabka Valley from the mid-nineteenth century to the mid-twentieth century (including layouts of villages, plans of farms and houses, constructions of foundations, walls, roofs, fl oors, ceilings, doors, windows, stoves and decorative elements) and to answer the question whether it is a common heritage of the inhabitants of this area.

O elementach fantastyki w literaturze XVI i XVII wieku. Wizje niezwykłych krain, państw i miast

Literatura i Kultura Popularna, 2021

The purpose of the article is to present elements of fantasy in selected works of old literature. It focuses above all on presenting the amazing places shown in literary works created in the 16th and 17th centuries. The author also shows similarities between fantasy, fairy tale, and utopia. Science fiction was created on the basis of utopia or anti-utopia, which lost their cognitive functions and began to discuss the characters’ adventures in such a way as to primarily provide entertainment to readers. In addition, the author points out that in the Renaissance era, Western European literary works containing elements of fantasy were primarily utopian or fairy-tale in nature. Their main role, however, was not to fulfill the entertainment function. It was only in the 19th century that leisure literature was discovered, when the ability to read and access to the text spread.

Miejsce Kontusia z Łowczyc w tradycji religijnej polskich Tatarów

Litteraria Copernicana

Wprowadzenie i nota metodologiczna * Doktor nauk humanistycznych w zakresie socjologii, adiunkt w Katedrze Socjologii Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie. Zainteresowania naukowe: problematyka mniejszości etnicznych i narodowych (polscy Tatarzy) oraz obecność islamu w Polsce i Europie.

Kliszczacy – gwara i kultura

Kliszczaki, czyli Górale od Łętowni, osiedli pomniejszą kotlinę rzeki Raby poniżej osad Zagórzan. Siedziby ich są na znacznej przestrzeni oddzielone od siedzib Zagórzan wyłomem Raby, a na północ za jej biegiem przeciągnęły się aż do wsi Stróży. Czternaście tylko wsi należy do tego małego rodu, który dla różnicy w stroju przez szyderstwo Kliszczakami bywa nazywany (nosi bowiem w kliszcz ściągłe spodnie), sam siebie nazywa on jednakowoż Góralem, od zachodu graniczy ten ród z Babigórcami, od południa i wschodu z Zagórzanami, na północ z Lachami, bo wszystkie osady poniżej północnej granicy góralszczyzny położone nazywają się Lackiemi osadami, a granice zewnętrzne Górali zdają się odpowiadać historycznym granicom Starej Chrobacyi. Wsie przez Kliszczaków zamieszkałe legły w małej kępie obok siebie otoczone wyniosłemi działami około, a złączone tylko za biegiem rzeki Raby. Wsie te są następujące: Trzebinia, Stróża, Pścim, Więciórka, Więcierza, Zawada, Bogdanówka, Tokarnia, Krzeczonów, Sko...